Dawn to 2011 - I invite you to: "Decree the New Reality

  • 2011

THREATENING TO 2011- I invite you to: Decreta the New Reality

2011 begins. And many of us feel exhausted, almost exhausted by all the energy that 2010 has come to move in us and in our environment.

If we look back only for a moment, the fleeting vision of everything that has happened to us in a year gives us a certain sensation of vertigo. It is obvious that time is compressed, because it seems impossible to agglomerate so many events in twelve months ... So many changes, inside and outside, inside us, in our lives, in our known world.

Everything falters, as if the earthquake in Haiti was the reflection of the earthquake of our own existence. As if the crisis of the West, was our vital crisis manifested in all aspects of the Society.

And in the midst of such a collapse, many of us feel more compassionate, more supportive, more yearning for Peace and Harmony, eager to end the pain once and for all, with the wars, with diseases, with injustices, with manipulation, with lies

Each time with more feeling of Unity, with more desires to give, to share, to love in capital letters. We have grown as a human group, matured, acquired greater wisdom and understanding, despite and / or thanks to, everything that has collapsed around us

And this 2011 arrives inviting us to manifest what we want for ourselves, for our children, for generations to come. And we are willing to embark on it, as children who want to discover something new. A new reality now within our reach. And we know that it is our job, our mission to manifest it, vibrating this new energy still unknown in many areas of our current world. More than unknown, forgotten. And yet, so longed for ...

It is the energy of the Heart, of Love, of Unity. Our true essence, our authentic raw material.

And the mind gradually gives way to this new formula (I am tired of the paradigm), to this current of life that is the engine of our Souls, old but at the same time renewed, why they feel reborn when they recover their origin, their true and first essence: the Light.

And the Light fills our hearts giving it back its capacity to love, and to magnetize that Love towards our whole Being and towards all other Beings, towards all that Is, to understand that this flow is unique and indivisible.

That flow of Light, which translates into Love, is God. And our ancestral questions about who we are, where we come from and what we do here, are answered suddenly, once and for all and forever.

We are the light of God manifested in matter, we come from Him to experience and evolve, and we will manifest in our beloved Gaia, the reality we always wanted to create: the Earthly Paradise.

And so, despite being exhausted and exhausted, we renew our forces by uniting our hearts, and we thank from the deepest part of our guts, the opportunity and privilege of living, of being, of being, here and now, in the most glorious moment that our human species has ever known, knowing that our victory is near, that this year 2011 brings us closer and ascends us, pushes us and invites us, to manifest our Paradise, to grow and experience that new world that we have all dreamed of .

So I propose to decree together for this year 2011, the total repeal on our beloved Planet Earth of pain, war, disease, lies, poverty and injustice, to replace them now and always for Love, Peace, Health, Truth, Abundance and Harmony.

From my I Am, from the deepest part of my heart, I extend my open hand and invite you to decree this new reality together, here and now.

So be it. So is.

Thanks to you, brother and sister who are reading this message, and Thanks to all the Beings of Light, Teachers, Angels, Guides and Brothers of Light from other dimensions for assisting us and supporting us now and always in this wonderful Ascension path.

Namaste Thank you.



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