WINGS February 10, 2010 ~ Entering our new spaces - by Karen Bishop

  • 2010

His Excerpt from the Book for Today Crossing the Other Side:


As we begin to arrive at the new reality, in complete totality this time, little by little but surely we begin to connect with our very new families. These new families are our soul families and those with whom we share some kind of connection.

Many of us have been through so many things due to the ascension process. In this sense, we have come to feel eternally grateful for the smallest things, for the presence of another, and for any love and support that may come to us.

By opening our teary eyes to the very new light in a very new world, we are ready then, to see where we have come and what now surrounds us. So even if we have lost our home biological family, we still have our soul families. I remember an email I received after I mentioned losing my family in a message from WINGS. He simply said, “Don't worry Karen. You still have us and we are your family. ” Yes, indeed; We are family in every way to experience this unique ascension process.

The higher we vibrate, the more we connect with our own souls. We lose so much of our density; so much of the old energy of the ego that we no longer need; and what remains then is the purity of our souls. Many of us have had eons of experiences together in times past. We know each other well. We are not strangers. Some of the greatest joys of my life have been to create with soul couples, since it revives in me the memories of times past when we were so connected to each other and to the source; of times when we created planets together, life systems, and things from when we were pure souls and source energy. Feeling so familiar, it is simply divine to connect in this way.

Interacting with members of the biological family can be a bit different, unless, of course, they are also members of our soul families. A good indicator that we have a soul connection with someone is that we laugh with them often and easily. The soul friends always play well together. They seem to see things in the same way, understand each other naturally and easily, and laugh at the same things. Very easily they fall into a lightness of being together, and in this way, then it is very easy to simply have fun.

The members of the biological family may have a different role, if they are not specifically our soul families. His role was to give birth to us in this world. Many times, they gave us enormous challenges that were essential to create within us the features we wanted to embody on this occasion. In addition, many times we grew to also model their positive traits and embody them, as well as embody those traits that were created within us in the face of the need to be strong and survive, when we were challenged by their so-called darkness. And of course, we were always transmuting the darkest and densest energies on a continuous basis.

When we no longer need to grow from these interactions, and especially if the members of our biological family have not grown, then we eventually separate. We can love them from a distance, but as we expand enormously and grow through the ascension process, we simply lose the desire to remain connected to energies of less vibration. Not only are we tired, but we feel almost baffled by the energies and behaviors that are now outside our frame of reference and reality. And besides, we are no longer transmuting the densest energies through ourselves. This phase is over. It is then time to move forward, apparently whether we choose it or not. All the old roles are over. That time will never come again.

We have to move forward in order to create the new reality. Thus, we have been released in every way. We have finished completely. If you have remained in regular contact with a member of your biological family, even after fulfilling your original purpose, and you were simply interacting for love, and then suddenly you found yourself moving forward, most likely it was because you were needed elsewhere To create the new reality. But he also knows that staying connected by love is always also an option.

After my daughter made the high-level decision to get on board and change her energy, we have remained very connected. We had agreed before we were born, to meet and love and support each other while we were on the planet. No matter how different our lives may be, the love, love and respect we have for each other keeps us forever connected. The members of the soul groups always help and assist each other ... it is a fact, even though sometimes we do not consciously know why.

So, soon we begin to connect with our new families, our thermal families. And these new family members can also be old friends. The important thing here is that we decided who we were going to meet when this moment came. We decided it even before we were born. Some members of our thermal families did not live up to it. For whatever reasons, they did not grow or expand as planned before they arrived. In this way, then we will meet our alternatives, or those that fit most perfectly with who we are and where we are now. Thus, we can re-create and change the original plan at any given time.

Now that we have completely crossed into a new reality and a new way of living and being, our relationships will be very different from the relationships of the old reality. They are going to derive from a desire to create together, to unite and have fun together, and simply to be partners together. It doesn't really need much growth now, in regards to human relationships. At this point, we are more complete than ever, not meeting for some lack within ourselves, or for the need to examine and adjust our behavior, but to meet to complement each other and create a whole. And also know that we are far from perfect. The ascension process will continue to create within us, a loss of more identity and more density, a stronger connection with the source as we become the source ourselves, and a stronger connection with our souls too, with the passing of time.

When we meet on the other side, what are we going to choose to create together, and how is our heaven on earth going to be?


~ Entering Our New Spaces ~

February 10, 2010

by Karen Bishop


Continue the pattern high / low, up / down with the energies, as we continue to create the new reality one piece at a time. Now we are creating and moving energy to very deep levels, since we have made great progress that allows us to begin new phases to establish a very new reality.

Last Thursday, February 4, we had another change, and although these changes feel very unpleasant when they occur, they are nevertheless creating their original intentions ... their purpose is to take us to a very new space, and then align ourselves with that new space and way of being and living.

When these new patterns arrive, they always feel great at first, and then we have to line up with them in order to get them into shape and make them "stick." Therefore, although it may feel as if sometimes it is not happening much, in fact we are progressing as these energies push and pull, even in strange and uncomfortable ways.

We have begun the “push out” phase that I have described in previous WINGS. We are anchored and rooted in the earth, and since we are moving on the right track, we are now pushing these new and more vibrant energies and patterns “outside”, in order to overcome the remaining illusion of the old reality.

This push out and expansion of our new and authentic self, and our visions of a new and different reality, can sometimes feel as if a collision is occurring. We can feel an oppression, an anger, a frustration, and a feeling of suffocation in our struggle to break through the old energies with our new energies of greater vibration.

With the great phase of "germination" almost over (yes, we still crouch and hibernate with these ups and downs during the "low" phase), our new budding self is breaking through the earth and trying to reach the sun.

Crashing and making contact with the old energies may indeed feel unpleasant, but we must know with total certainty that in fact, without exception, we will overcome them (sounds like some ugly battle! ... smile). I have had recent experiences with this scenario in great situations, which resulted in what I could only describe as true miracles. What we are being told is this: “The light is now the true and legitimate administrator of the new earth, and therefore, the earth will be donated to the light by all legitimate means. This is our new home… our heaven on earth… and in fact it is being created now. ”

Staying true to our position and staying true to what we know is a way of living and being more vibrant, it can be very useful to ensure our new residence and legitimate place in the new reality. And if getting angry and becoming very insistent in doing things our way is the vehicle, so be it, since anger can sometimes be a great vehicle for movement and change, and it certainly takes us out of any victimization of the old world we can feel.

In addition, this change on Thursday and Friday created yet another kind of division, since some energies were on the one hand, and other energies were on the other. In fact, there are going to be steps of different vibratory frequencies in the new reality, and these powerful movements are simply moving things to their true and legitimate positions and spaces. Order is being created, and that's how it should be. If we were somewhere where we shouldn't have been, we were moved back. If we needed to move forward, it moved us forward. If we needed to change from one space to another, no matter what direction it took us, the energies during this time performed this task. All with divine perfection.

On January 15, we experienced several cosmic events all on the same day, which supported the pattern for a new beginning for each and every one of us. So although this pattern came with a bang, and then suddenly it seemed to disappear, it really didn't. We have been aligning with him since then. Looking back to where we are now, compared to where we were on January 16, we have really traveled a lot and have come much, much closer to that reality of the new beginning. As with all ascension, we take things step by step because we have to integrate and align ourselves, and Phase Two is no exception.

We "plug in" the new energies, we feel optimistic, positive, and we see clearly and hopefully, we can remember who we are and maybe what follows for us, have a new sense of security, and then disappear. While this new connection seems to fade, we are still germinating, aligning, resting, burning any energy of less vibration within us, and preparing for what we are in the midst of creating.

So in this way, one minute we can think that everything is fine, and then fall into a dark hole the next, feeling only despair and worthlessness. This process for Phase Two (which began after we "crossed over") is very different from the process for Phase One, since we are creating very new and from scratch (due to the fact that we separated from the old reality and now there are no ascension steps below us to hold things intact). So, it is above and then below, because we are literally creating the new one minute and one piece at a time. (This new and unusual process is described in detail, along with much more, in the new electronic mini-book that is almost finished, so I will not go into that in greater detail in the messages of WINGS.)

Yesterday, February 9, brought another wave of apparent darkness and deeper alignment. We are moving through old layers still within us, and at the same time, our outer reality is adjusting and recalibrating with great intensity. Things are getting into position, they are establishing and connecting with each other, as the next layer of the new grid takes shape. In this way, at crucial moments we must fall behind and allow this to happen. Strange dreams at night (about how and where we had fit into the old reality, since we are now freeing up these old spaces during sleep), needing to sleep more often and more deeply, and needing more fuel, are indicators of this process.

We are aligning to very deep levels now. We are connecting with a new inner strength and power, and this can be hard for a human body and spirit. And as always, exhaustion and fatigue play an important role when we are moving huge amounts of energy within ourselves. And during these times too, the trees may not let us see the forest, since seeing through a filter of the density that is changing makes everything seem dark and bleak, even for a short time.

I was walking the other day along the river in the forest near my house. It was a rare sunny day (we had unusual weather here in New Mexico, similar to many other places around the world). Weeks without sun and unusual cold that do not go with my vision and previous experience of living in the southwest! But things felt different that day. I could feel that the weather was beginning to change, even though it was only the first week of February and it was still very cold. There were new tiny buds on the trees. There was green and new weed in my garden. The sun had really risen and was shining. The geese were flying and squawking. And in a very subtle way, it was getting warmer.

And that's how it is with the creation of the new reality too. Behind the scenes, things are changing and moving. A lot is being put in place. We are preparing for something very new and very different ... very different from what we have known before. And very different from what we could have imagined in our old minds that existed in the old reality.

With much love and gratitude,


Translation: Margarita López

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