Resilience, 7 keys for your child to get ahead! Rosa Barocio

  • 2015

Resilience is saying yes to life. It is the desire and the desire to live. It is the ability to overcome the adversities that life presents to you and take advantage of them to get stronger.

Why, given the same difficulty, does one person get stronger while another succumbs? What does this person rely on in order not to be defeated? Where can a teenager get strength to overcome if he has to face great difficulties?

Walking a few years ago on an avenue in El Paso, Texas, I was surprised to see that many palm trees were dry. Asking, they explained to me that there had been a frost and only those that showed small green sprouts in their glass had survived. When I returned several years later, these palm trees were again leafy and overflowing with health. This observation led me to the following reflection: on what did it depend that, at the same low temperature, some palm trees died and others did not? How does it happen and what does this phenomenon of resilience depend on?

Resilience, a difficult word to pronounce and somewhat more to understand . But it is, perhaps, the only true gift of value you can give your child. Because it is obvious that it is not in your power to avoid: bad times, difficulties, serious and disastrous events, and that there is no life insurance that you can buy that guarantees protection and immunization against pain and suffering. But then what can you offer him so that in spite of everything, he will go ahead and live a full life? Resilience

Resilience is the ability to overcome the difficulties that life presents to you; It is to take advantage of any situation, however challenging, and to be strengthened. It is the internal force that leads you to swim to emerge when you are drowning. It is the instinct that leads you to survive even though everything seems lost. Resilience, finally, is to say yes to life. It is the desire and the desire to live.

There is no doubt that if you love your child you want him to be resilient. But what does it depend on to develop that resilience? It is true that each child already brings their own, that is, it is not an empty container that you have to fill. Not at all! Every human being comes to life with something that is their own in order to develop, find their way and evolve. Your task as an educator is to facilitate that process and make it resilient. How? Strengthening it through:

Cultivate your self-esteem so that you believe you are able to achieve what is proposed. So that you experience that “Yes I can!” Again and again so that you know that it is worth, that it counts and that it deserves good things in life.

Accept your mistakes as a means of learning.

Avoid teasing, ridiculing, embarrassing, devaluing, humiliating.

Encourage him to strive and persevere to develop his will: that internal force that mobilizes him to act and achieve what he wants. Promote your courage to face challenges.

Avoid weakening it by facilitating everything, overprotecting it, pampering it, solving everything.

Offer support through family and community to feel sustained.

Teach him to enjoy and enjoy life; to be adaptable and find the good in every situation, however negative it may seem. To appreciate and be grateful for what you have. To rejoice before beauty. To be amazed, marvel and connect with nature.

Avoid what anesthesia, numbs or becomes apathetic.

Give a sense of life, a why and what to live for. Make him feel that he makes a difference and has something important to contribute. Help him develop a life project.

Avoid sarcasm, negativity, cynicism and pessimism.

Feed your connection with the future, hoping for a better world. Open it to new and interesting possibilities and opportunities. Promote your creativity and imagination. Support your dreams.

Easy task? No, it is not. It is a work of life that belongs to all of us: to seek and support us in what strengthens and pushes us forward, to move forward and progress. Avoiding what anesthetizes us, numbs us, stops us and discourages us, to find what inspires us, moves us and drives us to grow!


Resilience, 7 keys for your child to get ahead! Rosa Barocio

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