Thetahealing sessions at the Naturae Mater Center in M stoles (Madrid)

  • 2012



ThetaHealing® is a methodology for change, developed by Vianna Stibal in the US over 14 years ago, when she discovered it healing herself from leg cancer, and began sharing her discovery with the world. The name ThetaHealing® refers to the brain wave 'theta'. Theta state is a state of deep relaxation, this state is used in hypnosis and during sleep. Theta waves are the subconscious as they govern the part or layer "of our mind that is between the conscious and the unconscious." Here reside our feelings and memories, as well as our attitudes, beliefs and behaviors.

This technique is a tool that gives us the power and ability to remove, remove, and replace feelings, programs, beliefs and thoughts that negatively influence us, replacing them or changing them with positive thoughts, feelings, programs and beliefs.

It is aimed at those who want to improve themselves, the only requirement is to want to change, improve and manifest everything we want to achieve in this life and believe that everything is possible.

TethaHealing® can be applied in all aspects of your life: health, physical appearance, happiness, abundance, spiritual evolution, creativity and personal relationships.


In TethaHealing you work at the same time on four levels of beliefs are:

Fundamental beliefs - subconscious mind, are the beliefs that have been generated from the moment you were conceived until today (For example if you were wanted, or if you were a child when your parents wanted an a child, if they received you with love, if you had siblings or were born by cesarean section etc. determining today with schedules of `` I am not enough I am not what they expected, I am a disappointment, and that program is working on your system.)

Beliefs at the Genetic Level - DNA, ancestral memory - are the programs we load from more than 4 generations ago, from your parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc. What your ancestors believed and what you unconsciously believe today, and also a level of gestures and physical information.

Historical Level Beliefs - genetic witnesses of deep witnesses or past lives, collective consciousness - are those that are generated from the energy of the place where you are born, it is not the same to be born in Spain To be born in Germany or Mexico, sociocultural conditioning determines the beliefs of the place of origin.

Beliefs at the Soul Level is the deepest level, programs that are in your life mission, programs that you determined before birth to be able to do certain lessons in this life.

Through kinesiology beliefs are corroborated, the muscle test is used to verify whether a belief is or not.

And all this can be changed. You co-create the change of being accepted by making changes of beliefs or programming in the brain that in turn is joining neurons. physically the brain is making electromagnetic paths. For example, I am disappointed, I change it to `` I am accepted, '' and many times we find that if your parents' lack of acceptance is in the motor area, the muscles will have certain errors that will not allow you to move smoothly. Your body is a trace of your beliefs of 100% of the 4 levels of beliefs are 85 or 90% at the unconscious level and the other 10 or 15% at the conscious level.

In this case ThetaHealing goes to the unconscious to read everything we do not see consciously, the important thing is to change that belief and align it allowing us to change it for the right belief. The transformation is magical!

Naturae Mater Center

They regularly follow our massage services (reflexology, chiromassage, lymphatic drainage, anti-stress massage, metamorphic, osteopathy, kobido massage, etc.) and natural techniques (flowers of Bach, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, reiki, regressive technique, tarot, etc.) and also for free:

- OPEN DOORS MEDITATION every Friday at 8:00 p.m.

- REIKI DOORS OPEN every Friday every three weeks (by appointment) NEXT DATE OCTOBER 19

We will wait for you!


Wednesday, October 17 at 6:00 p.m.

(it is necessary to confirm assistance

video :

[youtube] [/ youtube]

It is a revolutionary method that allows one to enjoy the experience of drawing in just under five months. At the end of the course each participant will have mastery over faces, objects, shapes ...

Come meet him and enjoy that Wednesday a first class without obligation.

We also remind you of the courses that will be held on Friday, October 19 and Saturday, October 20:


30-hour course (approximately 2 months)

Date: October 19

Price: € 280, € 140 / month. € 30 discount if paid in full on the 1st day of class

Hours: Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

More information:


Date: October 20

Price 40 euros.

Hours: Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

More information:


Date: October 20 and 21

Price 130 euros.

Hours: Saturday from 10am to 2pm and from 4pm to 8pm and Sunday from 10am to 2pm

More information:

We also invite you to send us your experiences in Naturae Mater for our website, in our testimonials section, so that all those people who are thinking of deciding on one of our activities or workshops can see how other people have already benefited from them. . Send us your testimony ... you are all welcome!


Telephone: 91 646 00 12 and 678 502 131

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