Emotional Body Transitions ~ Mother Mary channeled by Natalie Glasson

  • 2013

December 11, 2013

Every day on your Earth is a powerful energy day. In the past there have been notable days in which powerful bursts of energy flowed towards the Earth and into your Being; now powerful bursts flow each and every day that you travel the Earth. In your transition you have entered a stage in which you are constantly open ; and there is always an opportunity for powerful and transforming bursts of Light to flow through your Being and your reality, more frequently. The energy is building your energy vibration while creating purity and strength within your Being. You no longer need to wait for certain calendar days to increase your Awakening; Every day on Earth is a powerful process of awakening and Ascension for you. With such powerful and strong energy vibrations anchoring, this can cause periods of immense bliss and peace, along with periods of chaos with both internal and external suffering. It is important that you realize that in the past any form of suffering was a lesson or spiritual challenge for evolution. Many people are still using old energetic learning patterns, as it may take some time for this to be observed, healed and released. The energy bursts also have the purpose of bringing to the surface everything that is no longer necessary or that is hindering, so that you observe it, heal it and release it, thus allowing you to enter more deeply into the New Age focused mainly and completely on Love. The New Age is to love you, love others and experience the Love of the Creator. Some energy bursts also have powerful influence on your emotional body. At this time a lot of focus is being put on the emotional body, as it is preparing and going through transitions to be able to serve and merge with your Soul more fully; This means that large volumes of Light and energy are being poured into your emotional body and the Earth's emotional body, which can cause your emotional body to be very active in your reality, in your actions and reactions.

It is important to ask that the emotional body be balanced, calm; and that his energy be softened so that harmony unfolds in your emotional body and throughout your Being.

You may want to state:

“With the support of my Soul, my Guides and the Creator, I ask that the balance in my emotional body be restored. May my emotional body be calmed and calmed by the Light, Love and support of the Creator, merging harmoniously and peacefully with my whole Being. Please bring peace of mind to any excess activity that is no longer necessary in my emotional body. I experience the most appropriate Ascension of my emotional body, experiencing my emotions as beautiful expressions of my Being that flow peacefully and healthy. ”

Frequently the emotional body clings to ideas of suffering and pain, which you turn to automatically as a valuable way to free the past, experiencing your true Self, but also experiencing your ego and feelings of lack or separation. Some challenges, reactions and processes of liberation or emotional learning can cause you to be unaware of your reality and the inner truth of your Being. Not being aware of your Spiritual Path and the beautiful Being of Light within your physical being can be a source of pain, but it can also cause suffering and confusion, as well as unnecessary experiences. I want to offer you insights and reminders so that you use them whenever you find yourself under the influence or trapped in your emotional body and its processes. Your journey on Earth is a remembrance process of the Creator; So each and every day your reality is a process of remembrance of yourself as the Creator. Tools and practices that remind you of your truth, or that bring your focus and attention back to knowing your truth consciously, even if you don't understand it, will help you stay in a space of balance, peace, Love and joy, no matter what that is happening in or around your Being. Frequently when bursts of high energy enter your Being, the physical body and the energy bodies become extremely active; This can be projected in many ways to your physical reality. If there is something that needs to be healed, it can be projected into your reality, for a powerful process and a powerful healing experience.

In times of suffering, pain, confusion, disturbance, chaos, fear or similar energies, turn your attention, focus and memory back to these thoughts; I will be with you, supporting you and loving you as you read my words of remembrance, supporting the awakening of new starbursts of Light from within your Being.

Allow yourself to be aware of Love; Love is the Essence of the Creator, and is the natural healing energy for your body, for your Being and for your reality; and it will take everything in and around you to perfect alignment, harmony and bliss. Inhale the vibration of Love.

Your external experiences with the world, with your reality, with people; even with yourself, they are all a projection of the interior of your Being. Your beliefs, your opinion and your understandings of yourself and the Creator can be projected into your reality. To heal any situation, large or small, first look for the answer within you. Blaming yourself or blaming another will not bring enlightenment to any situation, but will simply cause more pain. Enter your own energies and realize the Source or the purpose of your creation.

All energies are malleable and you can alter them. In the world there is nothing permanent; especially on the physical level, the Creator's Divine flow acts in your reality as a natural rhythm for change. This means that if you experience a situation or feeling that is not aligned with the Creator's Truth, know that you can change it instantly if you want to. You can instantly change any energy and your reaction to it, especially with positive and expansive thoughts. Imagine what you would like to experience or how you would like to feel, instead of focusing on that an energy is permanent and immovable.

Your emotions, your thoughts and your body, can express the highest and purest vibration of the Creator; allow yourself to be aware of this knowledge.

Remember that you are a strong and powerful Lighthouse of Light and Love; This is your Truth, more than any other realization, thought, emotion or experience that may come into your reality.

Program your mind to instantly find a solution to all the experiences and feelings that you perceive that are not aligned with the Creator. Stimulate your mind to enter deeply into the vibration of your Soul in search of an outcome and an inspiration to create a solution. Often many people who are focused on spiritual growth can become very sensitive to the energies that surround them, often many situations or experiences can reach a positive solution through energy work, either sending energy, accepting energy, creating a energy exchange, or creating energy foundations such as bubbles of Light, to maintain, support or protect the energies.

The transitions that occur frequently within you require that you be patient and compassionate towards yourself and those around you.

You can often get out of situations and feelings by imagining yourself in a space of Love, surrounded by Love and building Love from within your Being. This can be achieved energetically and instantaneously; then you can re-enter your reality and allow the remembrance of yourself to merge with your reality, thereby raising the vibration and the possible results.

It is not always essential that you understand the transitions and situations you go through; If you worry about discovering and understanding, then you can get distracted and not receive valuable insights and ways to return to deep spaces of Love.

“I AM Love, I AM peace, I AM bliss, I AM true, I AM the healthy perfection of the Creator. I trust the Truth of these words and allow the Divine remembrance to arise easily from within my Being. ”

Emotions can be deeply interwoven in your Being and in your energy systems; It may require loving observation of yourself with a memory of your truth, to manifest healing and freedom of emotions. Past experiences have caused emotions to be used incorrectly, but now your emotional body is going through a huge transformation that will allow you to use your emotions to feed your spiritual evolution, your connection and experience with the Creator in each present moment.

Take time to be aware of your emotions, send Love, healing and support to your emotions while your emotional body goes through a powerful period of transition. Please know that I, Mother Mary, am with you loving you forever in truth; and with Divine remembrance of the Creator.

With love, Mother Mary.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


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