Anthropogenesis according to Steiner, by Emilio Sáinz

The origin and development of the Human Races

Being as there have been numerous studies and esoteric research on the origin and development of human races throughout the history of our planet, and telling how we should do it with the different interpretations of the various religious and spiritual traditions, in addition to the Different scientific and anthropological research known in the technical fields, it is evident at this point that there are many points that are still mired in the mystery key, and therefore subject to all kinds of assumptions and hypotheses.

Starting from the studies and treaties that in this sense have been bequeathed by the main theosophical authors who have investigated on the subject, such as, in the first place, Helena P. Blavatsky in her encyclopedic “Secret Doctrine”, and in the same wake of influence as theosophists Annie Besant and Leadbeater, William Judge or A. Sinnet, and until later the incursions on the subject interspersed in the texts of Alice Bailey, we find sometimes diverse interpretations on some subjects, which obviously have remained in the enigma of the incognito and arcane, and Rudolf Steiner has been the one who has come to introduce, as a result of his own investigations, a whole series of novelties and particularities, which, without departing radically or essentially from the general interpretative line initially advanced by Mrs. Blavatsky clarifies some points of particular interest that we will try to refer succinctly in this article.

Just as there is an undisputed general agreement about the common and indistinct origin of all human Monads, there have been different positions about the origin of the diversity and distinction of the races, as well as the causal interpretation of the rays and diversified characteristics they have given place at the time of the birth and development of both the different peoples, civilizations, cultures and nations, with their peculiar and distinctive features. And Steiner, making use of the clairvoyance gifts of his initiatory graduation and his esoteric mission, was able to enter the spheres corresponding to the chains and manvantaras prior to ours that clarified such mysteries to a large extent, and extracting those hidden knowledge of the called Akashic Archives, it has been transmitted to us fundamentally through the thousands of conferences that it lavished throughout its existence.

The development of the 4th Principle

The essential mission of the Earth, said Steiner, is undoubtedly the development of the 4th Human Principle: the Ego, the lower mental body, that is to say the separative Self or Kama Manas, and this as a result of the previous development in Chains and Previous Manvantaras of the three basic Principles that make up the fundamental structure of the human being. So that in the first Chain or Manvántara, corresponding to the old Saturn, the foundations of the physical body were developed in its mineral phase, in the second Manvantara, called the Sun, the foundations of the etheric body of man and its plant phase were consolidated, and in the third, that of the old Moon, the third principle or astral body of man was developed, in his animal experience.

From the first two races (Polar and Hyperborean) and until the Lemur Age, corresponding to the Third Root, the human being lacked an own and individual soul, so that, like the animals that surrounded him, he had only one group soul And we are referring to a time in which still and during that very long historical period, Steiner tells us, the Earth and the Moon were united forming a single planet, until finally in the course of that age is when the creative hierarchy of the Spirits of Form separated the Moon from the Earth, in order to take with it the most dense of the heavy matter that until then humanity was constituted. And it is as a result of this planetary separation that the separation of sexes from man was instituted, which until then had been an androgynous being, which produced what has been known by the “First Fall” of man, as the generation and procreation by the sexual genital route, in such a way that sex came to wreak havoc on that humanity, because the various species were mixed indiscriminately, creating with it all kinds of humanoid by-products unable to develop the egoic principle to which they were destined humans. The beautiful Apollos of the Hyperborean Race degenerated terribly, until at one point Jahv, one of the seven Elohim or Planetary Spirits, developed in human nature the so-called principle of inheritance with the in order to avoid more crosses and mixtures of different animal and human species.

Faced with such widespread degeneration some souls refused to descend to Earth and create in the bone and hard bodies that human bodies became, so there was a long pralaya in which many more Human nodes ceased to incarnate on the planet, with the consequent depopulation on the earth globe, which seemed to jeopardize the development plan of human beings. According to Steiner's research, a large number of these human and animal mines were transported to incarnate on the other five planets of the solar system (Saturn, Jiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury), in addition to the Sun and the Moon, with the consequent effect and meaning that these souls could not consequently be under the direction and influence of the Spirits of Form, residents of the Sun, whose fundamental task was to guide the racial evolution of humanity on earth.

When the Earth-moon separated from the Sun during the previous third spring, Steiner continued in his cosmolytic studies, that joint planet of Earth and Moon still did not revolve around his axis, because for that he would have needed that a Spirit of the Movement that gave him such life and activity inhabited in him, so that during the Hyperborean Age only one face of that whole globe faced the Sun, exactly as it now happens with the Moon in relation to the Earth, and thus the activity of the Spirits of the Form located in the Sun, having no alternating day and night, was continuous and permanent. And so it continued to happen until with the extraction of the Moon and its separation from the Earth in the course of the Lemur Age the Earth began to rotate on itself, thus causing Night and day, which resulted in an alternating and no longer permanent activity of such Spirits of the Form that when doing their work from the Sun only exerted their influence on the Earth during the day.

Institutionalization in the man of his individual soul

With the principle of inheritance imbued by Javeh, each animal species developed its own group soul totally attached to the evolution of the Earth, and when the Atlantean Age arrived, the majority of human souls already they had become individualized, thus separating themselves definitively from their former quasianimal or species group soul, thus beginning the evolution of the egoic or kama-manic principle in each m Nothing incarnate, although these will retain the memory of their group soul in the ethereal body. When the earth began to rotate on its polar axis and the already definitive rhythm of the alternating days and nights was institutionalized, human evolution and of the individual being beyond the group soul was being limited to the incarnation on earth of all souls, for it was reincarnating that they would receive the influence and energetic radiations of the higher spiritual beings who in turn sacrificed their bodies for them. And so during the vigil of the day the ego and the astral body worked incorporated into their etheric body and physical body, and at night those ego and astral body separated from their physical and etheric bodies, and free of the body while they slept, communicated with the superior beings known as Angels (equivalent to the Lunar Pitris or Barishad in theosophical terms), Archangels (the Pitnish Agnishvattas) and Archai (the Asuras), so that with that contact the superior beings could influence the ego and repair the damage caused to the astral body during the day by the luciferic spirits, all of which would allow to keep the memories of those beings and thus evolve definitively outside the group being as individual beings.

Meanwhile, the true directors of evolution, the so-called Spirits of the Form of the second celestial hierarchy, worked through the sunlight during the day, since during the night their activity was to stop and be interrupted because of the lack of luminosity and therefore of darkness, so that it could be doubted that with such a rhythm humans could evolve properly if the Spirits of Form worked only part-time, taking into account the fact that previously when the Earth did not rotate, His activity was permanent day and night.

They solved the problem by sending Elohim Jahve to the Moon, from among the seven Spirits of the Form or Elohim, who from the lunar manvantara worked from the Sun to guide human evolution. From there that Elohim would radiate his influence on the earth during the nights. And meanwhile the other spiritual beings who had not achieved the hierarchical rank to which they were destined, and also needed a place to continue their development seemingly interrupted by the lack of incarnate human monads on Earth for the reasons said, found such places at to detach from the Sun the planet Mercury for the Archai (the asuras of theosophical cosmology), as well as the planet Venus where the Archangels (the agnishvattas) would reside and evolve, and on the Moon would remain the Angels (or lunar Pitris). And so, during the day the other six Elohim emitted their rays of love to man, and at night the Elohim Jahve worked on the ego and the astral body of human beings through the reflected light of the spiritual sun.

The return to earth behind the planetary pralaya

The time came then, at the end of the Lemur Age, when those souls that had been sent to the different planets after the racial crisis caused by the division of sexes and the degeneration produced by the indiscriminate hodgepodge of species, repopulated the Earth . And this return was gradually taking place since then and until the 4th sub-race of the Atlantean, so that with the return of such individualities the racial differentiations of the different peoples that were inhabiting the different regions of the Lemur continent were first and then the Atlantean, which logically dragged the imprint and traces characteristic of the energy radiations of those planets on which they had inhabited during successive incarnations, and which in turn obviously distinguished themselves from those whose monads had been able to remain on earth.

As is known, and as all theosophical scholars and researchers agree, the Lemur continent was born in the Indian Ocean, where current Australia and New Zealand are residual portions, and in those regions life was tremendously difficult between the enormous and colossal volcanic activity and the glacial periods with which the conformation of the planet alternated. It was in that period that the ancestral couple of Adam and Eve of Genesis came into existence, from which all human beings have the common trunk of genetic origin, as is recognized by modern anthropology, and since then and until the middle of the Atlantean Age their descendants could live in bodies of a substance much more plastic than those human bodies prior to the lunar excision.

During the emergence and conformation of the Atlantean continental island, two human lines of differentiated evolution emerged: a) the generations coming from souls coming from other planets, b) the souls directly descended from Adam and Eve, who had not experienced the outer pralaya, and that having separated most of them from the group soul and having individualized, they began to have for the first time what would be the individual human Karma. So this second group that had remained incarnating on Earth, had a karmic experience that did not count the coming of the external planetary pralaya, for which reason all the generations from Adam and Eve carry within themselves the lunar influences within of their etheric and physical bodies, for they lived on earth in the Lemur Age for as long as the Moon and Earth remained united, until later when both stars were already separated, while the astral body and ego had the influences of the other planets brought from them when they returned and incarnated on Earth after the Earth and the Moon had already separated.

Consequently, just as the unity of the physical and etheric bodies of all men is common, having formed during the Manvantaras or chains of Saturn and the Sun under the strict direction of the Spirits of the Form who worked with the intermediation to their orders of the solar Pîtris, the formation and constitution of the astral body and the ego or lower mental body of men was not unitary, which had to come later much later in the history of evolution, through the work of the Pitris moles (or Barishad), and even against the general plan of evolution designed in principle by the Spirits of Form, for the historical reasons attested by Steiner in the sense just expressed. For the same reasons the work and function of the lunar Pitris is more associated with the lower four principles of the lower quaternary and less with the upper three.

As it was that the luciferic spirits (the asuras), to complete their own evolution needed human bodies or pods where they could develop their 6th and 7th Principles, they preferred humans who had developed the ego or 4th Principle (kama-manas), and that human type It was represented precisely by the descendants of the couple of Adam and Eve, for their greater karmic experience, and that is why from the union of those older souls with luciferic spirits, kings, laws, prophets and in general the leaders of humanity, although later these spirits ended up mixing with the less advanced.

Human races and their planetary Spirits

Contrary to the provisions of the Divine Plan, and because of the effect of the Planetary Spirits on the human souls that had inhabited each of their respective planets during the external spiritual pralaya, differentiated racial lines emerged and marked by the hallmark of each of the Logos or Planetary Spirits of such planets in which they had incarnated momentarily but repeatedly. Each of the logoi of the planets decided to create their own race or racial trunk, so that each and every one of the Atlantean races will be clearly influenced in a diverse way and will end up distinguishing and defining either Jupiter men, Saturn men, men of Mars, etc., which made the Higher Self of each initiate controlled by the corresponding Planetary Spirit, and instead of having seven races evolving under the guidance of the Seven Elohim with the Christ as leader of all of them, there were five races (of each of the five planets) evolving separately, and each of them contemplating their respective Planetary Logos as their Higher God (the equivalent of their inner Christ, their Atma).

This diversity of different evolutions, instead of a unitary one, has produced great confusion among the great spiritual leaders of humanity. And so for example Mme. Blavatsky says that Buddha is Mercury, and is correct in such an appreciation, says Steiner, because for the incarnate minions coming from that prairie in Mercury the Higher Self of the initiates is the Spirit of Mercury revealed to through Buddha, for which reason they do not recognize Christ as their Self or Higher Spirit. In this way, only the initiated Sons of the Sun, having developed their 3 Higher Principles, can look upon Christ as their Higher Self, in the same way as the initiates of the race of J piter, then incarnated in Greece, They looked at Zeus as their Self or Higher God. The group Atma or Dhyani Buddha was thus different for each initiate, depending on the planet and the planetary spirit where they incarnated during the intermediate pralaya between the separation of the moon and the earth, since each planet was obviously influenced by a different and characteristic lightning current of each Logos. For this reason, spiritual adherents have never been able to agree that it is the spirit of the Sun, Christ, the highest and highest of all Planetary Spirits.

Racial Spirits and Elohim, Spirits of Form

As the reader will have already guessed a Planetary Spirit is what in other terms is known as Logos of a planet. And it would be the equivalent, for other religious and esoteric traditions, what was called by the Hindus the Dhyanis Buddhas or Kumaras, the same as for the Gnostics were the Demiurge and the Aeones, for the Kabbalists the 7 Sephiroth, for the Zoroastrians the Star-Yazatas, and that for Christians were the so-called Planetary Angels or 7 Spirits before the Presence (or before the Throne). They are the angelic hierarchy known by Virtues, within the Second Hierarchy of Domination, Virtues and Powers (Spirits of Form), which according to what is said in terms Esoteric Christian hierarchics, are four degrees or states above the hierarchy of human beings, and are known exotically by the same names of the ancient planets: Saturn, J piter, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Venus and Moon.

But it is important to emphasize that they should not be confused and that they are different from the aforementioned Elohim or Spirits of Form, which are also seven, who as interpreted by anthroposophists, they are three degrees or hierarchical stages above common humanity. Six of them inhabit and work from the Sun, and the seventh, Jahv, as already explained, from the Moon.

The Sun and the Moon are not related, not even physically with the other five planets, since the Sun is superior to them, and the Moon is inferior. The Moon is a dead corpse, while the Sun is a fixed star, not a planet, although it must be noted that esoterically the Sun and the Moon hide two planets yet to be discovered and manifest themselves, for they do not yet have a clearly physical state or body. It is also said that the Sun will eventually be replaced by Vulcan, which is in the orbit of Mercury, and that the Moon could in turn be replaced by Uranus.

Contrary to what is believed in conventional astrological terms, the other three planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do not belong strictu sensu to the formation of our solar system, despite its relative closeness, but at the time they were captured within it, and however they rotate on their own axis, they also have their own Planetary Spirit, but without being intrusive in the evolution of the Earth like the other planets. And in turn, those two veiled planets, if we take into account the fact that every planet is a septenary life that evolves through seven states or phases, remain hidden because only the 4th of such bodies or evolutionary states is physical, and the others are etheric or even astral or merely mental, depending on their development process.

Consequently, if we take into account that each of those 7 Spirits of the Form has its own characteristic ray, and that the 7 Planetary Spirits emanate as many as 7 own Rays, we will have to verify that we are subject to two different sources of irradiation and influence, which will affect each and every one of the planets of our solar system, and that consequently all of them will reverberate on Earth and on humanity, causing the corresponding conflict or esoteric reaction.

The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Dhyani Choans

It would seem at first sight, through the Steinerian research that has been exposed so far throughout the present study of its anthropogenetic interpretation, that there would have been a disconnection or lack of cosmic coordination between the various spiritual hierarchies governing or progenitor of our humanity and of the races that have historically been conforming it in the phases prior to the current 5th Root Race. However, Steiner is resounding when it comes to establishing that the great unitary movement was embodied and occurred with the last coming of Christ in the person of Jesus, so that it is Christ, under the command of the 7 Elohim or Spirits of Form, who finally and ultimately directs the entire evolution of the Earth, after the successive interventions and celestial hierarchical contributions in the structuring of the different human constitutive principles, and thus at his death in Golgotha ​​Christ culminated an essential phase of that process by joining intimately with the earth, becoming his Planetary Spirit. At 30, the already developed soul of Jesus received the spirit of the cosmos and at that crucial moment of the change of human evolution a man took in his soul the divine spiritual essence of the universe. Christ entered the same land for a period of three years, and since then that spiritual power lives in the same atmosphere that our souls inhabit. From his death and resurrection, Earth and humanity received a new and revolutionary impulse that changed the entire evolutionary process, beyond the forces of death that man carries with him. The plan planned by the Elohim or Spirits of the Form was finally fulfilled in the face of the final constitution of the human ego.

To the effect that the reader can place the different Spirits or Celestial Hierarchies involved in the creation and development of the races that Steiner usually refers to, which obviously differ from the nomenclature of the creative Hierarchies of the Theosophical tradition, and that They are mentioned continuously throughout the present article, essentially in the line of the angelic beings of the Christian tradition, below we review this classification that would be used by the Anthroposophists:

Such denominations, of fundamentally biblical and Christian origin, correspond or equal to the different hierarchies and graduations that under the general concept of Sanskrit origin Dhyani Chohans (“Beings of contemplation” in their literal translation), are referred to those intellectual architects or cosmic intelligences, that as superior spiritual beings of the divine world and as Hierarchy of Light, they incorporate in themselves the ideation of the Cosmic Logos, conforming the laws according to which nature and existence function. In an esoteric sense such beings are ourselves as we were born from them, they are our monads, our atoms and our souls, and therefore their progeny is intimately linked to the human, for each human Principle has its source and its origin in these beings Spiritual One day our humanity, known in those same terms by the fourth hierarchy, will be part of such building spirits of the beings that go behind us in the evolutionary order.

The Rays of influence of the Elohim and the planetary Logos

If the Moon had remained attached to the Earth, human evolution would have been different, and therefore, in order to maintain the evolutionary equilibrium temporarily destabilized with said geological split, the Spirits of Wisdom established a colony on the Moon, which would maintain the irradiation day and night after the lunar separation, so that the evolutionary development of humanity was not slowed down, for which the Elohim Jahve moved there, while the other 6 Elohim remained exercising their work from the Sun. The Moon, at not rotating on itself, it was not (nor is it currently) inhabited by a Spirit of the Movement like the other planets, but was inhabited by that Spirit of the Way known in the Old Testament by the name of Jehovah.

We have, therefore, Steiner argues, two types of angelic beings applying their influence on humanity; on the one hand that of the so-called Movement Spirits (or Planetary Spirits) of each of the planets, and on the other that of the Spirits of the Form or Elohim, rooted in the Sun, cooperating both actively in the development of the races human. The creative forces of the Elohim (Spirits of Form) referenced in Genesis worked during the day by sunlight, and the seventh of them from the Moon polarized during the night the reflected light of the sun, while at the same time, together with these solar and lunar rays the planetary rays emanating from the Spirits of the Movement of the 5 rotating planets around their axis interacted. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury.

To explain this duplicity of Rays to which man was subjected, we can point out here, as a complement to all of Steiner's research on the development of the Races and their different characteristics of Ray according to their praláyica planetary origin, the references that on their side Alice Bailey made in this same sense about the differences in lightning between the various planets, and which were specified very concretely by her in her book on Rays (Volume III of the text on Esoteric Psychology I) where she expressly stated that: "Each planet is the incarnation of a Being or Entity, and each planet, like every human being, is the expression of two lightning forces: personality and soul, and therefore there are two esoteric forces in conflict on each planet ”, and established The following relation of rays and planets:

1. Vulcano - 1st ray.

2. Mercury - 4th ray.

3. Venus - 5th ray.

4. J piter 2 lightning.

5. Saturn 3 lightning.

6. The Moon (watching over a hidden planet) 4 lightning.

7. The Sun (watching a hidden planet) 2 ray.

Are these soul ray influences referred to by Steiner as coming from the Elohim? And are the influences of the personality ray that cohabit with those of the planetary Spirits or Logos? The answers to such questions and their practical development are part of the personal investigation work of each disciple on the path.

The racial lines and the Spirits of the Race

In his studies and research, the founder of Anthroposophy found that, as we have already said, after the return to Earth of the souls from the spiritual pralaya on those planets, each of the Sp Planetary spirits, in collaboration with the Spirits of Form, decided to create their own separate racial line, through the creation of a distinct racial ethereal body, forming So the calls five races. In this way being essentially unitary and common the human body structure (the physical body) and the initial group soul because of the intervention of the Form Spirits, the subsequent diversifications and modifications of each of the five races were made through the intervention and influence of the 5 Planetary Spirits, also called Spirits of the Race.

And it was in this way that the different races arose successively: A) the cooperation of the Spirit of the Race of Mercury produced the black race, reflecting its essential activity in the glandular system. B) The work of the Spirit of the Race of Venus produced the yellow race, reflecting its effects primarily on breathing, the solar plexus and the sympathetic nervous system. C) The efforts of the Spirit of the Race of Mars focused on the creation of the Mongol race, reflecting in turn its uniqueness in the blood. D) The spirit of the Race of J piter produced the Aryan-Caucasian race, the predominant type of the 5th root race, which began in India and then developed in direction towards Europe and Asia Minor, focusing its activity on the impression of the senses and the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord. E) Finally, the spirit of the Race of Saturn focused on the creation and development of the copper race of the American Indians, whose glandular system tends to ossification, decay and disappearance and Death of the race

However, a very special and even revolutionary event would take place, to the point of modifying these five racial lines, as a result of the plan that the Spirits of Form had to make incarnate the Spirit of Christ on Earth. De acuerdo con su proyecto inicial Cristo debería de haber encarnado a mediados de la Edad Atlante, con el objetivo fundamental de trabajar directamente sobre la constitución y desarrollo del ego humano. Pero hubo de retrasarse el descenso crístico planeado por varias causas sucesivas: una de ellas fue el freno materialista de las culturas matriarcales de los pueblos atlantes, siendo otra igualmente importante la invasión del cuerpo astral humana durante la Edad Lemur por parte de los Espíritus llamados Luciféricos, de manera que la venida del Cristo hubo de ser pospuesta hasta la futura Raza Aria.

Para este acontecimiento tuvo que crearse un tipo especial de raza que pudiera servir de vehículo para la encarnación en la tierra del ego crístico y macro-cósmico. En ese sentido fue creada la raza o pueblo hebreo, mediante la formación de un cuerpo físico adecuado para albergar un espíritu de tan gran entidad, lo cual fue diseñado y preparado por el Elohim Jehová desde la Luna, quien trabajó en la línea de la sangre. Por cuya razón Jahvé es el Dios de los hebreos, ya tal fin centró su labor en la línea sanguínea de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob, a través de la Casa de David hasta llegar al nacimiento del hijo de la estirpe de Salomón, Jesús, en quien encarnó el Cristo.

El desarrollo final de las Razas Atlantes

Es un principio esotérico comúnmente aceptado que todas las personas en sus sucesivas encarnaciones han de pasar por las diversas razas, de forma que según se iba encarnando en lugares geográficos diferentes el hombre quedaba sometido a los rasgos raciales característicos de esos pueblos, siendo los Espíritus del Movimiento quienes controlaban los lugares geográficos y sus pueblos y etnias. Y así el desarrollo original del progreso evolutivo del hombre comenzó con la Raza de Mercurio en África, la raza negra, con las características propias de la infancia. Moviéndose en dirección hacia Asia, los Espíritus de Venus y Marte imprimieron en esas razas los caracteres de la juventud. Moviéndose luego en dirección Oeste hacia Europa, los Espíritus de Júpiter imprimieron en la raza humana los caracteres de la primera madurez. Y finalmente, en América los espíritus de Saturno imprimieron en la raza marrón o cobriza los caracteres dominantes del último tercio de la vida, o de la vejez y muerte.

Steiner decía que la evolución de la civilización humana asumía esta misma línea geográfica de desarrollo, que empezó en África, moviéndose primero en dirección a Asia, después hacia el oeste y Europa, para terminar en América. Y así constataba cómo los pueblos indígenas americanos y mexicanos, así como los de las Islas Caribes, como descendientes todos ellos de las razas atlantes, luchaban por sobrevivir, y cómo, bajo la influencia geográfica de los Espíritus de Saturno, estas culturas estaban destinadas a perecer, al haber acabado su ciclo de nacimiento, infancia, juventud, madurez, vejez y muerte.

Las razas Atlantes fueron la primera Raza Raíz que en sentido estricto se subdividió en siete subtipos raciales siguiendo la influencia de los Espíritus de la Forma y los espíritus raciales, bajo la dirección y guía de los Oráculos Atlantes, y así por ejemplo el Manú del Oráculo de Mercurio fue quien guió a los pueblos de África para crear y cultivar la raza Etíope. En ese sentido la Tierra había sido poblada por los distintos tipos raciales bajo la guía de los Oráculos de los Espíritus del Movimiento, por cuya razón los iniciados de cada Oráculo miraban a su Espíritu Planetario correspondiente como a su propio “Dios”. No entramos en precisar las siete subrazas atlantes descritas por Steiner porque coinciden básicamente con las ya conocidas y enumeradas por otros autores teosóficos.

La tarea y objetivos de la Cuarta Raza Raíz, que habían sido básicamente el desarrollo de la memoria y el lenguaje se habían cumplido suficientemente, de la misma manera que el objetivo de la Quinta Raza Aria en su conjunto es desenvolver cumplidamente el Manas o pensamiento cognitivo. La raza atlante había llegado a su fin, de forma que sus actuales restos están irremisiblemente destinados a su total desaparición, como también ocurrirá eventualmente con nuestra Raza, dentro del irrevocable ascenso evolutivo de la humanidad hacia mayores y superiores estados y cotas de divinidad.

Emilio Sáinz
Sociedad Biosófica

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