The end of the cycle is coming, by Master St. Germain

They approach the long awaited moment; It is Heaven's way of carrying this cycle. For millennia, different teachers have talked about picking up the harvest and this will soon happen. Many of you entered your current life knowing that you would be given the opportunity to wake up in these final times. This has been their inspiration and has led them through some very hard times. Inwardly they have always known that something great was about to happen and it has been their strength and comfort when they have been at their lowest point.

God is not cruel, but all love and you have never taken care of more than you might face at any time. Many Guides and Teachers have presided over their evolutionary plans and each life has been connected in such a way that it is to advance their spiritual progress. They have been in the cauldron for too long, but they have gradually refined their vibrations so far, that many are well placed to ascend.

The inspiration they receive comes from their Higher Self and the more they are intoned with it, the easier their life will become. The Guide is always given for your best interest and ignoring it will inevitably lead to problems and possible karmic consequences. How many times have they learned this fact and have realized the difficult path that comes from ignoring the voice inside their head. However, every experience has its value, but it delays your progress when you go in the wrong direction.

The ego can be a very demanding voice, which leans towards the fulfillment of its desires on a very material level. The balance comes from recognizing that their decisions should not invade the freedom of others or cause them harm. The Seven Deadly Sins manifest when the attention is in itself and in the satisfaction of being. This causes the challenges that have been presented to them again and again, so that they can rise and overcome the lower Self. The ego does not leave willingly and they will need to have a strong will to become the Master of their feelings and emotions.

Those who have found their true course will have little difficulty in overcoming the ego. They will have set their goal in letting their life reflect their newly found ability and will embrace the inspirations of their Higher Self. It's about finding that perfect balance and harmony for your mental, spiritual and physical requirements. In duality they are tested to the extreme and if they can maintain their principles and desire to ascend, they will be on their way to having their challenge dominated.

With so many of you who are now progressing at a rapid speed, you are exerting a lot of Light power to shape the events and alter the outcome. This is why we can predict with certainty that they are about to become a great influence in the immediate future. The Light is growing supremely day after day and will sweep away the accumulation of waste that has bound Humanity for millennia. The moment of absolute truth is emerging and with it, people will come with the preponderance to aspire to higher life forms.

Your real Being is trying hard to manifest, while you are still in a physical body. In this regard, you will raise your vibrations and participate by changing your cellular structure. The body is changing subtly and almost without noticing all the time, as it builds a vessel capable of retaining new energies. It is part of the process of his return to a Being of Light. Those who are progressing in this way will also notice that their thinking power becomes more powerful. They will be able to exercise more control over their body, particularly in matters of self-healing. Its effect on others will also be noticed by the reassuring influence it carries.

In short, those who are on the way to Ascension are noticing how changes are altering their own way of life. The differences are also being accentuated, which are evident in the alternative choice of remaining within the three-dimensional energies. The two paths will continue to become more defined and there will come a time where everyone will have to make a decision as to which one to follow.

Many are finding that they have the ability to escape from the Earth's womb, which has held them captive for a long time. This is fundamental if someone is looking for their true Self, because the dimension in which they are truly is a false reality. Real if they wish to do so, but it reflects very little of what they left behind when they embarked on the experience of duality. The beauty of the higher dimensions goes beyond the imagination of Man and is rarely seen on Earth, although Mother Earth has provided many sparks in the natural beauty of her planet. Man has plundered carelessly and selfishly what has been given, but in a time everything will be restored.

What you understand by Heaven is not a product of your imagination. It includes the higher dimensions, where beauty and harmony abound. It is where the Spirit resides in an almost absolute perfection, in its multitude of expressions that are of the highest creations inspired by the Creator. It is the destiny of many of you who are on the way to Ascension and have created a place for yourselves, which will be your heavenly abode.

Isn't it worth the wait, when they're so close to making a great leap forward? They are at the culmination of many lives at all levels of experience and the fulfillment of their desire to immerse themselves in the depths of the lower dimensions and yet ascend once more. Your journey is indeed over, so enjoy the exhaustion of the final days, knowing that you will never go back, once you have ascended.

I am Saint Germain, at the bottom always with your interests and ready to take them in a great way through the final years. It will be a time of great meetings with his many friends in Spirit and beings of outer Kingdoms. A great Love covers the Earth and there will be no place for those of the dark forces.

Thanks St. Germain,
Mike Quinsey

Original message channeled by Mike Quinsey and disseminated by:
Translation: Nady -

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