AA Miguel - We offer you a stream of love / light from our heart to yours

  • 2015

Beloved Teachers:

Returning to the narrow path of the Ascension of Consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites, where there is neither good nor bad, right or wrong; only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality. As an empowered and functional Master of the Self, you will make only the highest and best choices for the benefit of EVERYONE. Slowly but surely, the imperfections that you have created both in your internal and external world, are being rectified. Earth and Humanity have required a very long time to reach the state of imperfection that is prevalent now. The level of transformative progress that has been made by you, the earthly Legions of Light, in such a short time is truly miraculous.

In fact, the multidimensional portals of the past are closing; and the portals of the future are opening with a faster and faster pace as the Ascension process accelerates. For a very long time, the fear of change has been a major controlling factor in your conscious knowledge. At the beginning of your journey towards density, you looked for a great variety of self expressions and changes; and you delighted with each new Creation. It was only during your earthly experiences that you have forgotten that you are a Creator fully endowed with creative abilities; and that you have a direct link with the Power Source of Creation, via the River of Life / Light.

When you learn to breathe deeply and effortlessly, you descend into your Sacred Heart Center where the Creator and Creation are One . Then it is when you begin to wake up and realize that you are experiencing your reality through a veil of illusion, that you are both the dreamer and the dream. You begin to free yourself from the bonds of the belief structure of collective consciousness; and you start looking for your own superior truths. At that moment, you begin the journey back to integrity, while striving to recreate yourself as the SOL CHILD of our Father Mother God, a Being of Light; which is your Divine Inheritance. The Creator is the SOURCE OF THE BREATH OF LIFE . Breathing is your Vital Line to and from EVERYTHING THAT IS. When you inhale, you receive this gift that originates inside the Creator's Heart Core. With each exhalation, you send this gift of Sacred Breathing back to the realms of the Infinite Source of Life.

As the veil gradually dissolves between your World and ours, we have endeavored to give you the tools and knowledge you will need to function comfortably in an expanded reality, such as evolved Human Beings infused with the Soul. It is important that you understand that we have the ability to monitor the main ways of thinking, or the prevailing beliefs of the masses on the earthly plane of existence; and through our highly developed senses we can observe the ebb and flow of Light and shadows in all parts of the World.

Now you are aware that there are currents of Life / Light that flow through the entire Omniverse, to each Universe, SubUniverse, Galaxy, Solar System, Planet; and towards all sentient Beings. Once you start waking up, actively seek to strengthen the connection and ask for guidance and direction; that personal line of Light grows in brilliance and strength. We of the Angelic kingdom radiate throughout this Sub-universe refracted currents of Light from the Creator. These streams of Living Light radiate the attributes and virtues that we incorporate as representatives of our Father Mother God; and our Divine Mission is to make them available to Humanity, the Earth and all Creation. When you focus your consciousness on any of us, you automatically connect with one among the millions of our Light currents; And instantly we are aware of you. It's like tuning into a radio station or connecting to an electrical outlet. The strength of the current of Light and the connection, depends on the frequencies that you incorporate, or on the harmony and strength of your Energy Signature and your Almic Song.

Each person's soulic self is determined to assume their proper role as director of their vital experiences . There is a tug-of-war between the Almic Self and the body of the egoic desire, because the ego does not want to relinquish its control of the 4 lower body systems: Physical, mental, emotional and etheric. The Soul is immortal; and it could be called the personality of your Divine Self. It reminds you who you truly are and EVERYTHING you have experienced throughout your many journeys as a conscious Divine Spark.

The body of the egoic desire is an integral part of your physical personality ; and your physical, mental and emotional bodies have been encoded with the attributes, weaknesses, strengths, challenges and opportunities you chose to experience in this important life. You have always chosen or agreed with the Karmic Lessons that you insist on solving in each life. Free Will also applies in the "State of Being between lives." You are given tips and suggestions; However, you have always made the final decisions.

You must strive to rise above the stressful daily situations, so that you can transform moments of discord into hours of serenity. It is vitally important that you focus on what is right in your life and in your personal World; and it is important that you begin to visualize yourself as who you want to become. We have emphasized that you should practice non-prosecution; and that includes not judging the I.

Remember, now you have access to all the Creator's Light / Life Particles, which you can bring to your Sacred Heart; and never forget that these Diamond Creation Particles can only be activated with your pure and loving intent. We also remind you that when you have integrated the vibratory formula of abundance; and you have accepted it as your truth, it becomes part of your soul song. Since then, those frequency patterns of abundance will radiate from the front and back portals of your Solar Power Center in a sign of Infinity, thus creating a constant flow of abundance of all good things.

Some time ago we talked about the virtud of ego smo ; and this bothered many of you because it directly opposed what they had taught you in times past. We ask you to consider: How can you become, or give, what you have not claimed for yourself? It is up to you to become a shining radiant example for others; and share your Love / Light and your wisdom with the Earth, with Humanity and with all Creation. When you are operating in a harmonious, intermediate or higher four-dimensional environment, you have access to the power, gifts and knowledge of the 5th Dimension, see your Pyramid of Crystalline Light; then you are given access to the Cities of Light that are strategically stationed around the Earth in the Higher Dimensions. In doing so, you begin the flow of Diamond Particles, the elixir of Love / Life, towards your personal Penta-Dimensional Pyramid; and towards the Ethnic Replica you left there a long time ago.

From then on, you have a supply of Creator Light that flows vertically through your River / Line of Life into your physical vehicle, through of the Crown Chakra, whose supply will be stored in your Sacred Heart. Once you connect with this Divine Source of Power / Life / Light, your earthly reality will never be the same. It is up to you to take what you need, because the supply is unlimited. Look at these sparkling particles that flow through your body in a stream of shining light, balancing, transforming and empowering. Through the techniques we have given you, especially the Infinite Breath, you will automatically send the blessed Gift of the Creator's Light to the World.

After you set your intention; and have your ritual firmly anchored in your mind as a Bearer / Transmitter of Light, you no longer have to focus on sending these transforming Light Particles, because a Divine scheme will be activated that will automatically follow the paths that you have chosen You can assign a percentage of your Diamond Particles to the World Pyramid, or to the World Servers Pyramid, for the elevation of Humanity and Earth; and you can also dedicate a part to the Group Pyramids of which you are an active member. Remember to also infuse your Work Pyramid, your projects and your Seed Thoughts, with a large portion of the Creator's Light.

When you are full of Love / Light to overflow; and the Spirit is the director of your life and your experiences, you no longer worry about getting your share of Love, wealth, respect, and so on; because the validation of who and what you are comes from within; that is when you go into the altruistic mode of a Master of the Self. You know that you have access to the riches, virtues and talents of your Divine Right of Birth; and you do not depend on anyone or anything in the physical World, because you have become a Sovereign Light Being.

We also want to clear up some confusion about "Free Will." When we ask you to say "Your Will Be Done" in prayer, we are not asking you to give up your Free Will. We strive to help you intelligently make the highest and best choices you can. It is also wise to declare: "I ask for this or something bigger, for my highest good and for the greatest good of all", because because of future circumstances, you don't always know what the best choice might be.

When you invoke your Higher Self every day when you get up; and you ask to be aligned every day with the Will of your Divine Self for your greatest good, you are giving permission to your soul self to guide you, inspire you and direct you. You will be strengthening the connection between your Higher Self and the Beings of Light, so that they can begin to communicate with you through your intuition; and they will help you make the perfect choices every day and every moment. The following statement will also speed up the process: “Now I put my egotic personality under the control of my Higher Self; and from now on with our unified efforts we will only create beauty, harmony and balance in us and around us. ” This will allow your Higher Self to start heading towards your highest destiny; and it will accelerate the transition process through the integration of your physical, mental and emotional bodies with your Spiritual Self. Everyone is being asked to make some very important decisions as you prepare for your next Penta-Dimensional destination . Remember, you always have control of your final decisions.

My Brave, these years of transformation may be the most exciting and satisfying of your lives, if you only begin to connect with your Sacred Mind via your Sacred Heart. You have brought many wonderful talents and abilities into this life; however, you must begin to have conscious access to these gifts and bring them to your consciousness, so that you can perfect them and then share them with other people. Allow yourself to visualize the perfect World you want to create ; and then follow the whispers of the Spirit as you take the necessary actions to manifest your dreams. Use the gifts with which you have been blessed, so that others may be granted to you.

For many of you, chances are that now or in the future there are people in your life who will try to dissuade you from following your Path. It is possible that by taking the Path of Enlightenment you leave some family or friends behind. While you learn the lessons that are presented to you and you are ready to move towards the Light, they may get stuck in the illusion of the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. That will be your choice; So don't judge them. Bless them and let them follow the path they chose; but don't let them divert you from yours. Brave hearts, who are like you are in the Vanguard, brave enough to depart from popular beliefs and the limited collective consciousness of the Lower Dimensional environment.

Your destiny as a Road Counter is to become a luminous example for those around you, projecting Love and harmony. If you do this and nothing else, you will have accomplished your current Divine Mission on Earth . Perceive yourself surrounded by the Violet flame of transformation; and then project this radiant Flame into the World of substance. Look at all adversities as Seeds of opportunity. As you go through each lesson and gain the value of its teachings, be certain that you will never have to experience that particular situation again. Go bravely to seek and live your own Truth, is the first step to recover your personal power. We remind you again that your Sacred mind contains the Atom Seeds of Memory of your past and your future; and it is your personal source of Divine will and power from our Heavenly Father. These Atom Seeds of Memory for the future, must be incubated in the Sacred Heart and in the Creator's Light Diamond Particles lit by your Love; and they manifest in the World of form through your pure intention and your actions. The abundance of all kinds is a natural manifestation when you are in harmonious harmony with the Spirit and with the Divine Plan, for the greatest good of all.

Beloved, it was never the intention that you had to travel alone . We are waiting to meet with you and offer you assistance during these accelerated times of change. We have often asked you to call us, because we are only a thought away. Now we ask you to visualize a Stream of Light, a Vital Line that flows from your Heart Center and connects with us. You can create a connection with as many of us as you want; and together, we will surround the Earth with Creator Light Currents. You are loved very deeply.

I AM Archangel Michael.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.

AUTHOR : Ronna Herman

SEEN AT: http://www.jairorodriguezr.com/

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