Go with the flow, Salena Migeot

  • 2015

Dear Me:

We bring you great news with great delight. There are many who have evolved to a point where they can now see, know and experience much of what we have told them they could experience. As they are capable of letting go of the very current human tendencies of blaming others, of feeling shame, of experiencing guilt, of resorting to anger, of holding on to not forgiving, of diminishing their own light following the current of the 'status quo' instead of questioning the inconsistencies, they are increasing their light increasingly. As this happens, others benefit from their greater emission of light, which restores the pattern of others so that they are capable after recalibrating to the new pattern.

As this happens more frequently, everyone will have a greater sense of what is possible for you. They will be able to let go of limiting beliefs more easily, more consistently embrace higher vibrational energies, and expand their personal lives in ways that had appeared to be highly unlikely even just a year ago. They will let go more easily those habits, thoughts, past times and much more that no longer serves them. They will not be diverted so easily by disinformation campaigns designed to prevent them from reaching their greatest human potential. 'Potential' is a powerful word because its root means power. So what we are saying is that you all have the ability to increasingly access your own personal power as you accept more light and avoid those things at the bottom of your being that no longer serve you.

We invite each of you to dream the best possible dream for yourself, living your highest potential, not in terms of the values ​​of society but in terms of the best for you personally - extreme well-being, optimal agility, speed, flexibility, without any pain, (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), without aging, with self-sustainable and balanced energy, with perfect bodily functions, clear thinking, perfect memory and full memories, with the ability to learn anything you choose in a shorter time than previously imagined, and the ability to communicate with any kingdom they choose, if they choose, having all their psychic abilities available as certainly as they have the ability to speak and walk, where all their disabilities become a thing of the past, where all wishes that no longer serve their greatest good are eliminated, all wishes of connection, elevation, purpose, valid tion, proper way of earning a living, the appropriate relationship, and any other satisfactory desire or need of being are fully fulfilled. This is what is possible for you. This is his divine right of birth. The intention of the Creator for all of you is to live in peace, joy, harmony, abundance, and above all, in love.

The times of experiencing deficiencies, limitations, suffering and pain are coming to an end as they recalibrate themselves with the reality of the Christ Consciousness of truly living in a state of brotherhood with all beings, as conscious guardians of the Earth Mother and all her resources, without taking anything for granted or underestimating, much less underestimating each other. The more they can embrace this through each thought, word and deed, the sooner they will experience it as their reality. It is not for them to leave this to others. This is a collective effort. Each of you affects the whole to a greater extent than you know or can understand. The more they live in unity, the greater their understanding, and the more powerfully they can achieve that reality.

Those who choose not to participate are free to do so. They will simply remain in a state of lack, limitation, and disconnection. After all, you are free beings. Everyone creates their own destiny and nobody is responsible for their reality. You create exactly what you need to experience for the evolution of your being. The easiest way to evolve is to go with the flow. If they resist, things will get complicated. They can flow with the flow with some turns and jumps in the stream, or hinder it by its resistance.

Know that no matter what your decisions are, you are surrounded by your loving guides, who all you want is the best for you. The more they help themselves, the more they can help them. If you are resisting and fighting the current, that is where you are focusing all your energy, so you are losing your messages, your guide, your breath. When you focus more on the flow - the ease, the sicronicities, the daily magic and the miracles that happen around you, the more open you get more love, support, guidance, blessings and opportunities.

Go with the flow of love . Love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Be love We love you very powerfully.

And so it is.

The Collective of the Guides

Channeling: Salena Migeot

Source: http://lightworkers.org/

Go with the flow, Salena Migeot

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