We vibrate one with Gaia -Susana Ortega

  • 2014

We vibrate one with the Universe, even though we want to escape or flee with thousands of excuses and various obsessions, we are one with GAIA.

The earth resonates in us, it encourages, sustains and loves us. We are one with her, and our destiny is totally linked to her. That is why it calls us, special places, places where GAIA breathes differently attract us so that we vibrate deeper into the energetic patterns that emanate from it.

Energy vortexes, earth chakras, important telluric points have always attracted the human being. The place that emanates a different energy has been a place of worship where altars have been installed and has been honored for millennia.

Now, when the technological society disconnects us from our roots, from our body, from our feelings, it is the best time to unite with the Earth, with the SACRED places, with its base energy and leave us Carry or imbue in your magic.

Gaia calls us. You are feeling it. Gaia calls you to vibrate differently, to jump, to enjoy, not to stay in your work world, to not see only the money, to disregard the competition. Life is something different.

When one feels LIVE, the world takes on a new meaning. Every moment is enjoyed, then the contact with the earth, with the human beings, with the road compi is the most tasty snack of the soul.

Many times we deny ourselves the possibility to feel, to love, to vibrate ..., then the ancestral memory of the earth, to feel under our feet the deep force of the planet to which we are linked, united, is the pulsation that activates in you a different energy. It opens doors, hidden dimensions appear before us, being the food for daily walking.

Travel marks life, any trip marks it, but when one is aware of his union with the sacred destiny he steps on, he synchronizes with it and joins his personal destiny to the essence of the sacred place.

The vibration emanating from the place is installed in us and from here we remember, dream, feel and love differently, because something has left a trail in us, a trace from which we can not get rid.

When one opens the door of the heart, programs are installed where whatever happens, they are already installed. The soul has remembered, has felt, has smelled the fragrance and cannot back down, because it would betray itself.

The most important step is the trip. The travel decision It is the moment that you give permission to the place to work on you. Upon arriving there a seed will be sown, which will bloom at the right time.

On every trip I make, I marvel more at GAIA, every traveler that accompanies me is the true teacher I need, from every trip I take a world and my heart swells when I resonate with fellow travelers. Right now, I get excited, some images come to my mind and I can only thank each person who has been part of my path.

If you feel a place walk towards it, the surprises of the road will not leave you indifferent, the place will make you vibrate, feel and love, but the most important thing will reconnect you with the earth, with the universe and with your own being.

A fairy wink

Susana Ortega


We vibrate one with Gaia -Susana Ortega

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