Recommendations to humans on earth, by beloved Surya

I AM Surya and I come to you again from the Great Central Sun.

I AM and I introduce myself once more to the Humans of the Earth in order to offer them my instructions aimed at strengthening and improving the connection between the worlds.

As usual, I would like you to pay attention to the new events that have been currently deployed and are taking place in your world or are being prepared to precipitate in the near future since they are already at the level of the etheric plane to descend to the world physical.

You know that we are working with terrestrial humans thanks to the mercy and divine dispensation that allows us to correct the evolutionary course of the planet. You know that millions of years ago, terrestrial humanity deviated from the evolutionary path by disrupting the natural course of evolution. Although its evolution was slowed down, during many life currents its evolution was reactivated thanks to the mercies and divine opportunities. Everyone can choose whether to move forward according to the Higher Law or continue living in accordance with the laws created on planet Earth, which are not currently in line with the design originally laid out for the planet, which exists in the divine level order and which should be understood quickly.

Please understand that we do not want to inflict pain and suffering. Millions of Light beings from all over the universe are ready to assist you. But you and only you are the ones who delay the evolution on the planet. You allow yourself to perform certain acts with an imperfect state of consciousness which is inadmissible in your evolutionary stage. And we are forced to resort to certain measures when, right in front of their eyes, their acts, thoughts and feelings materialize in external conditions such as unfavorable weather conditions, cataclysms and the problems they suffer daily in their lives: diseases, afflictions and misfortunes.

You are the cause of what happens to both you and your environment. All of us are closely interconnected to the etheric plane and belong to a common chain of evolutions in the universe. There is no particular difference between you and me. The only difference between us is that I find thousands of steps above you. Therefore, you should pay attention to the advice given by me or to the messages offered by the other Ascended Masters through this representative on Earth, our messenger Tatyana.

Now you have the opportunity for almost direct contact. Take this opportunity and try to consider our dictates, not like those fairy tales that you used to hear from children before going to sleep, try to abide by our dictates as priority instructions to follow in your life. Believe me, the opportunity you have now is of great advantage. In this way, we try to free millions of life currents from the networks of illusion, millions of lost souls that are still wandering within the jungles of illusion, incarnation after incarnation, finding swarms of fear, doubt, misfortune and disease.

Now we throw our nets back to rescue thousands and millions of lost souls from the waters of the astral plane. We come in order to offer you an impulse, an impulse of energy that allows you to wake up and look up at the Heavens, towards the shining sun of the New Day, of the New Day whose dawn is already beginning to emerge.

I come to you today in order to provide you with the necessary instructions for the future. You are those beings of Light who are lost within the jungle of matter and we extend our hand to you as a sign of help. Please do not refuse our help, do not show yourself self-sufficient, which seems to be more typical of teenagers. Listen to our advice. Under the Law of Free Will to act in the Universe, you have the opportunity to choose your future for yourself. They have the opportunity to listen to me and follow our advice and have the opportunity to reject this hand that we extend to them as a sign of help.

I have to warn you that you are currently suspended at the edge of an abyss and if the fog around you does not allow you to see your own unfortunate state, that does not mean that there is no danger of rolling through the abyss at any time. They may not believe in me. They can continue stubbornly rejecting the help offered. That is your right. However among you, there are those who ask us for help and we can only help you since the invoked forces respond. We cannot save them by force but our duty is to shake hands with those who require it.

We are with you throughout this long Day, back from the material world to the Divine world. We are with you throughout the entire Path. And very soon, if you follow our advice, you can distinguish us and consciously receive our assistance. But for now, they need to believe in our messages and in the information we offer through this messenger.

There have always been people who have proclaimed themselves as messengers of Heaven and have spoken in the name of God. There have been people who have listened and followed the advice offered from above and there have been people who have mocked them and followed their own path. It is your choice. It is your free will.

My work and our joint task is only to prevent you about the consequences of your choices and indicate that the time has come, and the consequences of your bad choices will be visible to you only a couple of days after taking a wrong decision. We are exhorting them especially so that they can connect to their outer consciousness the action of the Great Cosmic Law of this Universe, which in ancient times was formulated in this way: "What you sow, you will reap."

This Law-Teaching is a very rational Law and allows them to learn from their own mistakes made in the past. This Law is what should be taught in schools. It is necessary that they make this Law known to the new generation of children entering the world. And if they encounter obstacles in presenting the theme of the Laws of the Universe in schools, they will always have tools to explain how this Law operates for their children and grandchildren. And among more people get to know about this Law, more aware will be in breaking it not because of fear but because of the desire to avoid unnecessary obstacles while walking the Path.

Believe me, sometimes it is more advantageous to surround the obstacle than to ascend a vertical rock without a protective rope.

We have come in order to offer you a small guide. Please inform your children and grandchildren about the safety rules for living on planet Earth.

I sincerely hope your help and cooperation.

I AM Surya, with all my Love for you.

The messenger is Tatyana Mickushina

Translated from Russian to English by Alexey Nesmiyanov

Translated from English to Spanish by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

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