Eternal Harps

When in the second century after Christ, the nascent Christianity began to give definite and concrete forms to the spiritual, moral and material discipline, upon which it was to cement its future existence, there was a sinn mere divergences on that subject. And with so much burning and fire the controversies were sustained, each one by the way and way as he judged that the teaching of Christ should be continued and interpreted, that opposing sides were formed, which were adjudicated themselves. the possession of the truth, and some called the others false. And modest and poor Christendom, with limited resources, slowly disappeared, or their isolated individuals took refuge in Judaism, or in the religions of the countries in which they lived.

Four were the branches that remained alive after the great struggles of the first and second centuries. Those founded by Pedro, Juan, Santiago and Pablo. The Elders of the High Council of Moab intervened at the beginning, to call for a coordination of all the teaching, analyzing point by point everything that had been written concerning the Christ.

Peter and John were in complete agreement with the opinions of the Elders. Paul was later too. The one who did not accept the agreement was Santiago, who, at the head of the Jerusalem congregation, constituted it in the Jewish norms that persisted in the first centuries.

Seen by the Elders of the Sanctuaries, that their efforts were ineffective, they locked themselves in their caverns to avoid suffering and persecution, and dedicated themselves to the abandoned sick, and to multiply the copies of the originals written by eyewitnesses of the life of Christ.

The Essenes were considered as a dissident fraction of the community when this was constituted in the way they thought it was fair to give the leaders, after missing the Twelve Apostles and the more Good friends of the Divine Master. And so, as the treasure of Divine Wisdom faithfully kept by the Essenes, it was lost in the shadow of its rock caverns, and the little that came out of it through the Essenes from abroad, has been changing shapes and colors throughout the centuries and human incomprehension.

For a little while, the name of Christians will not give men, neither the lucidity, nor the greatness of soul necessary to fulfill the great phrase of Christ: “If you want to come after me, deny yourself, carry your cross and follow me. ”

Deny yourself! ... bronze and granite phrase like the Essene Sanctuaries, where the greatest of all, was the servant of all. Who is he who wants to deny himself no matter how Christian he considers himself?

I want, I command, I am! Here are the three tombstones, under which the most sublime basic principles of the religion emanated from the very soul of Christ, on their different Messianic journeys ... are extinguished on earth ... I want, I command, I am! Here is the sepulchral pantheon that has been swallowing centuries after centuries, the spiritual and material mental effort of the conscious disciples of Christ, who were sacrificing and dying in cadalsos and papillos, in bonfires, on the gallows, beheaded or thrown into the beasts, for the defense made of his great ideal of human fraternity.

I want, I command, I am! Christians today say, among the many ranks of the great branches of Christianity, organized under various disciplines, dogmas and liturgies.

Which force, which genius, which event will be the one that unites them in one thought and feeling?

Only the word of the Christ put into action: "If you want to come after me, deny yourself, carry your cross and follow me."

Deny yourself! Hard and heroic word, which means the renunciation of all selfish and personal ambition, be of the order that it is: Behind, the one who wants to profit from the ideal; he who seeks to establish himself as the teacher of others; he who seeks a pedestal for his name; He who, driven by vested interests, dreams of collecting the material fruit of his missionary efforts of the ideal.

That all this forces him to deny himself.

We are scandalized by today's Christians, of what happened to the Essenes of the time of Christ, and that the innumerable historical writings detailing his life have disappeared between the shadows and silence. And the fact is so natural, that we would be amazed that it had happened otherwise, if we take into account that the Christian leaders of those times, did not have the courage to deny themselves, but instead, said the same as they say Today's "I want, I command, I am" with which they believed to work perfectly well.

This is how our unconscious delays the time of truth, and would delay it indefinitely, if Eternal Justice did not have at its disposal its great legions fulminating evil, that when the final hour arrives that does not admit delays they say: This is the limit. Wait time is over. The gate of heaven has closed. The one who did not enter until now, is out until the next round.

How slow is the evolution of the humanities! ... And how short are the centuries where they are climbing at a snail's pace!

A Light in the Darkness

Eternal Harps, Vol. 1, p. 158-159. Fourteenth Edition

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