October 18, 2007: Changing the Internal Point of Gravity; When the Mind Can't Find Answers, You Must Speak the Heart ... Well, I'm back home again, in Cape Town, South Africa. It's good to be back and connect with the friends here. Europe is great, very beautiful in its autumn colors, and I enjoyed being there with all those wonderful Lightworkers. But it's good to be back here now that the sun shines, the last days of spring are warm and the garden is still green.

I was in a hurry to write this entry from the Earth Bureau on the day after landing in Cape Town, as Archangel Michael expressed concern about the number of people who are falling into crisis and fear Now that this change is going full speed, so to speak. The functional center of humans is shifting from head to heart. The mind can no longer follow the pace of change, faster and faster, being unable to provide that sense of security it offered when we lived in the structures of the Third Dimension. The time of the heart seems to be much faster than that of the mind, and we are still learning to accelerate our lives so that we can live in the flow of the heart's energy without consuming us in its intensity.

Because, in that flow of "Heart Time, " all feelings and emotions seem to intensify as they are experienced both in the heart and in the mental and emotional bodies. I would like to share with you two things that I feel are relevant to us right now. The first, a synchronicity: I was opening a new newspaper for 2008 that I bought this morning; On the first page there was a quote from the writer Joseph Campbell: "We must be willing to do without the life we ​​plan to have the life that awaits us." In other words, we must release all the expectations created by the mind and let our heart and our Higher Self lead us to the life that our soul and our heart desire. The mind must free itself from its bonds and allow the heart and soul to become the center of gravity on the New Earth.

The second is a dream that I had there in 2001, when I was beginning the transformative channeling with Archangel Michael. I dreamed that I was traveling on a road and that, suddenly, it ended and there was nothing. He was standing on the edge of a cliff and knew that, to keep moving forward, he would have to be able to fly. To become a Human Angel, in other words. And "flying" meant being able to live from the heart, from that sense of "Unity" and "Connection" which is the essence of the Fifth Dimension. The path represented the linear time of the third dimension and then, the only thing there was was a leap into the unknown ... which is where we are now ... learning to fly.

But, in order to do so, we have to exercise our “wings” and our “heart muscle, ” and not allow the mind to continue to dominate our lives with frightening illusions. Because, in this new space of Creativity and Personal Power, where you focus your energy, it becomes what you create. Therefore, if you focus on fear, anger and depression, that is what you believe.

The Archangel Michael is aware that the intense speed of the changes has placed great pressure on all of you. Unfortunately, this is a "human" reaction to the pressures of social evolution. Are you able to accept that Everything is in Divine Order and that there is a Higher Being that is leading this process? Are they able to accept that they have reached the point where they can move on to their new center of gravity, accept their power and create something new? Or will they fall into fear and think things are out of control?

Well, about a month ago, that was what happened to me, I felt that I was spinning out of control and that everything was going too fast. I could not stand up. Well, I stopped trying and let myself go a little for life. The results were interesting. I found myself opening my heart and my feelings became more intense, and more difficult to handle due to its intensity. When the heart is opened completely, life becomes very deep and intense. At that point we can fall into dramas or we can assume our power and know that what we are creating is in perfect order for us.

We are emerging as "New Species" ... we are living next to the ideas of the old. The old species was dominated by the mind, while the new one is centered on the heart. This new center is what will create a global society based on Unconditional Love. Reach. We can contribute by learning to be "in our hearts" and to release the fears of the mind to replace them with love of heart.

On the flight home I saw a movie called "Evan Almighty" ("Evan the Almighty"). It is a comedy that got quite poor reviews, so I was not sure whether to watch it or not. I loved the message. It is about a man who "lost his mind" for following his heart, or what God said to his heart. And, of course, his life was collapsing and everyone thought he was nuts, despite the miracles that happened continuously. In short, he was told to build an ark in what is a modern recreation of Noah's history. But, as "God" pointed out, the "ark" was for "selfless actions of kindness, " and he had to build it in addition to the changes in his life. And so it is, the heart will show us the way and we will begin to know the creative power of selfless acts of kindness, instead of the destructive power of the mind and its tales of fear.

Therefore, exercising our heart muscle involves focusing our attention on the heart and starting to see how we can exercise selfless actions of love, kindness and joy. How can we free ourselves from the creations of the mind (fear, depression, anxiety, addiction…) to enter into what is real, the deep love that constitutes the fabric of all creation. Because in love we were created and love we are. In this new space, this is the real thing. If we can disconnect what is not real and focus on what is real, we will begin to grasp the idea. We will begin to dance “the dance”, just as the movie ended, with the figure of “God” establishing an 11th commandment that all humans dance the “dance”… in what becomes a happy celebration of our creative essence and of one's life. Dance ... sing ... paint ... write ... play music ... dance that dance any way you can.

When you can dance in your heart, you can create a new reality. And each of us knows how to dance, it's just that we forget it because we have been too much in our heads thinking that we had forgotten to dance, move and be in the sacred spiral of creation in which there is nothing to fear and there is only the Experience the deep joy of Existence and Gratitude for All That Is.

And with this ... here are two images of my trip to Europe. The first one was taken in Almere, Holland, in our labyrinth ceremony for the equinox, it is me with an adorable lady who attended the ceremony. The energy was too much for her and she got dizzy. But she got up determined to finish her tour. She was a Lightworker and was going to hold her Light. Here he is with me after the ceremony, both with our roses and full of joy for what we create together:

Here are some pictures of the "Green Cathedral" that is in Almere Hout, also in Holland. When I was walking around with my friends Jeanne and Martin, we were “attacked” by a flock of lovely red ladybugs… they walked us everywhere. We could not help but laugh and laugh and laugh…. and that helped us enjoy the space of the Green Cathedral, which is a work of art consisting of a tree plantation shaped like a Gothic cathedral. It is an experience:


Therefore, in these changing times, let us trust, love and laugh…. Everything will be fine. Earth knows what it is doing; We are being led to a New Reality. We can all contribute by singing our Light and Being Who We Are. The more Love and Joy we find in ourselves ... the brighter our Light will shine. The more we fall into fear, the less light we will radiate. It is a matter of choice, and now is not an easy choice. But we, as Lightworkers, have made this decision, and it is time that we shine our Light through Love and Joy, dancing this dance.

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in, Spanish site of Starchild

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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Translation: Paloma Fern ndez Fern ndez.

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