13 AUTOMAESTRIA - The change of consciousness is a revolution

We are witnessing multiple changes around us. Climate changes, which disrupt our known environment and generate, for some, catastrophes and disasters that cost to address and understand. Changes in the way economic issues are confronted, where a difficult planetary crisis has been unleashed and leaves the connoisseurs without much to predict in the future, plunging people into an energy of uncertainty and fear. But mainly, we are facing a series of internal movements that allow these transformations to take place.

It is important to realize that everything that happens around us has its origin in internal states of the human being. And this statement is far from wanting to generate guilt for how things are, but what I intend is to create an awareness of responsibility, which ultimately is the only way to change our perspective of what our life is and of the planet The responsibility for our experiences installs us far from victimization, which is a state of disempowerment and fear, and that leads us to surrender the power of our lives to people or external circumstances that nothing can do if it is not we who call them to participate of our life, many times, precisely to find that guilty one that allows us not to take charge, as creators, of our sorrows and congratulations.

The change of consciousness that I am referring to at this moment, consists precisely in allowing us to understand, that is to be aware, that life is not a predetermined construct of rigid forms that we face, but the result of our own movements based on our certainties., doubts, fears, and beliefs. That is to say, this new consciousness consists in releasing everything known as truth - which many look for in books and in external teachers -, in order to find that essential truth, which resides in our hearts. That truth that nobody can tell you and less say what it is and what it is. This new conscience consists in having the courage to believe in yourself before anything else, because in an empowered heart free from limiting biases, you can find the pure reflection of our origin, you can find God, not like that to be distant and that observes us, but like that sea from where all the drops that we live on Earth sprouted, and that coming from it, we are born free and creators.

This change of consciousness is truly a revolution, one that installs us in the possibility of remembering who we are and taking life in our hands, no longer with fear, because by taking the first step to love ourselves unconditionally, the only thing that will come out of the heart will be precisely love And a creation from love and from the awareness of what life is, nothing destructive can arise.

The revolution that we have before our eyes, and that each and every one is creating even if they are not aware of it, is to achieve the freedom to be in the consciousness of love. That is the self-analysis. Stop suffering, because nobody can harm you or generate circumstances around you that make you have a bad time; This, because by recognizing yourself as responsible for your actions, you will change the vision prism of what reality is, reaching the feeling that it is a game where the pieces are not rigid and where the order you give them is unique, and the one You want to give it.

It is a revolution in which each human being will be understood as unique and sovereign. In that state we will cover only the love that gave us life. Not of the dependent love in which we seek that another nourishes us to be happy, but of the free love in which even the error, or everything that we even classify as negative, will cease to be. Everything we can see and experience in our existence has a divine origin and it is time to remember it, and not because there is a god who created it, but because a human gave it life. And because the human is divine by birthright, he has that magical gift of creation at his disposal. What has happened to us is that by forgetting that this is what we are, our creations seem independent of our actions and are responding mainly to the fear that arises from our mind, to those creations that we know and that give us peace of mind when living, never cease to be so as not to meet the emptiness we believe we have inside us. We are all love and we have already believed the dependency game too long. This revolution allows us to remember the warrior that we are all, the one who came to put the points on the ies to tell all those who still believe in submission, that their time is up. Tell them that our weapons are infinitely more powerful than those they have wielded to this day, because they are instruments of love and conscience, which they do not destroy but build and transform. And that is one of the things that these gentlemen fear most, the transformation. And the bad news for them, is that this transformation is already underway and there is no going back. Human history can no longer be written in the same way, in good time!

That is why we can say with certainty, for example, that all the dramatic changes that we can see around us, are nothing more than the result of the clash between that old energy of submission and the new energy of freedom and the awareness of love. . If we let go of the fear of what will come and we focus on what we carry inside and what we are inside, every event, however terrible it may be, is nothing more than the opportunity to tune into the consciousness of change and enroll in This revolution

You just have to allow the change, let the energy flow and not stop it with our fears that everything will end or that we are facing the worst moment in history. I can tell you with all my love, which is the opposite, that we are witnessing and creating the most wonderful moment that humanity could have experienced. The moment we no longer need to compete with each other to reach fullness, in which our smiles, as a reflection of our interior in love, are the catalyst of the loving energy that gave us life so that the planet and our way of life definitely touch that magical, luminous, empowered, sovereign and fearless state that by nature belongs to us. Those smiles that we can already give, that song before the beauty of life in all its forms, is the voice of awakening in consciousness, it is the voice of love for yourself as you are today, with your difficulties, with your fears, with your doubts, because in what appears to be so negative in us also shines a creator, one who still sleeps, but who is soon to wake up.

But nobody will wake you up, that is part of this revolution, nobody will tell you this or that, because there are no recipes for this moment, there are no rules - we are just leaving them behind - no There is technique that is worthwhile if there is no first unconditional love for yourself. Many times we think we love to put our good intentions in others or in the world, but we do not realize that those good intentions are also conditioned, they also arise from our need for love to be returned to us, or that the world is fine to have a place to live, that is survival, that is fear, and it must be said by name. True love above all is what you can give yourself, so that it overflows flooding the world. It is a circle of reactions: I love to empty myself and I ask that other one to whom I loved that love to return to fill me again, that is the origin of all our dramas. This new time is without conditions, without definitions, it is without projections, we will eventually notice how our fear-free energy and shining in pure love, it is the key for everyone to connect by themselves with their own love. In this way, nobody can blame anyone for their problems and only look at the navel, so that in honesty, we can say if we really want to be free.

For a revolution to be, it takes determination, strength, inner freedom, courage, but mainly love. A revolutionary only houses love in his heart, that love that tells him that even the most feared error, but made with passion, is the most glorious act he can create., because he is unique and sovereign, without pattern. He who is faithful to his heart rather than to established forms of action is the one who will prevail.

The new energy that is being installed in our heart, in our consciousness and on our planet, does not respond to projections. It cannot even be defined, because it is not linear, because it flows from multiple dimensions to our Earth, and the revolution is not taking place in the sky, but under our feet, on our planet.

This revolutionary shift in consciousness opens the door to permanent change. It is a state of life in which we will not know what comes in the second after our consciousness. We will manage to detach ourselves from what is established as real to create marvelous and magical worlds of not knowing, but of feeling, and that requires balls and total surrender in confidence before life, believing that by letting go of control and fears of not knowing what will come, the abundance of life will be shown.

A revolutionary has balls and is made of love, a warrior like you and me, I say it with certainty and confidence, because otherwise, we wouldn't be talking, you and me, right now .

With love.
I am Roberto.

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By Roberto Cabrera Olea
Santiago of Chile
www.automaestria.ning.com /


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