Moving forward with compassion - Starting his life again while Mars marches directly on June 29 through Selacia

  • 2016

A new cycle is now unveiling forward with the planet Mars in action live on June 29. From the solstice a soft wave of energy has begun to arrive, helping to soften the effects of the recent intensity. If you have realized this and have taken time to go inward, you probably have had validations of the next changes in your life. Some of them can be small and others truly a change of life.

Introspection during Change

Most likely, these long weeks of retrograde Mars have been a boost for some souls in the search and reconsidering what is important. If they have not found it in their conscious wisdom, it is most likely that during sleep time or under the surface of things they have been looking for their status quo and potentials. I recommend bringing this introspection to the foreground. Be more aware of the thoughts and how you feel about your future.

Role of the Divine Change Maker

As a maker of divine change you are now called to be creative by making changes in your life. This means incorporating everything you know, using the wisdom of your heart and inviting totally new perspectives.

As disturbing as it may be, the most beneficial changes are not always comfortable . It can be a challenge to face the need to change something they have done for a long time. It can feel overwhelming to realize that you really need to change a large number of your life operating systems simultaneously - for your life to work.

Part of his role and talent - as a maker of divine changes, is that you are codified to be aware during the awakening of humanity. You must be awake while a large part of the population is on a massive side trip driven by fear. Being aware means that you see things that others do not see - you can see beyond the fuss and dramas developed every day on the world stage. Intuitively you know that there is a higher purpose for the crazy things you are witnessing.

Another part of your role is to be intuitively in tune with yourself and what you need. Often this means periodic reevaluations and realizing that what they did yesterday needs to be updated by tomorrow. You are like a juggler learning to feel comfortable with the disorder and having many types of restructuring that are occurring simultaneously.

One of the challenges of restructuring ourselves so much at once is that we are being called to do so during what is probably the greatest cultural update in the world. Humanity was never collectively seen in so many things at once partly thanks to social networks and our way of being interconnected.

Our society, basically, is being updated, re-designed in its core, with ways of being and long accepted ways, falling. It will happen sooner than as a collective we can begin to understand the enormity of current changes and what they mean for our future.

Meanwhile you have work to do internal work and external work . To succeed they must remain present and strive to continue evolving.

As part of that your task now is to revisit some of the things that you have had in execution for a while. This could include intentions they made in January or on the last new moon . Dust those to update them now using our current creative energy window. They trust that anything can happen. Know that you are responsible!

This is certainly a time when you can make great progress and even redefine your purpose. The planets including Mars are lining up to help them do this.

Three Suggestions to Start Your Life Again

Here are three suggestions to start your life again while the fiery planet Mars marches live.

First: Focus on the big picture. This includes your individual and collective path. The two are related to each other. When you change something about how they work or express themselves, consider your audience. Who will receive their talents or benefit from your offer? Who are your allies as they expand into new territories?

SECOND: Consider current energies as you make plans and take actions. This means being alert to fluctuations in cosmic forces such as full moons. It also means that they are being accounted for in current events. A crisis like the recent one in Orlando sent shock waves across the planet. When this kind of thing happens, people may be processing deeply emotional content. People can get distracted ; Communications may seem to go to a black hole.

THIRD: Remember compassion. You are alive now to bring a more loving, more compassionate way of life. That is the general objective. When they keep their vision on this goal, their progress is accelerated by leaps and bounds.

Therefore ask yourself daily as you contemplate changes and actions : “Is this step in alignment with my heart?

Am I being compassionate towards myself and others with this step?

If I am out of balance in the way I am approaching this step, can I correct it? "

AUTHOR: Selacia

TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli


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