Solar Storms are needed to Save the Planet, by Dieter Broer

  • 2012

Dieter Broers argues that the solar storms of 2012 and 2013 can propel us towards the discovery of the true potential of the human brain.

The solar storms of 2012 have a positive side, and somehow hopeful. The German scientist Dieter Broers argues that the alterations in the Earth's magnetic field, caused by solar storms, will alter our perception of time and reality and, depending on our preparation, will produce in us mystical experiences, changes in consciousness., hallucinations and perhaps, mental powers.

While Broers' theories were already briefly explained in an earlier entry, the sudden increase in solar activity in recent weeks merits a more detailed analysis of the German scientist's work.

On what does Dieter Broers base his theories about solar storms?

Some experiments carried out by Broers led him to discover that a person's state of consciousness can be altered by exposing the brain to electromagnetic fields of a certain intensity. According to their research, a normal magnetic field allows us to maintain a normal state of consciousness and a perception of normal time. On the other hand, a severely abnormal magnetic field or its absence causes altered mental states and a distortion in our perception of time.

For Broers, who has been researching this field of science for thirty years, the effect of geomagnetic disturbances created by solar storms is similar to the effects of hallucinogenic drugs. When we are exposed to these types of magnetic fields, our brain produces a series of substances that are those that generate these hallucinations or distortions of reality and time.

“The altered states of mind are caused by neurochemical processes and by the production of psychoactive or hallucinogenic substances. Under certain conditions, the brain is capable of producing what we could call illegal substances. "

The solar storms of the next few years could cause our brains to generate substances capable of producing strong hallucinations. These hallucinations will be totally real for the person who experiences them and will affect our senses in different ways: time will seem to move more slowly, we will see strange presences, we will hear voices, we will perceive invisible forces and we will feel a powerful union with the universe around us.

Dieter Broers argues that the solar storms of 2012 and 2013 will cause not only disconcerting altered states but extremely pleasant states that some might call "enlightenment, " like the one experienced by Moses, Joan of Arc, and Paul of Tarsus.

Not everyone will feel the same, or react in the same way. Some people will experience peace and euphoria while others will go through moments of aggression and depression. The determining factor for having a negative or positive experience will be fear. While one person could escape terrified of a strange presence, another might realize that presence is part of their conscience, and another could engage in dialogue with the mysterious presence about the origins of life. Therefore, Broers advises that we prepare our minds by meditating.

"Even if you have doubts about what kind of" enlightenment "you might experience, you should, however, begin to meditate as soon as you can so that you can experience these altered states of consciousness in a receptive state."

If we are predisposed there will be no fear, and if we are in a receptive state we can take advantage of the experience. It will depend on us that these hallucinations become moments of "spiritual enlightenment."

What good are all these hallucinations? What is positive about all this?

According to Broers, many patients have been treated successfully using the effects of electromagnetic fields in the brain. The therapy, also called "mega-wave therapy", consists of administering electromagnetic fields, identical to those found in nature, through devices placed on the patients' heads. This therapy has had a very high percentage of successful cures thanks to the fact that for the first time, patients are able to understand the cause of their problem.

The same therapy applied to healthy or trouble-free patients has caused these patients to experience an altered state of consciousness that allows them to see the reality and things of this world, in a much larger context.

“These discoveries can also be applied to the current situation in the world. If we see the global crisis as the symptom of a disease and look deep within us, we will be able to identify the current cause of this disease. As long as our efforts to save ourselves focus on the symptoms of our condition, we will not find a true cure. We can only save the planet if we recognize, first, the true cause of the disease. This type of recognition can be obtained through the influence of electromagnetic fields. If, for example, every human being on Earth were exposed to these electromagnetic fields, a collective consciousness would be born in human beings. ”

This collective exposure of humanity to electromagnetic fields that Broeck talks about could be caused by a strong solar storm in the coming years. The German scientist believes that a series of solar storms of high magnitude will not only cause mystical experiences or hallucinations and changes in consciousness about the damage we do to the planet, but could also put into operation parts of the brain that we have never used.

“I am convinced that we are currently in the middle of a process that includes the restructuring of our neural networks, and that the catalyst for this process is the high solar-geomagnetic activity whose consequences are feared by so many people. However, all the facts and discoveries point to the undeniable conclusion that evolution will allow us, for the first time in human history, to use the enormous potential of our brains. ”

For Broers, we humans use a tiny part of our brain, he argues that it is as if we used the area of ​​a dust particle when we have a mansion of five hundred rooms.

A few large solar storms could be enough to alter our reality. Hallucinations would be the first sign that we are using new areas of our brain. What comes next is unknown terrain, mental powers? telepathy? Quantum properties? Parallel realities? Other dimensions?

Dieter Broers argues that alterations in the Earth's magnetic field will produce not only a change in consciousness but will help us use the true potential of the human brain.

“In view of the fact that electromagnetic fields can help a patient identify the cause of a disease, it is very possible that the electromagnetic forces of the cosmos can make the human race realize the disease that Attack our planet. The conditions for an expansion of consciousness are given.

Hopefully we don't need to be hit by a gigantic solar storm to start reversing the planet's crisis. Although at this point in the game, it seems that only something like that radical will change our course.

The Disclosers hope that the solar storms of the coming months will already expand our consciousness and, once and for all, propel us to a period of evolution in a different field than technology. Gico. One much more necessary in these times, the spiritual one and I do not mean religion.


Dieter Broers (2009). Revolution 2012. Scorpio Verlag GmbH & Co.

Article initially disclosed by Deydy Montiel

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