I am as God created me

  • 2016

I am just like God I believe

I am as God created me

I didn't know, they had told me

I am just as Dio believed me

I didn't believe it, and wandered the world

What I was looking for, I don't know, because, what the ego can know

I was looking over here, I was looking over there

I had a time here, a time there

I did not know

I am as God created me

A thousand times I look for it

What I was looking for, I don't know, but I kept looking

But one day, I stopped, and He came to Me.

He told me

You are just as I believe you

And now I know that I am

Just as he believed me

The history

There are so many years that have passed, I can't even count them anymore, there are so many hopes, that I can't even remember them, year after year, time after time, eternity after eternity, in the far away from my mind, a thought lies a memory, I have not been able to remember it after all those years, wander through countless places, walk countless roads, many generations are my memory, and yet, the road was repeated over and over again, in countless nuances, with different colors, with different names, with different languages, in the fantasy of my mind, I just wished it would be repeated over and over again. Beautiful places, I knew beautiful places, endless walks, endless days, different friends, different people, daytime at night, in winter or in summer, it was always the same, the dance of relentless time never ended.


That you need to understand what you really are, it has been said everywhere, at all times and by different Persons, that You are the Son of God. But answer this question, do you really believe it, do you really accept it, what would your attributes be, if you really believed that you are the Son of God, what you think or what concepts you have of God, do you feel separated from him, you see it very far, you think that he is waiting for you to make more mistakes to take you somewhere, or you think that he was not even wise enough to make a perfect world, disease free, death free, free of wars and shortages, its creation is so limited, that you have to die for him to live, or that you have to go to rest to wait for him at some point to think that It's time to come to punish you or give you a prize. If you think so, you are not wrong, but extremely wrong. God, our Creator, is perfect, his creation is Perfect, but it is not what you see, because what you see is a projection that we build based on separation, feeling alone and without any meaning or meaning. Or do you think that Our Father, who is the purest presence of Love, has sent his children to suffer, to live in shortages, to die and only accompany them It is a hope, one that many of our brothers no longer have.

The miracle

We see that the stories are repeated again and again, only the scenarios and the characters change, some brothers we call Master or guru appear, and we confuse them with demigods, some captivate our minds and make us think, make us try to imitate them and then we want to be like them, and when we try, one and a thousand objections appear, such as, for example, I don't have time to do what they tell me, I don't understand it, that's not for me, and sometimes there is reason, the same ego It has made easy things difficult. Today you can make the decision and deliver a small dose of goodwill, so says UCDM, and He will do the rest, say the Masters that today, now, it is time to do it, They are with us, in fact they have always been . Everything is in our Mind, if what you see has no meaning is because the part of You that is He finally wants to return to Home. Disciplining the mind now with the influence of the Holy Presence, it is viable, you just have to decide and do it, if you do not have a method or if you already have it and feel that you have not advanced as you would like, I invite you to know A Course of Miracles, he will take you step by step, day by day, and you will constantly be perceiving his Presence, the Miracle will no longer be something distant but a constant becoming. And you will recognize then that You are just as God created you . A being of Light, Pure and Impeccable, made in the likeness and image of his LOVE. And you may want to continue with the course you had already begun, but surely now you will resume it with more desire, with more enthusiasm and achieve what we all are looking for here.

The battle of the separated mind

But your separated mind, will know how to fight, will not want to disappear and give way to your mind Straight, but if your will was firm and do not falter, every day there will be a miracle that will bring you closer every time to what in UCDM is called the Instant Holy So you will remember who you are, you will remember that you are The Beloved Son. And nothing will ever be the same as before, you will have changed forever, probably your brothers will not notice it, if they have not yet decided to change, but surely there will be others who like you have traveled this path and will recognize you. But if they don't recognize you, don't worry, in the same way that every day you were recognizing the way back home, so you also changed, your image changed, your life changed, your talk changed, your teaching changed and late that early It might be recognized. This will no longer be important, because what is important will be consummated.

And you will recognize yourself as He created you.


Author. Carlos EFR, editor of the great family of www.hermandadblanca.org


Channeled by: Helen Schucman

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