"On the truth", White Eagle channeled by Jonette Crowley

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Welcome guardians of the portals of Luz. I am White Eagle. 2 Question: How do we reconcile the perception that consciousness is expanding, with all the conflicts we see now in the World? 3 Question: Tell us about absolute truth versus changing truth. 4 Question: How do we use the concept of truth and expansion to help us manifest the possibilities? 5 Question: Since everything changes: How do we recognize the real truth? 6 Question: Is the truth always related to the highest and best for us? 7 Question: How can we use this knowledge to make decisions? 8 Your Journey through the Golden Gates 9 I AM White Eagle.

Welcome guardians of the portals of Luz. I am White Eagle.

You are on the threshold of a great awakening. This is the time in which illusions fall apart; and what is true is shaped into a new emergence. This emergence does not manifest itself imperceptibly in reality, but rather collides with what has happened before, breaking down what sustains limitations and old forms.

The new is expressive, unpredictable and undeniable . It is shown as transition and agitation, but always with the strong sensation of Light and correction.

The masks are removed, so true beauty can be shown again. The question that must be asked at all levels is: “What is the truth?” Even that truth that does not have an initial capital letter will change the second or the next day. So you cannot guide yourself on this journey knowing the end, because surely even that truth will change. You must seek the truth in the moment, without sticking to the result. The result establishes a direction for the movement, but does not give rise to the purpose of the trip.

The most important personal aspect to cultivate in these times is fluidity. This means flowing especially in your thinking patterns.

These times are only difficult when one is attached to what has been preconceived. In times of important Creation there is no preconception available or possible. Instead, witness the emergence of spectacular proportions at all levels. You do not determine what is possible or impossible through the merits you attribute to it, instead it allows the Universe to surprise all that it is.

Question: How do we reconcile the perception that consciousness is expanding, with all the conflicts we see now in the World?

Implosion is always more powerful than explosion. The weight of that false reality collapses on itself; and when the old plaster cracks, the golden inner core of the high consciousness, of the true value and of the Self of the Human that have always been there appears. The plaster mask is being removed from the inner golden Buddha. You cannot give up the truth.

Question: Tell us about the absolute truth versus the changing truth.

In a creative Universe there are no absolutes, except Creation. The truth must expand beyond itself, or it will not be aligned with an expansive Universe. Anything absolute is comfortable but limiting.

Question: How do we use the concept of truth and expansion to help us manifest the possibilities?

Always choose options that expand. Options born of fear or leading to fear will never expand. The choices that leave the most doors open are the ones you should look for. They feel sweet and complete; They are not complete forever, they are only the option until tomorrow, when you might feel another option.

Tomorrow you'll feel it when you really want to examine a decision. We don't want you to examine everything again. We just want you to know that fluency is vital. Just because a decision is totally correct today, that does not mean that, if a different set of circumstances comes, it is perfectly correct in a week. You have to be a spiritual warrior who remains fluent, not in a position; This is the difference between a wave and a particle . The particles have positions; The waves have flow . Waves always manifest more options than particles. If your enemies are particles that have firm positions, you don't hold a position as they do. Maintain the fluidity of a wave; Then ask for discernment for the moment.

Make decisions from knowing, rather than from thinking. Thought can lead you to knowledge, but it is never a substitute.

Knowledge comes from feelings; it is not rationalized or explained; He doesn't need it.

These are great times for Earth, although they are not easy times for Humanity. Each of you must return to your essential values ​​and make sure that you are making decisions based on your essential values ​​and not based on fears that have been imbued.

Question: Since everything changes: How do we recognize the real truth?

The truth is a Portal towards expansiveness. So the most accurate indicator of truth is that the truth opens to what cannot be explained. Anything that is not true at the moment, you feel it sticky or limited. So you can recognize the truth by considering several options, putting them inside your heart until you feel which option is more expansive, more holy, more It is pure; and that it has less rationalization or fewer words. Truth is a space, not an element in that space.

Question: Is the truth always related to the highest and best for us?

Yes, but the truth is far beyond you as an individual; It is part of the expansion of the Cosmos. So the truth is not personal, but your sense of actions and decisions may be aligned with the truth. When you find the truth, you are touching eternity. The truth transcends the individual, but through your feelings you can see if you are part of it; A calm mind is essential to feel it. The truth does not arise from words, but descends from grace.

Question: How can we use this knowledge to make decisions?

Be as clear and clean and entrenched as possible, withdrawing strange thoughts until you are well focused on your golden heart. Then, for your decisions and choices, consider the options your mind creates. Feel them one-on-one, even when you know which one you feel most expansive. If none of you feel expansive, ask your guide : What other options am I not seeing right now? First feel the energy of the expansion; and then look at what option is brought by that expansion.

Your Journey through the Golden Gates

Now fly to the Golden Gates and see which Guardian is there for you, realizing if the doors are open or closed. If they are open, they are waiting for you. If they are closed, you should ask what else you should understand.

Now go through them. Allow yourself to become the vibration on the other side of the Golden Gates. Please allow yourself a few minutes of silence.

Now you are asked: "How ready are you to be Sacred?" The expression is better with the verb "to sanctify", so that you are a wave and not a particle: "How prepared are you to be sanctified?"

Imagine living your life in a way that sanctifies All That Is.


I AM White Eagle.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Jonette Crowley

SEEN AT: http://www.jairorodriguezr.com/

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