ADHD Natural medicine for hyperactivity and attention deficit in children

  • 2013

Natural medicine for hyperactivity and attention deficit in children

The acronym ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Natural medicine can help against attention deficit that can occur with or without hyperactivity.

Attention deficit is a behavioral syndrome that has its mostly genetic origin. The origin of the disorder is also neurobiological and is thought to be probably psychosocial and environmental such as lead poisoning, smoking during pregnancy or some food additives.

Symptoms appear before seven years of life and may persist in adolescence and as an adult. ADHD (concentration deficit hyperactivity disorder) is not a learning disorder, but sometimes they are related by the individual's lack of attention.

ADHD is one of the causes of school failure and social problems in children's age. ADHD in children must be treated properly before a deterioration in their school performance, their relationships with the family and their social environment is reached.

The child with ADHD is moved, impulsive, has trouble paying attention and concentrating, they are unable to hear correctly, organize tasks, work or play in teams.

They have problems with writing and math because this requires an effort to concentrate. They are forgetful and clueless, tend to daydream.

ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder comprises, on the one hand, the difficulty of being able to concentrate for a period of time or “inattention” and, on the other hand, the lack of control over impulses, associated with hyperactivity-impulsivity.

How does ADHD or attention deficit disorder manifest?

The diagnosis of ADHD is very complex and can be confused with other disorders that can occur in childhood.

In a behavior with hyperactivity the child is in constant motion, is unable to remain seated for a long time, speaks excessively, responds before the question is finished, is unable to wait his turn in the queues, interrupts others without justification and makes inappropriate comments to get attention, loses interest in the activities he is doing quickly, tend to be more problematic with the mother than with the father.

In adolescence, the same behavior tends to be achieved and as an adult he has learned to control his hyperactivity and behavior and mitigate his difficulties.

How does the brain of a child with ADHD work?

In the brain of a child with ADHD there is a deficit in the regulatory action of some neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. There is an abnormal functioning of dopamine and norepinephrine at the level of the frontal cortex and lower structures such as the striatum.

This would be related to the lack of attention and excessive movement if we compare it with the functioning of a normal individual. Dopamine and norepinephrine are very important in the correct transmission of the electrical impulse of the brain.

At the physiological level of the brain, we see that children with ADHD have a slight decrease in brain size, especially in the prefrontal area and basal glands, without observing serious malformations.

ADHD treatment or attention deficit disorder

In the treatment of ADHD, a psycho-pedagogical intervention is important for learning problems and positive development therapies in children, reinforcing their potentials through sport and group dynamics. There are special educational services in some schools.

Children who have ADHD can improve with treatment but there is no cure. The objective is to eliminate the symptoms to facilitate the social, intellectual and emotional development of the child. Help the child with techniques to manage the symptoms and guide him towards constructive and educational tasks that counteract his limitations.

Currently in Spain the treatment for ADHD is methylphenidate marketed under the name of Rubifén (immediate effect) or Concerta (prolonged release). If these are not tolerated, another drug is prescribed atomoxetine marketed under the name of Strattera.

How can natural medicine help us in ADHD?

Natural medicine is a complement to these allopathic medicines. Some of the natural medications that may be prescribed are:

DMAE (2-dimethylaminoethanol)

The DMAE marketed as Pedi-active, Deanol or Deaner. This medication was studied by Dr. Lewis and Young in the 70s in children who had ADHD problems. The studies demonstrated the effectiveness of the medication by comparing it with placebo and children taking methylphenidate. DMAE has stimulatory effects and is a precursor of cerebral acetylcholine.

Acetylcholine and choline increase their levels with DMAE supplementation. Acetylcholine facilitates memory, concentration, the process of thinking, calculating ... With DMAE, learning in concentration deficit disorder is facilitated.

AMD is also effective in other mental disorders, including: depression, lack of motor coordination and mental fatigue. As well as, according to studies carried out in 1990 by Knusel, it improves cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer's disease and progressive degenerative dementia.

Phospholipids: phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphoinositides

The main function of phospholipids is to serve as structural components of cell membranes. They are the covering of neuronal cells and are important for the correct transmission of the chemical impulse from neuron to neuron, the production of neurotransmitters, the production of neuronal receptors and thus improve learning and concentration, enhance memory and give a balance of mood .

Omega 3

Omega 3 in the form of DHA or docosahexaenoic acid is the essential component for phospholipid formation. DHA deficit has been associated in many of the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

There are many studies on DHA and its effectiveness in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that make this natural medicine the basis of ADHD treatment.

In any case, consult your doctor, therapist, pharmacist or health professional who can advise you.

With information from: World Health Organization and Pharaohs: Genetic influences on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Photo: / b ser Blick stormpic

Source: http: //

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