Know what dreams show: Dream with the number 19

  • 2015

Dreams are manifestations of the mind, and we unconsciously perceive various sensations, images, thoughts, experiences of great relevance are illustrated and we can even dream of number 19, this we sometimes relate to reality or to an absurd fantasy to which we do not find a rational sense. In the medical world we can find many answers to our dreams in order to decipher their meaning; from dreams many concerns and questions arise, especially when we dream unheard of things, but we always seek in some way to find a logical reasoning to our dreams to decode the message.

The meaning of dreams is very important since, it helps us with situations in our life, to process all the information that inhabits the brain and in the solution of some problem in particular In fact, some psychoanalysts believe that dreams are sometimes the subconscious's response to a repressed desire.

The magic of numerology: Dreaming of the number 19

Sometimes the dreams are usually with animals, known people, activities we do during the day and even with numbers, etc., in this particular case, to dream about the number 19, it is often thought that the number plays a role paramount in our lives or that we have memorized for a long time.

The numbers in our dreams are a curious fact and often very difficult to interpret . When we wake up we have feelings and doubts about the message that the dream has wanted to give us, it is convenient to look for the relationship that number has with our being, if it represents any important date, be it anniversary, age or when an event occurred important, a phone number; but coincides with nothing we resort to numerology, and that is where we can find the messages that numbers want to give us through what we dream, although there are scientists who claim that numerology is a false science, in the esoteric universe it is very Appreciable and meaningful because it allows us to interpret what the numbers symbolize, as well as relating the mystical to the physical or spiritual forces.

Sometimes we believe that when we dream of the number 19, we quickly associate it with success in the lottery, which is almost never the case, the study of the meaning of the numbers is a bit more complex, since all the details must be thoroughly analyzed for Discover the message and go to each dream data.

In the case where the dream has three or four figures it is usually transformed into one, this is done simply by adding its digits and it will be easier to know the meaning of it.

The true meaning of Dreaming with the number 19

To know the meaning of dreaming with this number we must know the meaning of the numbers that compose it, as are the one and the nine ; for example: number one represents: self-esteem, self-confidence and leadership exercised in our environment, also number one is synonymous with unity, strength, individualism and ambition; while the number nine indicates sincerity, impartiality, independence .

On the other hand for some authors the number 1 and 9 mean alpha and omega respectively and is related to abundance and material, with fortune and monetary resurgence.

In the esoteric world, dreaming of the number 19 constitutes success, happiness, union, friendship, reconciliation, purity, the number 19 is associated with pisces, with the element of fire and with the winter season; In numerology, the number 19 symbolizes inspiration, which means that we can achieve all the goals we set ourselves; the number 19 in tarot represents the "sun" card which refers to the initiate who discovers the true path, helps you discover the whole truth of life.

Editor: JoT333

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