Articles of Light Tolerance + Love = to a World in Harmony

  • 2010

By: Lorena López de Lacaille

In recent years we have seen a considerable detriment of humanity in every way. Not only are we slowly killing our Mother-Earth, but we are also destroying ourselves. The conclusion jumps at first sight: the lack of love and tolerance between Men and Nations. It is for lack of love and tolerance, that wars and conflicts of all kinds proliferate; It is for lack of love and tolerance that couples are separated and families are divided.

The lack of genuine love for ourselves is the root of heartbreak in Humanity. How can we love others, if we condemn ourselves, we judge ourselves, if we don't accept ourselves as we are? One of the deepest sutras of the Buddha says: "Love yourself." This may be the basis of a radical transformation. Do not be afraid to love yourself. Love with totality and you will be surprised: the day you release yourself from self-condemnation, the lack of respect for yourself, the day you release yourself from the idea of ​​original sin, the day you think of yourself as someone worth grief, and someone whom existence loves, that day will be a day of bliss. From that day on you will begin to see people from a correct perspective and have compassion. It will not be a cultivated compassion; it will be natural, a spontaneous flow ”. So how do we want to relate and give love to our fellow men, if we ourselves are not in the frequency of love?

Also, over time we have forgotten what Tolerance is: “ which is the set of beliefs or practices of others when they are different or contrary to their own or those of other people in their total magnitude. Tolerate: it is a person's attitude towards what is different from their values. It is also the ability to listen and accept others, understanding the value of different ways of understanding life. ” Realizing that we have lost this value, it has now been established on November 16 as the International Day of Tolerance . This measure helps a little, but there is still much to do ...

Unfortunately, the differences between people and men are abysmal: hatred and intolerance gain ground every day (or at least that's what it seems). Some examples of this are the Arizona Anti-Immigrant Law (also known as SB1070), the armed conflict between Israel and Palestine, the attempt of another war between Israel (for the sake of nuclear disarmament); the conflict between Russia and Chechnya, the religious conflict between Muslims and Christians in Nigeria, etc. The list is still long, disarmament reigns on the planet.

Today the world is more divided than ever (paradoxically with the great technological advances and in various fields) this xenophobia and lack of love for our fellow men takes its maximum expression in the walls (it seems that the lesson of the wall of Berlin was not learned yet has to be shed more blood, more suffering). There are currently 17 international walls in the world, to name a few we have: the wall of Mexico and the United States, Israel and the West Bank, between Botswana and Zimbabwe; the sand wall between Western Sahara, the wall that separates India from Pakistani. Not to mention the interior borders that separate religious groups such as the Chihita and Sunni neighborhoods in Baghdad, the Catholics and Protestants in Belfast, in Northern Ireland, in Italy, the city of Padua builds a wall to keep immigrants away Africans What is happening to us? Such measures far from uniting make the abyss even greater and the reconciliation further away. It is not difficult to imagine that free transit for the world in the future is a utopian because the countries of the first world impose more restrictions on immigrants, especially of underdeveloped countries. Why curtail that intrinsic human right in man, when he has been nomadic in nature? Why do we allow politicians and religious leaders to divide us when they actually pursue individual (or elite) and non-collective interests? Why do we give them that power? Why not surrender ourselves to the power of love, of fraternity, of tolerance? No one better than us immigrants know how hard it is to leave your country, your family, leave everything to come to another country with hope and in search of better living conditions. The reasons are many to some brought political and social stability in their countries of origin, to others the economic situation, the most fortunate (as is my case) Love, whatever the reasons, are all valid and must be respected. And as an immigrant, I cannot stop supporting my countrymen who are struggling to repeal this absurd law (Anti-Immigrant Law) in the United States, and I cannot avoid solidarity with all the groups in the world that they fight for the Human Rights of Immigrants, and because I am in favor of a world where the Law of Love, of Tolerance, of Fraternity prevails. Just give a little more love, let's be more tolerant of those who think and are different from us and we will take that great step that will lead us to a more humane and sensitive world society.



Supporting the groups:


We are america

National Network of Day laborers (USA)

Latino USA Movement

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