Traveling through the ascending corridor to the Future "Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman April 2013

  • 2013

April 2013

Translation: Odilia Rivera

Dear teachers, I greet you this glorious day and send you through this transmission, great waves of loving energy and words of encouragement to help you through these wonderful times of transformation. Many are thinking, “They don't seem wonderful to me. What am I doing wrong? I am not worth enough to move forward to graduate, and become Enlightened as you have promised. Will i stay behind? Why does my world seem so chaotic and in such turmoil? Where is the peace and joy you said would be available? ”

Let me calm your mind and help you understand the process. They will not fail. They are exactly where they should be - they are perfect in the way they are. They have all the help they need and all the answers to their problems, if they only allow their Higher Soul self to enlighten them when they strive to refine their emotional, mental and physical bodies.

We ask you to put us to the test. Please give us permission to guide and inspire you and by doing so you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. Brave hearts, they can only fail if they don't make an effort or if they give up. By striving slowly and faithfully to remain focused on the heart and focused on the soul, you will find that gradually but surely you are gaining more and more Willpower and Divine consciousness. They are learning to maintain a constant flow of Adamantine Particles of the Creator's Light from the portals from the front to the back of their Sacred Heart.

Now I ask you to project your consciousness out, far from yourself and your little vision of reality. Assume an expanded consciousness: imagine that you are seeing your life and the lives of those around you from an advantageous point of view, giving you the ability to see the panoramic view of what is happening from moment to moment. Look back to last year - several years past - and take inventory. Have you not taken great steps? Are they not much wiser, more compassionate and more enlightened? Can you see perfection or at least justice in what has happened in your past? Are they not stronger and wiser for their tests and processes along the way? Observe those closest to you. Have they moved forward and expanded their consciousness, or are they still stuck in the wheel of inertia, trapped and fearful in their tunnel vision about life?

During this process, dear ones, try not to judge or see anything as good or bad, see it as it really is: a matter of balanced or unbalanced energy. Focus on what is balanced and harmonious in your life, and see if you can expand this energy into unbalanced areas. Many small problems of their ego-personality keep them trapped in situations that could be easily solved if they were willing to let go of the need to be right or of their superiority. Is it worth the pain and the lack of harmony? If a situation is presented to you, appearing as rained from heaven, a situation in which someone seeks to dominate or control you, or someone in your life seems suddenly to have radically changed their behavior, consider it a gift. Many of you will say, "What have I done to attract this to me?" Constant forms of negative thinking will surely take you out of the center of power of your Sacred Heart to the astral planes of fear and guilt. This is what I told you in last month's message: Hold firm, Dear Ones, because you are reaching deep within your Inner Being in order to release, once and for all the impacted restrictive energy patterns of the past.

Let me ease your mind, dear ones. Strive to become the observer when any of those situations is brought into your consciousness. If they do not assume a defensive or adversary position; if they hold firm in their integrity and speak their spiritual truth as they perceive it without criticism or without the need to dominate or control; if they focus on the Divine Spark within that person (no matter how weak) and not their negative attributes; and they allow their beliefs, but without taking them as their own, and move beyond the event without allowing them to impact them in any way, then they will have passed the test.

Dear ones, true teachers do not have to show their mastery to others: they live it. They do not have to vocalize their level of consciousness; but radiate it. Lovingly and quietly they go on their mission and their work, leaving love, knowledge and words of empowerment behind them. Oh! They can be very visible, if this is their mission, but they are always humble, tolerant, patient and willing to share words of love and encouragement wherever they go. You will know them by their works. By their actions they will demonstrate their power and purity. Those of you who came to teach, guide and keep knowledge flowing, which will eventually evolve in wisdom, therefore creating change and allowing new philosophies to be implanted in the child’s fertile minds Likewise, those who are waking up and ready for the higher truths are yours, an enormous task, because you must teach by example as well as by the spoken word since you transmit the validity of love, joy, peace, honor, integrity, unity and abundance, instead of fear, hatred, guilt, isolation and limitation.

Many of you came from higher planes or higher dimensions, bearing so much love for the Creator that it has been very difficult for you to adapt to the material world and the physical body. They are the ones who have denied all things in the realm of corporality, rejecting material comfort, wealth and desire, as well as body shape, in the belief that they could not enjoy or accept the sensations of the world f Physical and still be spiritual. But for this they came, dear. We know that they are capable of being pure Spirit, following the Will of the Creator in the higher realms. Remember, your task was to co-create a celestial Earth and experience all the beauty and wonder of the Spirit in a physical and solid way.

Once again, we offer you some of the guidelines of the past to help you travel with grace and ease through the narrow and winding road to the future:

The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the infusions of Light and the gifts of the Spirit that are destined to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your current needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Divine I AM or Divine I Presence. However, any special dispensation that is granted to you requires you to do your part diligently. You must make your utmost effort to use the special gift of the Light of the Divine Creator for the highest well-being. Remember, each of you is a co-creative partner with our Father-Mother God.

By becoming more proficient as co-creators on the earth plane, they will learn to constantly monitor their energy patterns and seek to improve them. They must strive for sustained harmony and refined pious expression. Their goal is to release the power of the Sacred Fire which has remained dormant for many thousands of years so that they can direct and focus their energy towards the areas of their life that they wish to change. By establishing and constantly enriching your Wheel of Creative Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change and are providing the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have imagined. When you do it proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderful world, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see. We cannot emphasize enough how important the breath is to claim its Divine nature. Not the shallow breathing that most people on Earth have accepted as the proper way to breathe. This form of ineffective breathing has resulted in many debilitating symptoms and diseases also limiting your input of Divine Essence, which is critical for your well-being and the claim of your vehicle of Light. We have explained and emphasized Infinite Breathing, Accordion Breathing and how important is the practice of breathing with intention.

The Infinite Breathing could be called the Ascension Breathing, because she aligns her galactic chakras with her physical vehicle and opens the corridors back to the higher dimensions through the Binary Sequence Technique. She accelerates the process of building her ascending Light vehicle called Merkabah. It also facilitates the opening of the portal of your Sacred Mind and the back and front portals to your Sacred Heart. The Accordion Breathing facilitates a double benefit: it attracts the Adamantine Particles stored within the Root Farm and also the Adamantine Particles stored within your Etheric Replica, which is located within its personal Pyramid of Light of the fifth dimension.

His SONG OF SOUL is composed of vibratory patterns of the middle of the fourth dimension and higher dimensions, of unconditional love, wisdom, and harmony. As a Self-teacher, your Energy Signature and your Soul Song will emerge towards a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. They are recognized by the irradiation of their inner Light. The more Essence of Light you incorporate into your physical vehicle, the brighter your aura will shine.

There is an open path for each of you to follow, no matter what season or circumstances you may find, a golden opportunity is waiting to help you assume your power, connect to your creativity and bring to the forefront those many latent abilities which they have kept within the deepest of their memory banks. And now, as never before, we are close, watching, hoping to help, encourage, create miracles, pave the way, and assist them to move forward and upward. If you can see everything that is currently in your life as transitory, except for Love and Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you would know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and the future, eliminate the mental and emotional controls that others have over you, and become the free Spirit that you were meant to be. When the Infinite loop and the timeline of your past are balanced, and the major portions of your discordant energies have been transmuted, you will take a step toward the Infinite loop of your future. They are in the process of walking towards the Light of their future while leaving the shadows of the past behind. Through your times of stress and daily challenges, never forget my brave ones who are in the middle of the process of a cosmic meeting, and will evolve on time, in one way or another. You must be aware that this process of transformation is a long and complex cycle, however, it can be a great journey if you take advantage of the wisdom and tools we are offering you. The Law of the Circle declares that each new creative effort must begin from within the Stationary Point of Willpower, The Core Essence of the Creator and Co-creator. Remember, a person who is centered within his Sacred Heart and Mind, can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people while the loving vibrations of his auric field bless each one with whom they come into contact.

The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for its multiple I-Soul. Your good works are stored in the Treasury Store of Light within the World Pyramid. There is a collection of good works every year, and your thoughts and loving works are magnified and stored there. The largest portion is combined with the Light of the Creator to be used to create the greatest welfare for all mankind. They will receive their gifts and Divine dispensations according to what they have contributed to the Warehouse of Light.

It is time for each of you to step forward, and take a stand and be heard. Begin where you are, at your highest level of understanding, seeing through the eyes filtered by love, feeling with a heart full of compassion and functioning with a mind that is not obfuscated by guilt, fear or criticism. This is the way you will validate your truth and gain your dear ones. This is the way your world and your reality will be filled to overflowing with love, joy and abundance. This is the way of the teacher, the way of Living the Truth, the way back home.

Never forget that you are always your own judge and that you decide with the help of your guardian council, what will be the major circumstances of your next life experience. When you are in the environment of the higher dimensions, a Soul is always ready to rectify past mistakes so that your auric field can be cleared of inharmonious vibratory patterns, and the journey towards Spiritual Illumination can continue.

It doesn't matter if people deny the truth in what we are transmitting to you; it is the Living Truth and Universal Law nothing less; and each Soul is affected and governed by the principles of the Divine Plan, regardless of whether it believes it or not. Here again, the inner veil is applied and you must break through the negative environmental limitations of the third and fourth dimensions in order to gain access to an expanded and wonderful connection to the Creator. They have always been and will always be connected to EVERYTHING THAT IS. This feeling of disconnection is all within your mind, and the way to "open the door" to the River of Life is within the SACRED HEART. As they refine their resonance, they gradually become multidimensional, which means that they are connecting to frequency patterns of several dimensions at the same time.

In order to allow for the refined frequencies of the multiple levels of the fourth, fifth and higher dimensions, there must be a process of cleaning and clarification. Through the lessons and instructions we have given them over the years, we are trying to give them the knowledge needed to travel the path of ascension with ease and grace; however, they must assume responsibility for their return to their personal self-mastery. We are willing to help you while claiming your legitimate status as a spiritual Being in a Divine mission for our Mother-Father God. We salute your value. They are loved dearly.


*** Note from Ronna:

Dear friends, as I have been incapacitated for almost three weeks, as he has done on several past occasions, Beloved Michael guided me to different paragraphs within many messages from the past in such a way that it was not stressful for me to bring this monthly message. It is a very interesting process to observe, because he knows exactly where the segments he wishes to transmit are and all I have to do is follow his guide. It is an "automatic writing" in its highest form. Since I became the messenger of Archangel Michael in 1992, I have only stopped sending a message once and this was in December 1996, when I moved back to Reno, Nevada from San Diego, California and I still had not connected my computer . This month's message seems to speak directly to me, as I am sure it will be to many of you.

I have been quite sick since Saturday, March 2, with a very potent strain flu: with violent cough and fever, but not much congestion. However, I developed bronchitis and my doctor prescribed a round of antibiotics and Prednisone. Gradually I am improving and slowly regaining my strength. Beloved Michael has told us in the past that sometimes a virus accompanied by fever acts as a catalyst for a clarification and cleaning of old impacted energy patterns that are being canceled because we have integrated an infusion of higher Light frequency. I have found that sometimes when I have experienced a "major leap in consciousness, " this occurs. Kent, my husband, also got infected and ended up in the hospital. He is currently in a rehabilitation center, because I am not trained to take care of him. I will not go into details, however, there is a strong possibility that we will have to place it in a home House so that it has the care it needs. He is 85 years old and his health is deteriorating rapidly. It has been a very stressful time for our family as I know it has been for many of you. Do not forget, dear hearts that we are receiving some extremely powerful Adamantine Light of the Creator Particles., We are being prepared to take a giant out in Divine consciousness. Is it not worth the effort and challenges we must experience to obtain this new reality of loving interaction, peace, prosperity and joy? I, of course, am willing to do everything necessary to manifest the vision of the NEW EARTH that I have been allowed to see. Eternal love and angelic blessings. Ronna


APRIL 2013 Traveling through the ascending corridor to the Future Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman to

MESSAGE FROM Arc ngel Miguel

Through Ronna Herman

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