Message Seven: Discovering the Soul Seed, Series of the 12 Unique Lessons

We will tell you what is coming! Then based on the forecast, collective consciousness enters the Sacred Union and does its best to manifest itself, is it not? This, Dear Ones, is a great gift of recognition at this moment in time. Dear ones, your co-creative conscience is working overtime. He needs a nap. We really suggest a bath, getting wet, a time of rest and respite that says, "I am disconnecting from the manifestation of the co-creative collective consciousness that is heading towards one or the other result." Pay attention to your result! Dear, when you claim your totality without fear, you enter the Sacred Union with all events, past, present or future. So they are a collective contributor to the co-creative consciousness, sustaining the presence of divine perfection, totality, and loving recognition that everything is being expressed in Divine form without contributing to the manifestation of a collective agreement made on a world or energy based on A manipulated energy.

Through the Master of Wisdom Sri Ram Kaa and the Angelic Oracle Kira Raa, delivered at TOSA Ranch, Nevo Mexico, USA. April 26, 2008

Yes! And so it is. A glorious afternoon for you. With great love forever, it's time to release all fear, it's not like that. So is!

Welcome Forever

We often ask, "What is forever?" What is truly forever? What a word is forever, and yet in recognition that in time forever it is time to release all fear, there is recognition, isn't it? Yes! Recognition, an understanding, a reunification, a presence that is now emerging with great understanding in your world for many of each of those who would call the sparks of Divine love that arises, and are, and is, and knows and grows, so As you would water a seed and watch it grow, each of you in the world is now ready and present and on the forever of your Divine knowledge.

What does it mean to be in the forever of your Divine knowledge? Perhaps it is the Divine recognition that in the liberation of all fear, fear can no longer be present and cannot manifest itself. It cannot grow, it cannot be manipulated, it cannot dominate exponentially! Perhaps when they go to the depth of their heart, they can invite and ask their Soul in their own recognition of what it is forever.

Where is the fear? If fear is there, where is the expression of Divine Love in union with fear? For with all the energy there is a sacred union. All the energy

The Energy of the Sacred Union

In a world that chooses to seek judgment or offer judgment, where can union be found when the judgment is present? Only in union with the judgment!

You will see, dear ones, many seek union, many seek Divine inspiration, many seek to be in Sacred Union. YOU are always in union!

The question is, Dear ones, are you forever in union with the truth of your Divine presence? And, are they expressing union with the energies that are emerging within their world of recognition with each breath? With each breath, where is your union? With each moment, where is the union?

If the emotional body is looking for union, it will use many methods, isn't it? You will find many ways to find your union. We offer you this because the emotional body will often be clothed as a perception of the truth in its actions, thereby creating the situation of a binding energy that is amplified based on the needs of an emotional body. This is an important point to understand.

Where do you amplify your energy? Where do they amplify their fear?

Experiencing the Energy of Creation

Take a moment; Let us make a fun little example! Close your eyes if you feel comfortable. Bring your hands to your heart. What in your energy field is a future-oriented event even in which you constantly think? What has come up immediately, if something came up? Now ask yourself, "How do I feel about this event and why is it there?"

Dear ones, any future-oriented event you just brought is in creation at the moment. What are they creating in the now?

Pay attention to your breathing, as many of you are not breathing at all. Yes While you breathe, and while you keep your attention here, is there an energy, is there a creation in the moment that now must arise? That is the gift of orientation in the future, not to rule out that it exists.

So many in your world are screaming. Be here now; do this now . Yes However, in the reality of their expression in form, having an expression of Totality, they see and experience EVERYTHING in relation to the past, present and future where they are in their linear understanding. If they take any line at both ends they realize that their expression of the past, present and future has been in training to integrate everything back to a complete circle, so to speak.

We offered you this experience, because where is your mind? Did they judge the experience? So they were in Sacred Union with the judgment, isn't that so? Yes Did they look at the future event, seeing it as positive or negative? It doesn't matter, everything is in Divine perfection

You can do this exercise with a past event and make a call to the union energy to release an energy. See, Dear Ones, there is great power and great recognition in being present now, and in order to completely release all fear in the present now, you will often need to visit the past, or visit the future, and offer yourself the recognition that All these energies are here with you now, because you already know.

While they take a linear concept, and bring this to a complete circle, there is no past, there is no present, there is no future. There IS and you are and in the recognition that you are, in the recognition that every time you bring your attention or focus to an event, or to a thought, or to a creation, or a desire, or a longing, or a hope, or a prayer (many words they have), can be offered at that moment, in the now, the Sacred Union with the energy that is seeking balance .

Stabilizing Emotional Agitation

For example (we love the examples, S !), When you think about a past event, have you ever had a past event that stimulates an emotional response within you? No matter what it is, there are many words from which to choose infinite words! However, when you believe in your heart the recognition of meditation or reflection, or simply the recognition or observation of a past event, you are saying at that moment, Now I claim the Sacred Union. The question is, with what energy?

Are they claiming Sacred Union with pain? Are they claiming union with joy? Are they claiming union with fear? Are they claiming union with happiness? Are they claiming union with totality?

Whenever the mind reflects out the moment of totality, it is a gift that is offering you the recognition of the stabilization of all emotional upheaval. Wow, that was long! Many hold their breath and say, "Is that still possible?" Yes! Of course. Your planet is conspiring to help you through this too, isn't it? Many, many events in your world, in the now, are directly affected by the not so now, whether it is not so now that it has been, or not so now. They can even have professional forecasters, can't they? We will tell you what is coming! Then based on the prognosis, collective consciousness enters the Sacred Union and does its best to manifest itself, does it not?

This, Dear Ones, is a great gift of recognition right now in time. Dear ones, your co-creative conscience is working overtime. He needs a nap. We really suggest a bath, getting wet, a time of rest and respite that says, "I am disconnecting from the manifestation of the co-creative collective consciousness that is heading towards one or the other result." Pay attention to your result!

Dear ones, when you claim your totality without fear, you enter the Sacred Union with all events, past, present or future. So they are a collective contributor to the co-creative consciousness, sustaining the presence of divine perfection, totality, and loving recognition that everything is being expressed in Divine form without contributing to the manifestation of a collective agreement made on a world or energy based on A manipulated energy.

That was a breath! There are times when it is important to unplug your brain, then you have to stop thinking and start feeling.

Stop Thinking ... Start Feeling

Stop thinking, and start feeling. We offer you this because we invite your beings to stop thinking and start feeling. Then you must pay attention and observe.

Where are they feeling, from the emotional body or the spiritual body? Feel it.
What is feeling?
How does your soul feel today?
How is your heart today?
How is your energy today?
How is your Divine and extraordinary beautiful body today, since it houses its glorious Soul today?

There, Dear Ones, at that moment, there is the totality, the recognition of every Divine Union, the presence of all that is and has ever been, manifested through you, like you.

Your world will continue its current representation, because it is waiting for you to wake up even more. He says, "Dear ones, I am here, where are you?" We tell you this with great love and reverence, unless you choose to leave this planet (and many are doing it), then you are still part of it, are you? it's not like that? What a glorious gift indeed, to be part of this gift at every moment, every recognition. Being able to say, "I have the will to be an active participant claiming my totality, releasing my own judgment and offering the collective manifestation the presence of the totality, " or not?

The Choice of Totality

Remember, Dear Ones, everyone is choosing their option, for it is their choice. The key is here for them to be fully present for their choices and to offer themselves to the collective consciousness as a whole. When they are offered in totality, their totality could be perceived as very dark by the standards of others, it could be very light by the standards of others. It is an important recognition that everyone is claiming totality.

How they choose to claim their entirety is, of course, their gift.

We simply offer you the kind recognition and reminder that your collective world, your collective consciousness, is bringing the manifested energies that are frequent at any given time, as a whole on the planet.

How they choose to bring their collective energy from their world and expression is their choice and effectively enters the flow. So, Dear Ones, when you make your choice, can you simply make it because your Soul is emerging for you? Or, this is something big, pay attention, are you making a choice based on a judgment that is correct? This is a very important question.

Do you make your choice to move forward as a Lightworker because you perceive that it is the right thing to do or because you know that it is your truth? These are two very powerful insights. Do they move forward with everything they do because it brings the joy of their Soul, because each cell within their body resonates, because there is an undeniable truth of how or with whom they express themselves, or make their choice seeking approval from others? This is an important insight.

They must reach the central root of their choice. At the central root of your choice is your greatest freedom, because what you will find, Dear Ones (because you are in this world now), at the central root of your choice, will be the remnant seed of fear that has tried to influence your choice. This remnant seed of fear is that small, tiny, tiny, just a pinch, and yet it carries a great weight in a small package because it is very deep within you. It is often very good to be hidden, as they say, and take the opportunity to become very powerfully connected with the energy of your soul's strength to find this little seed.

Discovering the Root Seed of Fear

When they find that seed, that tiny and tiny seed, then they must decide, what do I do with the seed? They can let it grow ... OK ... or maybe they will relocate it and let it grow somewhere else. This is important to understand, it is not that they deliver it, it is perhaps time to free it from the experience of this world, from the experience of this life, because this little seed is not from this world, Dear Ones. It is from a cumulative journey of his Soul as a gift of Light that has expanded for eons and is in a time of Divine reunification. A Soul that is searching, ready, conscious and present for the unification of Oneness, who loves beyond space and time, beyond the word Love that they understand, which is recognized in all expressions of Divine Oneness.

Then you say, "Why would there be a small seed of fear?" Perhaps it is because you have grown so far, and have grown, have expanded and traveled for a long time. What is reunification like? Perhaps it is that essential recognition for which they are ready for the Oneness in the center. Perhaps it is the recognition that deep within the center, there is a seed that says, "Oh my God, what if this (reunification) actually happens?" This, Dear Ones, is the Energy of the Soul Center.

Energy of the Soul Center

In the Energy of the Soul Center, your world is now taking you home for this gift. How they get there, how they travel, where they are taking right now, is their gift.

Your world is very powerful, isn't it? Yes! Your world has manifested many, many, many forms of information, of what you would call religion. These are all very powerful forms, aren't they? Political forms, geographical forms, small lines of cookie mold all over the planet, very fun. If all these forms are part of the Totality expressing itself, then its form is part of the Totality expressing itself. How would you like it to be your way? Dear ones, your forms reflect exactly where your conscience is. Are they optimistic, or aren't they? Are they comfortable, or aren't they?

To free the Sacred Union with whatever you would judge, let your judgments come in, and then love them and recognize them for what they are. Afterwards, you can walk completely through them. Only when you can fully recognize and love that which is before you, can you fully walk through it. Your world is walking through that, isn't it? You have chosen to be here for now, and then you are walking with him.

You are walking in each and every breath with your world. When you walk, you will run, and when you run, you will fly, and when you fly, you will rise back to the Light of Love that you are, and the center of your Soul will fly with great freedom.

Love and recognize that there is no fear, that fear has been a gift. Fear has kept them alive. Fear has kept them on this planet, and fear is now ready to rest. How they let that rest arise is their gift, and their world is ready to receive their gift. Are you ready to give it? Breathe deeply. A gift indeed, isn't it? We will take your questions.

Archangel Zadkiel responds to multiple members of the audience asking for solutions and help around specific physical problems by providing powerful practice:

Dear ones, it seems to be a physical health day for everyone here. Take the fingertips, feel the energy brushing the fingertips, and hold them and feel your fingertips become very, very hot, tingling, radiating. Now for each and every one of you, where do you now want to receive this infusion of Light? Take your yolks where they are called. Maybe it's in his heart, maybe in his stomach, maybe in his head. It doesn't matter, this may be emotional, this may be physical, but in this glow now, where do you claim this? Maybe they just want to call the energy, it's good. The tips of his fingers are alive with energy and light and love. You are the doctors, you are the healers, you are the surgeons, you are the ones who can bring forth your greatest joy. When you connect with this inner power, it will always manifest for you. Breathe Remind yourself to feel whatever you feel, and relax. OKAY.

Questions and answers

A member of the audience asks: I have a beloved friend who is having a hard time in the body. It has been challenging to maintain presence for both of us. My question today for him is what is happening to him? What is the gift of this pain? What can we offer you? What is my role in this situation?

Answer: They all have the same answer. You should not enable anyone through their process. Everyone makes their decision. The gift of this interaction is to witness one in your decision. Offering that answer will disturb the energy. So we offer you your answer. They are in the time of great experiential growth, and many around you arrive to offer you the opportunity to be in this experiential growth. This growth arises from an interaction, whether from a human, from an event, from the world, it doesn't matter. How you claim this empowerment is the gift you bring to you.

Every being before every being in this world now offers ir-experiential growth. We offer you this word, go-experiential, intentionally, because an experience offers freedom when your experience is recognized. The reason we put the ir in front of her is because it is irregular according to the brain pattern that she wants to function in a perceived way or way. Your world is now changing beyond your perceived way or way. There are quantum energies present on your planet that are now being revealed; There are many forms of energy that will soon be expressed in ways that scientists will say, I have no idea! Very incomprehensible How did this happen? Having a go-experiential experience is a great gift that you claim for yourself when you are ready to change within the quantum recognition. Yes, everyone serves their role perfectly, isn't it? Dear, witness to your friend's decision, do not enable them, and freedom will come for both of you. Many blessings!

Many blessings, dear ones.

The Seed of his Soul moves beautifully.

What we see here are Lotos of Love and Light.

Dear ones, you are the Gift. You are the treasure. You are Totality.

Dance a lot, and let it be easy!

Yes, and so it is. Many Blessings

2008, The Temple Of Self-Ascension of AIWP, All Rights Reserved.
This document may circulate freely as long as the entire copyright notice is displayed. For more information on Self-Ascension and the teachings of Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa, please visit or send e-mail (English ) to:

Translation: Xitlalli Contreras

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