Do you know what an Astral Journey is?

  • 2015

Surely it has ever happened to you that when you sleep you feel that you are suddenly out of your body and you can see yourself lying there and you wonder if it is a dream what you have or is your soul certainly outside your physical body. Is this impossible? Well, really, it isn't. If this has happened to you then you experienced what is called an Astral Journey.

Astral travel or astral unfolding, is a separation of the physical body from the astral body to basically enter what the astral plane that is equal to the real plane but in another dimension. Everything that happens, will be happening to you in real life only because being a body without matter you can float and move spiritually at the speed of thought to any place you want without any problem.

Astral journeys occur when you are sleeping and you wake up but instead of doing it on the physical plane you do it on the astral plane, and it is at that moment where you can perceive that your soul is detached from your physical body. Many people who experience this type of travel can not control and get scared, they are scared and even panicked because it is something new, but on the contrary it is safe, liberating, relaxing and even renews your physical and astral body, and when you You wake up you'll find yourself full of energy, just like when you wake up in the morning.

When you are on an astral journey you feel that you have a real dream, but more real than those of everyday life, and apparently one of the most common symptoms to identify that you are traveling, apart from seeing you outside your body is flying in the astral plane, a unique sensation that only one who experiences this type of dreams knows.

Many people describe the dream of flying manifesting itself in various phases of life, since childhood the flight would be at low heights, practically flush with the floor, almost like floating and as you grow older the flight becomes taller and freer, an increasingly pronounced levitation until the moment comes that you furrow through the sky, mountains, oceans.

On the other hand, if you want to return to your physical body just by thinking about it, you will be there or when you feel an external stimulus, for example when they try to wake you up and you will return to your body without inconvenience.

What can you find in the astral plane?

The dimension of the astral plane is similar to the dimension of the real plane, which is why our thoughts, intentions, acts and defects greatly influence. If the idea is to do evil as spying or wanting to hurt another person, this will have an impact on your trip and will make it a bad experience allowing the encounter with beings of the astral bass, so you have to go to the astral plane with good intentions and desires for learning, renewal and exploration, here we can also meet with deceased beings, teachers and divine beings, talk to them and learn although it is not a good idea to harass them and follow them if they do not want to talk with us.

On the other hand, some of people's fears are yes. Are there any risks when making an astral trip?

No, there is no risk in making these trips, since when we go to the astral plane our soul is tied to our physical body thanks to the silver cord that is like an indestructible energy line, so it is impossible to get stuck in this plane and Our astral body cannot be damaged either since it is a body without matter, it is only soul as if it were air, the cord only breaks when we die.

It is important before doing an astral trip, maintaining a proper diet for two months, exercising daily, leaving alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs, doing body relaxes and trying to meditate a bit to have a healthy body and soul to enjoy. of a very good and excellent experience.

AUTOR: JoT333, editor of the big family of

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