Breathe for Abjini Arraiz

  • 2015

To breathe is to bring to your body the Universe in connection with the divine breath of the Great Spirit.

To deepen what happens to you you can observe your breathing. Breathing is an open book for inner knowledge. You can read it when your breathing speeds up and your heart beats faster showing some emotion. Or when your breathing is soft and calm then your heart feels happy feeling the lightness of being. Sometimes you may contain it, something that is very scary is emerging that prevents you from breathing, many times our inner child who feels overwhelmed, just needs your attention. Other times you will feel the need to breathe deeply and release a sigh, something very good makes you feel relief.

When I connect with my breathing and observe it I learn from my By breathing in addition to the air that keeps me alive, I breathe light energy, which is available for infinitely, without limits.

When you breathe with intention you can absorb much more energy to your body and nourish your luminous bodies.

Light breathing

An easy way to do this is to imagine that you breathe light that connects with the crystal star center of Gaia, so you receive the light energy of Gaia to your heart.

Then breathe light that comes to your head like lightning from the sky, there it feels like the Great Spirit sends the energy of the Universe infinitely, it reaches your heart to join with Gaia's in a yin yan spiral in your chest.

By honoring both energies you allow your energetic heart to expand, feeling the unity with All That Is.

(Always honoring our teachers, those who came before: the Light Breathing is based on the Heavenly Earth meditation of Drunvalo Melchizedek)

Abjini Shamanik


Breathe for Abjini Arraiz

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