Assimilating energies By Joanna García

  • 2011

Are we really capable of assimilating everything that flows from the Universe?

We are still living and trying to incorporate into our human capacity an important mooning, an intense one, perhaps the most important - breath of our beloved universe, the Winter Solstice, together with a lunar eclipse How do we react to all this?

We do it and there is no doubt about it, through our astrological experiences. How much we could get on our way knowing them !!

My strongest emphasis is apparently on Taurus; the changes are not usually what this Sign most desires, but my Moon in Sagittarius always shakes at the right time the desire for stability, forcing the intense search of the arrows launched in other cycles to find answers beyond the known.

My mind, invaluable treasure granted only to the human being after unimaginable efforts through the fight between other species that longed for as well as the semi-animal being to which we belonged, is located in Gemini almost fused with my Ascendant, constantly asking questions and concerns.

Earth ... Fire ... Air ... why certain elements make us act in one way or another in this cycle? What is the reason for all this? Why don't we dig deeper into that code?

We live a magical moment. At the same time that we move away from Sagittarius through this Magnificent Moon, we enter the shocking silence of all that Capricorn means.

How to forget the effect lived and accepted inside me when reading the Tibetan Master, I meditated on the words "God draws his signature on the face of Capricorn"?

Possibly until that moment - many years ago - I had not understood the archetype of energy of that Sign. He is the disciple. It has arrived. It is up to his greatness to remain on that peak that so much effort has demanded, or to be flooded by love in its purest state and return to the valley with the brothers who fail to find their way.

The times are rushing and the Firmamento seems to consider that most of humanity is already able to understand the deep message that those Gods that are the Planets communicate.

We approach the maximum point of darkness and also when we get the principle of the desired light.

Whenever we raise a natal theme at 24 hours on December 24, we will observe that the Sun is in Capricorn and the Ascendant in the Constellation of Virgo, The Virgin. You just have to meditate on the mystery to go from the near to the cosmic.

Since time immemorial, these coordinates have been associated with the Great Beings of Light that have profoundly helped the advancement of our humanity.

LIGHT ... that's the Capricorn Mantram. Immerse ourselves in the immense light of the birth of Christ in the cave of our hearts.

Every minute gained to the temporal darkness, means an advance in our spiritual path and we must observe from that beautiful serene expectation or from deep observation, what circumstances, what people, what opportunities life presents before us, considering the seed planted in the heart, trusting that the Universe will move its threads according to that yearning.

It seems that from the cosmic energies, the great Gods of Change, do not allow anything to be hidden from anyone's eyes.

Assets like never before Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter drag to the dreaded light the darkest secrets of the powers that dominate the paths of politics, religion, communication etc.

Great are the changes and great are the opportunities and perhaps, only perhaps, the forces that can create illusions to the mass are less, since that mass has, fortunately, ever greater discernment.

Will, Light, Discernment, Love ... all this can take its place of power in our lives.

So be it.

From the heart, always,



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