Who do we channel by Karina Zarfino

  • 2014
Human beings usually personalize our entire universe as children because it is the way in which we give answers to our rational mind about what happens in other dimensional planes that escapes our 3D understanding. Jesus, Saint Germain or any other Ascended Master, are ENERGY that, according to its vibrational frequency level, inhabits a certain plane of consciousness as we now inhabit 3D. We acquire our personal form in this dimension; In fact, it is curious to remember that the word person means "mask" in Greek, that is to say that it refers to the character that we inhabit in each life, not to the essential Being that We are that is merely ENERGY. When disembodied we return to that state of light; light that of course has different vibrating ranges. In other words, when we die we clearly depersonalize. If we experience this depersonalization, what can we expect from Beings of Jesus' light level, or any other Ascended Master? By abandoning the 3D form they took in the life or lives they had on Earth and returning to their very high abode they also depersonalized and continue their work radiating intense light from their powerful energy fields. Feeling that we connect with one of these Masters, rather than having the Lord Jesus giving us a personal message, to give an example, what we do is enter into resonance with his body of light; because of this we feel that we are connected to him or to the Master that was, if necessary. Hence, according to our vibratory level, which is in permanent movement, and according to our level of consciousness, which is also in permanent movement, we are able to connect with different energies, different irradiations of the light bodies of light. the so-called Masters. If we feel more familiar with one energy than another, that is, a particular Master in 3D language, it is simply because we tune in to his energy field more frequently. It is important to emphasize that, just as it is possible that we connect from this dimension with beings of such a very high vibrational level, there are many Beings that are in dimensions greater than the third but not in planes of light as high as that of Jesus or Saint Germain, to continue with the same example, and that also resonate with the energy fields of the Masters. By this I mean that in reality many times we are connecting with these "intermediate" Beings (to call them somehow) that by the fact of being vibrating within the energy fields of the Masters leads us to confuse the source, even if it were the Nor is it a case of total confusion, since we are directly or indirectly connecting with that particular field of Light, however it is interesting at least to reflect on the difference. And finally I add that you share words not with the intention of demystifying anything, or puncturing the globe to anyone, but simply with the intention of providing a seed of light on the subject, because I know that many people despair when it is time to connect with the name of his guide (which obviously hinders and blocks the connection) and there are also those who feel rejection before a message transmitted by a Being like Jesus or another Ascended Master of high level, thus missing the important thing: the MESSAGE itself. Some of you will tell me that there is to be careful when channeling because if we are not totally sure of the origin of the message a dark energy can sneak in. Of course it is a true myth, because if at any time in your life you have connected from the heart with Love and the Christ Light it is absolutely impossible that any dense energy has the ability to camouflage itself in such a high vibrational frequency, and if it did know that Instantly he would lose his degree of density and transmute into pure Light. NAMASTE KARINA ZARFINO Channeling, holistic therapist, workshop and writer.

Who do we channel by Karina Zarfino

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