Mother Light March 24, 2014

  • 2014

It is time to internalize, time to meditate, to assume responsibility, the responsibility of living in love and in compassion as your whole being is designed to do so.

I am going to talk to you about love, about true and pure love, the one who needs no reward, who gives without receiving anything in return, knowing then that when you give it, you immediately receive it, there is no such thing in your experience as giving love without receiving nothing in return ... not my beloved ... when you give love, you give it to yourself, you give it to the earth and you give it to all the beings in it, you give it to the universe and to the cosmos, you give it to life itself and therefore my beloved, you give it to yourself, for you are part of the whole, for the whole is part of you, there is no one thing without the other .

In the game of this life, many times they forget to love, to live simply to love, why not? What's wrong with living to love? When you love you do not fear, when you do not fear, you know that everything is as it should be, when you believe that everything has a purpose, then you know that nothing will be missing, because as I said before, when you believe that everything you have it and nothing is missing, when you love deeply and your faith leads you to believe all this, then it is like that ... nothing is missing, because everything is being created by you, because everything is and everything has it been, why do you understand the simple law, in which you are God and we are all God, in which God is a whole and you, as part of the whole, are the same ... now do you understand the game? There is nothing complicated about it, how complicated you have put it with fears, when you limit your love to a reward, when you get hurt not believing in yourself, and therefore, then deny that you are the cosmos and that the cosmos is in you, don't you see it? It is so easy !!

There is simply no separation between you and the cosmos, between life and you, love is everything and life is your highest expression of love manifesting itself .. it is so easy! It's that simple! There is no secret more beautiful and beautiful than that now do you understand?

What I write you have to send to how many people have to listen, and those people can send them to others and so on .. this message is created for all of you, for all those people who have to listen, who are willing to love, willing to change, willing to live the game of life, because the simplicity of the game is what makes it wonderful .. just love, live, create, share and not forget .. never forget who we are and where we come from, do not forget that we are love, that we are ether, that we are light, that light is the way and that the way we are all ... is everything!

There are no people who do not go the way .. no, it is not like that, everyone absolutely goes all the way, there are no lost or far away, because the road marks it through the experience of love, of creation, of compassion and so on .. and at some point in your life, in a divine instant, you will understand either in this life or in the other, that there is no separation, that there is no division, that what one does affects the other .. and I don't mean only you human beings ... but all the expression of the cosmos .. all life itself, everything and everyone, the Light is the maximum expression of love and you are the light, you are the Creation, you are the whole, now you see it clearer?

It is not necessary sacrifices of pain and suffering, what is needed is more love, it is compassion, it is believing, ... what we really need is to recognize ourselves in a whole and in the whole, to know that we are God and that God is love, knowing that God is us and that there is no division ... knowing and only knowing, that we are all love, we are one and we are God.

Know then that all dimensions and that all the evolutions of different creatures both on your planet and in the cosmos, are united, that they are one, that they will always be one with the whole and therefore the whole is one with you.

I have explained it in the most loving and simple way possible so that this message reaches those who have to reach it, so that it is clear and not confusing .. so that love is then what moves the energy of knowledge and abundance in all you..

Love my beloved ones, love yourselves, be compassionate to each other, be harmonious and merciful, do not judge where you are today, you will not be tomorrow, love then, respect and live, above all live, live within love and happiness infinite, in which knowing then that love and light, happiness and compassion is in the whole, then you will know that you will never find it outside, but always inside, in the inner and merciful world of your temple ... of your heart, from within you, and therefore from God.

I love you infinitely, all of us an army of beings of light accompany you night and day, we are always with you, we always always love you and protect you, guide and bless you, when you have doubts about us, when you feel you are not being heard, Ask us and have faith, let go of the light that you cannot carry, and then the miracle will appear, it is that simple, it has always been simple.

We are with you and for you, we love you infinitely and lovingly, and even if the one who writes these words does not understand how he only sees me, a single being of light that sends a message to humanity speaks in the plural, I explain and At the same time I explain to you, that here you never speak individually, that The Light is one, and that there are no divisions or exceptions on this other side.

So always know that when you talk to one, you talk to everyone, that it is La Luz who guides and accompanies you and that you should never feel alone then.

I bless you and love forever.

Mother light

Author: Ana Paola AƱorve

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