Do you know the meaning of the number 22?

  • 2015

The number 22 is formed by a pair of 2, which makes it appreciated by the mystical traditions that it reflects, the meaning of the number 22 is representative, as in the 22 chapters Titles found in the Apocalypse, the 22 of Plegarias and his Avesta, the Major Arcana in the Tarot, were 22 the main creations made by God on the sixth day, it is also a vibration that symbolizes The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, wisdom and knowledge, are twenty-two chromosomes that contain the inheritance of the father and mother, 22 are the essential amino acids for our body, among others.

Although your number is 22, 4 is also, since the sum of 2 + 2 is 4 . Twenty-two constitutes the spiritual light, it is what makes suffering end on the earthly plane, and aims to transform the world into a better place to live.

Spiritually, what does the number 22 represent?

This number represents the Spiritual Master Builder who is on the earthly plane, expands and synthesizes the powers of eleven vibration. It has a lot of energy, the same that comes from God to the material plane, because this force is summed up in pending ascents and catastrophic falls, it is important then to learn to master those energies.

The 22 is the most ambitious of all numbers, so impossible dreams come true. Those born under the 22, have taken the good ideas that come from the eleven and the practical, simple, calculating and methodical of the four. Those born under this vibration are idealistic, leaders, have power and energy to achieve what they want, they always have great ideas and great plans, they have confidence and know each other well, they are disciplined and correct, they are cooperative and they like harmony, They have creativity and they like the arts, they have imagination and they are dreamers.

On the other hand, the meaning of the number 22, shows that they have a lot of power and dominion over other people, they risk that events get out of their hands, for not having control of their attitude. The worst mistake they can make would be to let go of their ambition and try to reach the top without taking into account whether what they do is right or wrong, illegal or not, regardless of whether they destroy other people to achieve their goals.

They are the most delicate of numerology, are dangerous, ruthless and inflexible and have no scruples and are greedy. They run over when they have power and control and can become cruel, mean and mean. They always get to the excess, whether for good or bad, they always walk to the limit.

In love, they show a sensitive and humanitarian spirit, they like to leave their name written when they are in a relationship, so they like to surrender in totality, they are faithful and have a lot of will to love, they know that you want others, for that will take advantage of that to fall well where he arrives, although with his partner and children it is usually something possessive and dominant, he likes to impose himself, and that they do what he wants.

The 22 are usually more emotional than rational, they are more instinctive than intellectual, they do not respect the conversations they have with other people, they do not trust anything, although when they do not have the power, they do not fight against that, when it is another that have the authority, they usually respect her, he knows what his place is.

Those who were born on the twenty-second day, generally focus on the material, commercial and constructive side, are always incorporated into large projects, enjoy a good instinct for business and activities that relate to this field.

Author: JoT333

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