French biodecoding. Contribute the will!

  • 2016


Biodecoding is a complementary therapy to any medical treatment, which understands that every symptom speaks of a biological need not met in the event of an unexpected conflict. The symptom is the solution that our biology finds to respond to that painful experience that inevitably generates pathogenic stress.

In this sense, disease is an opportunity and a Teacher, as long as we listen to it, give it its place and understand that it is the visible part of another invisible one that roars to come to light.

The modality in which each one lives the conflict determines the organ involved and the form that the symptom takes. The interaction with the outside awakens, in us, emotions that, if not expressed, remain active in the depths of consciousness and are externalized through a biological language, the basis of Biodecoding .

Only by reliving the emotion, the connection between the event and the symptom becomes conscious, so the biological response is already unnecessary and healing takes place.

The therapist's role is to support the patient in his process of re-discovery and acceptance of the experience. To go to the dark areas, where we have accumulated what has been difficult for us to live and what we normally resist returning, we need to be guided and not accompanied. For this we have simple techniques, with which to go beyond the mental and intellectual, according to each patient, each moment.

The way we position ourselves in the world is individual, and is mediated by our beliefs. Many of our beliefs are incorporated from family beliefs, inheritance from generation to generation; others we created in childhood, to understand the dynamics that surrounded us and to adapt to it. Beliefs can be positive at some point, but do they still? Which of them help us and which one limits or conditions us?

When we are young, our support is the parents, many of the manifestations of the children show conflicts of some of them. In that case, we begin to work with the parents and, almost as if it were a miracle, the alteration in the child disappears on many occasions.

Intrauterine life is supremely important as it determines us as human beings, but so is the moment of birth. Or if we were wanted, expected, what was mom's reaction when she found out she was pregnant? What do you really, deeply, feel? What was the family situation before being fathered? What happened in my family during the wars? Were there deaths of young people or children before my birth? What role do I have assigned within my family? Why, consciously or unconsciously, have they brought me into the world?

We receive information on how to live life from the previous three or four generations; from the biology, the objective is to ensure the offspring, the continuity of the species. Do we need, for example, to generate twins to guarantee it? Or not to work, because many before had work accidents.

Coding, according to the RAE is: 'Transform the formulation of a message through the rules of a code'. And decode : 'Apply the rules of your code inversely to a coded message to get the primitive form of it.' In Biodecoding, the encoded message is the disease; the rule, the biological function of the intervening system / organ and the primitive form, the primal emotion.

With Biodecoding you can treat physical, behavioral or psychological symptoms; respecting the treatments of classical medicine; relying on the clinical diagnosis and in the sense of the biological function involved, it seeks access to the cause, source of the disease.

We are a group of therapists trained in Biodecoding by the French school of Fl che.

Our query is in:

Castilla Square

Chamart n


We do not have established fees although we do accept what patients can voluntarily contribute in exchange for our service.

More information:

If you are interested in making an appointment,

Contact one of these phones:

696 22 75 20

615 08 90 72


617 416 296.

We will be happy to welcome you!

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