Archangel Michael: The evolution of body shape and the ascension of consciousness channeled by Ronna Herman

  • 2015

Beloved Teachers:

The Collective Consciousness of Humanity is striving to recognize the extreme duality that permeates the Earth. Each and every person, on some level, is fighting the battle to gain greater Consciousness of the Self, which must include the acceptance of both the Light and the shadow side of the Self, while striving to return to an accepted range of duality and polarity. Each of you must recognize and claim your shadow side, your inner symbolic demons, so that they too can embrace the Light of transformation. Human suffering is the result of thinking rigidly, of feeling superior and judging others, which leads to separation instead of unity and tolerance between opposing views. Can you accept the premise that your negative ways of thinking are also seeking freedom? They are coming to the surface of your consciousness to seek enlightenment and truth, just as you do. You must take responsibility for what you create moment by moment. Negative thoughts and actions produce distorted creations and chaos.

It is important that you understand that from the beginning of your experiences of earthly incorporation, your physical vehicle was coded for the return to the more subtle Realms of Light of higher vibration. As Humanity evolves, growing in wisdom and becoming more aware of the science of the complexities of the Ascension, during the last centuries there have also been many adjustments to the process. Some initial Ascension procedures have been discarded; and other more advanced requirements have been added.

In the past Ascension was only possible for a select few. Only those who came to Earth to be examples and Counters of the Way ; and those who were spiritually advanced were admitted to the internal sanctuaries of the Mystery Schools. The secret doctrine was only given to those disciples who were considered the strongest and the most dedicated. The lessons, tests and challenges were arduous; and during the process many perished, or for many lives they did not achieve their goal. Now that has changed, because time is running out for Earth and Humanity to ascend to the next level of consciousness; and many Divine dispensations and much assistance are being offered to those who are striving to overcome the challenges and trials of the Ascension.

We have explained that before incarnating in a physical vehicle, each Soul is given an assignment of Life Diamond Particles for personal use during that life. If a person's assignment is used with loving intent for the greatest good, then the flow of the Full Spectrum of Light will continue throughout his life. However, when a person becomes unable to love, negative and bitter, he no longer has access to the Sacred Heart or the Divine Particles of Life. From there on, you can only access the Spectrum-Medium of Light, or substance of Primal Vital Force, which can be re-qualified and used either positively or negatively. Remember, the Creator's Light Diamond Particles can only be activated and used with loving intent and for the highest good.

The center of a young child's heart is wide open; and the Divine Particles flow freely, without impediment. However, how long the center of the child's heart remains open depends on the Love and care he receives from his parents and those around him. Many dear Souls have put an etheric protective covering over their Heart Center, so that pain and suffering do not affect them so drastically. Consequently they close the door of their Sacred Inner Sanctuary where their Divine Creation Particles are stored.

Along with the allocation of Diamond Particles placed in the Center of the Sacred Heart of each person, a smaller allocation was also placed in each of the major chakras of the physical body. The largest allocation was placed in the Root C hakra ; and the ancients called it the Kundalini, the coiled fire snake, or the Sacred Fire.

An accelerated Planetary Initiation is now in progress; and it is affecting everything on the Earth Plane, especially the sentient Beings. There is much agitation and much fear as the Collective Consciousness of Humanity goes through the dramatic changes that occur at the end of an Age and the beginning of another More Advanced Era. Especially when much of what was considered of great importance on the earthly plane, disappears or changes slowly. While these drastic evolutionary changes take place, they will not affect you as long as your Energy Signature is of a higher and more balanced frequency. In those who have learned to remain focused on the Sacred Heart, there is also a great sense of anticipation and excitement. Before each of you there are many probable futures; and it is important that you remain focused on the Quiet Point of the present moment. You can be led several times to the course of the change, while slowly moving towards the fluidity of the Higher Dimensions; However, if you allow your Sacred Heart and your Higher Self to light the way, you will never lose your way. The timelines of the future lead to a higher and more stable terrain, far from the unbalanced spectrum of duality and the distorted reality of separation.

You are in the process of integrating the many Fragments of the Self that you have created while in physical incorporation, as preparation for a meeting with the many Facets of your soul Family, both of the Earth as of the many Dimensions in the Solar System and in the Galaxy; and eventually throughout this SubUniverse and beyond. There must be reunification with the I; and return to your center of power that resides in your Sacred Heart. Once you make the connection with your Over Soul / Higher Self; and you begin the process of reunifying with all the Facets of your Divine Self (I AM Presence), the urgency of reunification becomes a magnetic force that cannot be denied.

Your Soul, which is constituted by Essence of the Creator, is your companion and your conscious guide while you are in the physical vehicle. For a long time, for most people the Soul has been only a slight whisper, because the personality of the Egyptian desire is very strong and has had a dominant position in the interior. The Initiation process begins when you slowly make your way for the Soul to assume its own place as a guideline of your life, which eventually allows the Higher Self to take over your journey back to the Realms of Light. Gradually, the Column of Light that contains your Vital Line from the Creator begins to expand until it eventually has the amplitude of the Crown Chakra in your head. That is when you connect with the flow of your Divine Presence I AM; and the Creator's Love / Life Particles begin to flow through you and from you. This amazing luminous Sacred Fire gives you access to your treasures that are stored in the heavens: An unlimited source of Creator Light, as long as it is charged with your Light Love and used for the greatest good.

The River of Life has a multitude of tributaries throughout this Sub-Universe; and many of you, as you connect with your Sacred Mind and learn to remain centered in the Sacred Heart, you are becoming conduits for the Diamond Particles of Creator Consciousness. First, you must tune the Pineal and Pituitary glands with your Higher Self, which begins the process of dissolving the membranes of Light that protect the Sacred Mind. Your Sacred Mind makes the connection with your Sacred Heart; and once the activated Divine Consciousness Diamond Particles begin to flow from the Sacred Heart to the Sacred Mind, the Enlightenment process is accelerated. The Light of the Creator flows through the Crown Chakra and enters the Pineal Gland, promoting cell consciousness while activating the Pituitary and Hypothalamus glands; and flows through the brain structure to your Sacred Mind. Then flow down to the Sacred Heart where the Creator's Light Particles are most activated by your loving intention. Now these Divine Particles of Light are ready to help you create anything you want, as long as your intention is for the greatest good. The voice of your Higher Self becomes clearer; and the whispers of your Sacred Heart, called intuition, become stronger.

INTUITION is the ability to immediately understand a concept or certain information, without conscious reasoning. Your Higher Self speaks to you via your intuition ; and eventually, clear the way to your Divine Self and to the wisdom stored in the Cosmic Records. Your intuition also gives you signals through the feeling that something is right or is your truth, or with a feeling of fear or discomfort when something is wrong or misaligned with the Light / Truth.

INSPIRATION is the process or quality of being inspired; as when a timely or unusual idea suddenly arises in your mind, sometimes about something you were not aware of before. The channeling or messages of your angelic guides and professors often lead you to inspired concepts or awareness of things that are beyond the scope of your knowledge. INTUITION is validated first by the mind and then by the heart; while INSPIRATION is validated first by the heart and then by the mental process of reasoning.

Your perception of time and space is changing rapidly as you learn to focus more on the moment, instead of hesitating between the past and the future, with only a few moments of concentrated awareness of the present. The feelings of separation, isolation and judgment are being replaced by a sense of unity of consciousness that will eventually lead to a feeling of Oneness with all Creation. As time accelerates and the frequencies of the Divine Light become stronger and more irresistible, it is important that you reflect on what has happened, the challenges you have faced and overcome, the gains you have obtained; and the obstacles you must overcome in the future. As the boundaries of your reality are further defined ; and you allow a lot of what you considered to change or disappear slowly in the past, you should become wiser and better discern your choices. When you cling to people or things that no longer fit into your new reality, the feeling of not being in harmony becomes more pronounced. Declare: "Thy will be done", give your Higher Self permission to increase your intuitive abilities, which include knowing almost instantly if your choices are right or wrong. By doing so, you can quickly rectify any action that deviates you from the straight and narrow Path of Ascension. You, as faithful followers of the Light, must always be vigilant of your thoughts and actions, to ensure that you are always in alignment with your new and updated Divine Design.

As Vanguard Light Sentinels, you have the ability to overcome or neutralize the negative ways of thinking of many thousands of people who are functioning under the restrictions of the illusion of 3rd Dimension and 4th Lower Dimension. You are in the process of building firm foundations for the future of all Humanity. Your inner strength and wisdom will serve you well if you remain centered in your Sacred Heart as you become a Master of the Self and a transmitter of the subtle Particles of Divine Consciousness.

Believe it or not, the withdrawal of most of your manifestation skills had some advantages in the past. We have told you that the Red (color of the esoteric or physical planes) of the First Ray of Divine Will and Power to create, was mostly removed after Earth and Humanity plunged into the density of the 3rd Dimension and 4th Dimension environment lower. That was done so that Humanity did not destroy itself during the era of extreme duality. That period is rapidly coming to an end while Humanity awakens and regains the ability to integrate more Spiritual Light . As you move towards the 4th Higher Dimension and the 5th Lower Dimension, your physical body will become more radiant as the Creator Light begins to glow more strongly from within. Remember, you were manifested from the Core of the Sacred Heart of the Supreme Creator as a conscious Being Atom White Fire Seed, from which the saying comes:

"Made in the image and likeness of God." The Light of the Creator contains energy, intelligence; and everything necessary to create endless worlds, to fulfill the Divine Plan of Creation. You are being given an opportunity to become a co-creator of the highest order; however, you must leave your comfort zone and claim your birthright.

LIGHT my Loyalists; and as your circle of influence radiates more and more widely towards the World, one day the circles of Light will overlap and your combined illumination will explode as pure Divine Light and surround the World. Follow the Path of Light, Beloved; The moment of the great meeting is imminent.
You are deeply loved.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Ronna Herman


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