Aligning with the Planetary Resonance of Unity and Integrating the shadows of our ego

  • 2011

Little by little, we sailed the cosmic ocean until we entered the interior of the Photon Band. The Mayans called this "The Galactic Day" is the peak moment of the spiral of evolution in which the entire Galaxy plunges into a torrent of pure Light that drives us to evolution, transformation and awakening. The entire Galaxy is traveling within this Photon Band at this time. It can be said that we are in the initial impulses of this great multidimensional infusion of Light that will drive all systems towards a very large evolutionary leap.

Therefore, the new energies are entering the planet strongly. Every day, at every moment we are being irradiated by the powerful solar flares that are a physical representation of the energies coming from the Central Sun and the Photon Band. These energies are entering through the Planetary Grids and through the Poles, concentrating on the heart of Mother Earth and from there, being propelled into all life. At this time, the Grids of the Planet are being adjusted and recalibrated and this is generating seismic movements, agglomerations of Whales and other species, disturbances in our magnetic bodies and in our nervous system. Mother GAIA herself, who is in charge of redistributing them according to what our bodies and Souls need for their evolution and everything is part of the Ascension Process.

However, the process has not been simple in many ways. At some key moment of the Planetary Ascension, we as a collective conscience choose from our Souls to co-create a critical mass based on taking this great leap. To reach that critical mass, however, there is something about this that we must take into account. Those Planetary changes were absorbed by our conscience and we are living them inside Our Being, that is, we are changing, purifying ourselves and with it, purifying Mother Earth, from an act of deep Love. The movements of the Earth are our own internal movements, remember that the entire history of the Planet is in our DNA, we have been conquerors and conquered throughout history and that is the pain that is healing in the now.

This election of the Collective Consciousness of Humanity and the support of the Servants of the Light, allowed the planetary changes to soften and we did not experience the catastrophes that were expected in the past. Yes, there have been planetary physical changes, such as earthquakes and tsunamis, however, not in the magnitude of what the old prophecies announced. This is the work of the daily work of each one of Us, the work that with great Love has been carried out since our Humanity, from the densest planes of the Light. The easy way out was that old panorama of destruction in which Mother Earth moved everything and that was how ascension was generated, however, that was not our choice, we have been working so that this panorama does not crystallize in reality. However, there is still more to do.

These new energies are purifying all our lower bodies and bringing out everything that corresponds to the old energy and the old patterns of Being that resonate in the duality and separation of the Third Dimension, that is, the resonances of fear, which keep us in the lack and in the false perception of separation. This is inevitable, since we are undoubtedly experiencing a quantum leap of Planetary consciousness, as never before lived in the history of our Planet and for that, we need to free ourselves from everything that does not correspond to the Unity Worldview of the Fifth Dimension and the higher dimensions, to which we are receding little by little as the veils are drawn.

This is a key moment for the history of Humanity. We have fully entered the galactic day and nothing will ever be the same. We are called to wake up and every day we are being aligned for it.

2011 for many of us has not been an easy year. There are big changes within us and this has been a year during which, in our personal lives we have faced ruptures or emotional challenges. Many others have been feeling fearful or unable to move forward in their process of awakening. And even, they have felt interference and shock in their energy processes and all this, we have been perceiving it as a struggle. Our egos are afloat, confronting each other, struggling to remain in separation and the old energy, so we experience so much internal and external struggle on many levels of existence . Nothing is coincidence and yet there is no punishment or victims in all this, it is only part of our evolutionary process of Being.

Suddenly discouragement was breaking through in our minds as we saw that many things we used to do, have no lasting effect on our conscience and way of perceiving life and hope for Freedom It got bigger and bigger. Do you want to escape, to stop once and for all your life in the third dimension? Yes, many of us feel that way. Not all, but many of Us, since we are still recalibrating our bodies, healing old energies.

Because it will be that this year we felt this way?

What the Masters of Light have told me, is that at this moment we are going through the Hall of Mirrors, whose purpose is to lead us to the liberation of our shadows and with it to growth and reconnection With everything we are. The Hall of Mirrors aims to clear the karmas of all the lives experienced in Separation. For this reason, the Hall of Mirrors must be lived as an opportunity for growth and liberation, being honest with ourselves and making the effort to get out of the old victim consciousness in which we felt Masters attacked abroad.

Remember that everything we face in our lives, even those that challenge us is a reflection of what is inside us and at this time is being driven by the waves of Light and Love that are entering Earth, so that we can become impeccable and transparent Beings. Beings fully aligned with Unity Consciousness. And, we must enter the resonance of Love and together, focus to co-create the new vision of reality. But, for this, we must align ourselves first, find ourselves and uncover our own veils without fear of facing our own shadows and lacks.

Yes, the Veils are falling and there is nothing to fear. Our challenges are an opportunity to grow, if we choose to look at them from the Unity and honor the Divine presence of those who challenge us, for they are showing us another aspect of ourselves that otherwise could not Let's see. Likewise, we must honor ourselves from the purest Love, so that we can clearly see those deficiencies that are still imposing limits on us and that prevent us from reaching all that we can be. Since only so, we will be able to align ourselves completely with our Light, correcting and amending those wounded lacks and egos that judge and attack. Healing and integrating those inner shadows that chase us like ghosts.

At this time many of you are going through fear and are allowing fear to take over your psyche and your mind. Comet Elenin and the news concerning him continue to stalk the media. And many of you are allowing it to move you from your state of Inner Peace. We have co-created one more catastrophe! since it is hard for us to accept Universal Love and accept that the Ascension process can be lived in a loving way.

Why do we allow fear to take over Us again and again?

Could it be that from our shortcomings, we fear to accept that we are Beautiful Beings and that we deserve to receive the Love and the Blessings of Creation and therefore, we continue to recreate fear again and again, to have something to attribute our unloving feelings to?

Or it is that we are afraid to go inside and see our own shadows and lacks. And so, we focus our fears abroad, to continue holding on to the same old pretexts that prevent us from taking charge and taking charge of our evolutionary learning?

Let us not enter into laziness and dependence, fearing prophecies and predictions, accept that they are only possible potentials, however everything can be transformed according to our resonance and according to the vibration that as empowered beings from our humanity we can reach.

Let us enter into empowerment and co-create our future from Love and inner Light. It is time, let's take back our power! Let us enter into the resonance of Love, so that together we can give a new form to the planetary collective reality.

Integrating the Shadows of our Ego.

It is up to us to choose how we will live this process: in struggle or in a constant flow of Love and Peace. At every moment we are choosing and that is what we focus our attention and intention on what we become, it is what we attract.

So, if we continue to cling to the old and that old consciousness of separation, fear, competence and duality, it will become even bigger inside us, generating those internal and external struggles between the old and the new, for all that corresponds To the ego, not to the heart.

I share a message that my Higher Self gave me in a moment of connection and clarity: “Your body of Light is already resonating in the new energy, however your ego continues to cling to the old energy for fear of the unknown. Do not cling to the old, do not fear. Your place in the Universe is Sacred and is honored by Creation as unique and special and in every moment of your life, you have been a Human being. Divine, but Human at last, with the right to make mistakes and err, but also with the divine right to correct and amend, because everything is Light, even the shadow, is the aspect of the Light that is not seen ”

There is no punishment, there is only resonance. So we choose whether to continue living with our shadows stalking or admitting and integrating them.

It will be when we decide to let go of the attachments and fears, to enter the Divine Flow of Love, trusting that we are Guided at every Instance, that the veils and the old energies will simply dissolve without struggle. For in surrendering to the Divine Will of our Being, everything flows in Harmony and we integrate all our aspects into Love and Unity. This is the time to come together in resonance and co-create from Love, the new vision of the World and of reality, focusing on Love, respect and brotherhood. And yes, it is not easy to live as Human Beings. Actually, I think it's the most complicated part! because from the ego, we still tend to judge and criticize. Not only to others, but also to ourselves.

However, as we approach 11.11.11 we can take the opportunities that the Universe itself and the cosmic energies that are entering the Planet are showing us to recalibrate us from the deepest part of our Being.

This is the possibility of assuming our responsibility for our deficiencies (those feelings of fear, competition, jealousy, lack of self-respect and incoherence) to be able to release them and release them in Love, because it is the more we resist them and try to evade or deny them that they are there, that the struggle becomes stronger within us and by reflection, in our exterior. Therefore, let us take every opportunity of our daily life, to become aware of those aspects not so pleasant that still continue to condition us to duality and its persistence in our consciousness and reality.

Let us remain in a continuous self-observation of these aspects, to correct them. Because the ego acts by impulse, the heart acts by reflection and most of us are accustomed to the former. Constancy is very necessary for this, I recognize that it is not simple! (At least for me, it isn't) But it's worth a try, if you fall, get up again and try again.

Yes, we are Divine Beings. We always have been and that is our latent and purest reality.

However, as we entered the game of duality and lived life after life in it, our own experiences were generating wounds and fissures in the energy fields that connect us with the fabric of the Cosmic Christian Grid (that grid that we connects to the consciousness of Unity and totality) These fissures and wounds manifest in our behavior as the deficiencies experienced from the ego and are the causes of the veils of separation and oblivion, because they are continually reliving the reflexes and impulses of the ego, which come from wounds of the past.

To heal that fissures and therefore, reconnect with all that we are, we must work to align with the Planetary Resonance of Unity, so that we can clean in our ego those deficiencies that do not allow us to see clearly and that are the causes of constant inner struggles that continue to drive duality outward through the resonances that we drive from our feelings and thoughts.

Behaviors such as predation, jealousy, low self-esteem, criticism and judgment, among others. None of Us is exempt from that duality, it can be said that it is part of our human nature. However, they are continuous generators that hinder our access to the Planetary Resonance of Unity, which can only be accessed through Love and Respect. And it is to the extent that each of us rejects that within these aspects of the duality coexist that we will continue to sustain those internal struggles and therefore, generating and attracting more duality and struggles on our outside, attracting those mirrored beings that show us other aspects of our Being. Or in other cases, damaging and hurting others through our wounded egos.

Most of us fear and reject our own shadows and yet we carry them all the time, just as our physical shadow follows us under the sun. As much as we do not want to look at them, those shadows and lacks continue to show and present themselves, not so that we can flee from them, but so that this time we see them from the front, we accept them and manage to transmute them into Love.

You have never wondered why is it that your efforts to align and stay in connection with your Divine Light do not last?

I do. I have asked myself many times. And it is due to the incoherence and the lack of respect that still prevails within my Being. Not in my most Divine and pure part, but in that Human part that is my ego, which from the moment I immersed myself in Duality and began its evolutionary learning, was filled with wounds, grudges and attachments. Old crusts that still remain inside and that the more I refuse to see, the more they manifest outside through other people. Like many of you, dear friends who read me, I have had a difficult year on a personal level.

Old shadows that come out have shown me flawed aspects of my own personality and go, it's not easy to assume! because it scares to see it (as we get scared to look in the mirror after a sleepless night) especially when due to it, other people are affected. However, as a Human Being, I want to continue learning, to look straight ahead at those lacks without more fears, because only then, that Human Being, can be aligned with the Universal truth of Unity and will become everything that can be.

Who has not happened? That the ego plays a trick on you. That is just what makes us Humans. We are learning in duality and this is Light and shadow, both are aspects of Creation. To integrate them, it is necessary that we begin to look straight ahead at our shortcomings, which are those impulses that lead us to act duality on a daily basis.

We are preparing for 11.11.11, this will be a wonderful event that will offer us a cosmic mirror of Unity to see reflected the most beautiful thing inside us, it will be a beautiful opportunity to reconcile, to transcend the judgments, to unify again the masculine and the feminine, the light and the shadow. For this, it is necessary to be as clean and aligned as possible. That is why we are living this period of cleaning, going through the Hall of Mirrors with the Planetary purpose of clearing everything that does not correspond to the highest principles of Being.

Why not, give us a space of loneliness and serenity, to enter into connection with ourselves without judgment and without fear and look straight ahead at those lacks and behaviors that still correspond to duality?

I can recommend a simple exercise, which my Light Teachers once taught me to do.

This exercise is a way of living in our reality that mystical passage of the Master Jesus, in which he spent 40 days in the desert and was faced by darkness. That passage is also a parable and is for us to understand as such. The Master faced the EGO, his own duality and defeated him. I invite you to confront yourselves, as a way to prepare for 11.11.11

This exercise consists of taking a full day, to be alone. Without phones, computer, television. Nothing, only Self and its individuality.

Have a notebook at hand, to go pointing everything that arises, experience the deep feelings that it generates and gradually integrate it, expressing the intention to confront our shadows and lacks. Fears, hatreds and attachments, to integrate and heal them from the deepest Love.

At the end of the day. Reread everything you wrote and burn it, with the intention of transmutation.

Also, I share the meditation that I myself have been practicing these days, to illuminate my own shortcomings and confront my shadows. I share them, with all the Love.

Download the audio here

This meditation has been accompanied by the theme "Musical Rapture" written by Frederic Delarue and made available for free on its website. The reserved rights correspond to its author. Thanks to Frederic Delarue for such a beautiful Service.

We are blessed in Love and Joy Always!

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By respecting each other, we can co-create a Better World.



LOVE ... It is the recognition in Humility of Unity and Divinity in everything that surrounds us. Love is Respect, compassion, Joy ... when we love deeply, without attachments and without fear we can go beyond our barriers to enter the sacred space of Unity. Love is the seed and the fertile field where Life germinates ..

dovepeace KAI | SIRIO handlebar light

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