REC3 Meditation April 2014 Full Moon of Aries Surjo and from the level of the government mind

  • 2014

Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM. Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elements of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

Meditation / Monthly Energy Service


DAY:April 15, 2014
HOUR:22h local time in each country, or when each person feels.


The energies of light, love and will for good are always available to those who contact them in meditation; but there are cycles in the ebb and flow of the spiritual energies with which groups, as well as individuals, can cooperate consciously. One of the main energy cycles coincides with the phases of the moon, reaching its peak moment in the time of the Full Moon. Therefore, it is a time during which the channeling of energy through group meditation can be especially effective.
In collaboration with ONECALENDAR


1) Recite The Great Invocation of the Tibetan Master

2) Invocation of the Ascended Masters to guide us during the energy service:

Lord MaitreyaTibetan Master Dhwhal KhulBeloved Kwan Yin

3) Harmonization of breathing and relaxation : we breathe deeply a minimum of three times, mentally repeating SO when we inhale and HAM when we exhale.

4) Individual balance meditation for harmonization singing the OHM and the GAYATRI, it is recommended to use the following audio:




5) Balance irradiation : visualize the colors and invoke the energies specified in the table below, for approximately 10 minutes.






Mantram OHM





Key Note: "I arise and from the level of the government mind"

The influence of the Lord of Aries extends from March 20 to April 18, 2008, which is equivalent to the extension that goes from the 1st of Aries until the 30th of Aries of 2008.

It is possible to carry out an effective group meditation work in each full-moon period and at this time the work coincides with the Full Moon of Aries and the Easter Festival. Currently, while numerous individuals from all over the world are thoroughly knowing, through experience, the value of meditation, there is also a growing recognition of the power of group meditation. Groups of people who meditate together as an act of service can invoke, receive and release those spiritual energies that touch and inspire the best of humanity.

The energies of light, love and will to good are always available to those who contact them in meditation; but there are cycles in the ebb and flow of spiritual energies with which groups, as well as individuals, can cooperate consciously. One of the main energy cycles coincides with the phases of the moon, reaching its peak moment in the time of the Full Moon. Therefore, it is a time during which the channeling of energy through group meditation can be especially effective.

Currently, hundreds of service groups around the world meet regularly every month at the time of the Full Moon to work in meditation. The moon itself does not exert any influence on the work, but the fully illuminated orbit of the moon indicates a free and unimpeded alignment between our planet and the sun. The sun is the energy source of all life on earth; the source of physical awareness, egoic perception and spiritual life. In such moments, humanity can make a clear approach to God, the Creator, the center of life and intelligence.

There are twelve such opportunities for group meditation during the course of the annual cycle. After years of work, carried out by an increasing number of groups and individuals, these monthly opportunities to perform a special work with the energy flow have begun to be recognized as “Festivals”; each with its particular quality and effect, depending on the sign of the zodiac through which the sun goes through.

Of these twelve Festivals, three are considered as main Festivals, forming the pinnacles of the annual cycle. These three are: the Easter Festival (on the full moon of Aries), the Wesak Festival (on the full moon of Taurus), and the Goodwill Festival (on the full moon of Gemini). They are concentrated in three consecutive months and lead to a prolonged annual spiritual effort, which affects the rest of the year and the nine minor Festivals.

Through regular and persistent meditation work, over many years, these Festivals are creating a subjective anchor in human consciousness. They embody a basic divine purpose that will begin to establish its objectives as the different religious institutions simultaneously recognize and celebrate, each in its own way, the unique approach of humanity to God and from God to humanity.

In the future, all people of spiritual inclination will celebrate the same holidays. This will result in the creation of a common fund of spiritual resources and united spiritual effort, plus a simultaneous invocation. The power of this will be evident.

At this time of the year we celebrate the Easter Festival; not as an exclusively Christian Festival, but as a planetary event, in which any person of any religious belief can participate; because the Christ belongs to us all and is the same "great identity" in all world religions. The Easter Festival is the Festival of the Risen, Living Christ, the instructor of humanity and the Guide to the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, that kingdom of nature that we know as the kingdom of souls. He is the expression and embodiment of the love of God. In this Easter Festival the nature of God's love stands out as a living, radiant force.

The so-called "Restoration Forces" are also active at the time of the Easter Festival. These forces are connected with the principle of intelligence in the divine nature, stimulating the human intellect. This type of energy is especially creative. It is a mass energy, related to the stimulation of collective intelligence. It makes people think, plan and act. It does not produce good or bad results, but simply the awakening of the mind so that it can act intelligently. The action itself depends, necessarily, on the type of mind and the evolutionary stage of those who respond to the Restoration Forces. Other conditioning factors are racial and national background and religious and cultural traditions. These active forces frequently produce an increase in initial difficulties but, eventually, lead to a definitive reorganization of national life. Its effects are fundamentally physical. Its objective is the production of the new Earth and all the external evidence of an affluent new life.

Spiritual vivacity and what we call "more abundant life" are the most outstanding qualities of the Easter Festival. Humanity has gone through a long, dark sky of death and destruction. Crucifixion and the "question of blood" have dominated the Christian portrait of Christ. But the Christ is a living presence and, today, we are emerging in the light of a new era.

The new world will express the light, love and knowledge of God in a crescendo of revelation, producing seven great results:

1. Power will be granted to work the disciples of the world and the initiates so that they can effectively and wisely direct the reconstruction process.

2. The will to love will stimulate people of goodwill around the world, gradually overcoming hatred. The inner need to live together cooperating already exists and is subject to stimulation.

3. The will to act will lead the intelligent people of the world to inaugurate those activities that will constitute the foundations of a new, better and happier world.

4. The willingness to cooperate will increase increasingly. People will want and demand the right human relationships as a natural way of life.

5. The willingness to know and think correctly and creatively will be a prominent feature of the masses. Knowledge is the first step towards wisdom.

6. The will to persist will become a human characteristic, a sublimation of the basic survival instinct. This will lead to a persistent belief in the ideals presented by the Hierarchy and in the demonstration of immortality.

7. The will to organize will advance a constructive process that will unfold under the direct inspiration of the Hierarchy. Its means of development will be the power of the will - to the good of world servers and the receptivity of humanity's good will.

In this Easter Festival, the Forces that will allow us to transform life and live creatively and beautifully, make us widely available. The whole evolutionary process tends towards the revelation of the good, the true and the beautiful. These principles correspond to the triple planetary function of the Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life . These basic values ​​of the Christ are inherent in all mankind.

We can cooperate in meditation with the goals of the new era of global goodwill, correct human relations and peace. We can open our hearts and our consciousness to the living Christ and free the Restoration Forces through an energy clearly directed at group meditation, concentrated through the Great Invocation n. Here are the words:

From the point of light in the Mind of God,

Let light flow to human minds;

May the Light descend to Earth.

From the point of Love in the Heart of God,

May love flow to human hearts;

May He who is coming return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known,

May the purpose guide the small human wills,

The purpose that the Masters know and serve.

From the center we call the human race,

May the Plan of Love and Light be realized

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

May Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth .


REC3 Meditation April 2014 Full Moon of Aries Surjo and from the level of the government mind


Call on the Spiritual Hierarchies, our divine Father and Mother, feel strongly the divine spark that beats within you and expand the strength of your I AM . Feel in communion with Mother Earth GAIA and also invoke the Elementals of Air, Earth, Water and Fire and Present your respect to the beings that live in the four Cardinal Points and in the eight directions that govern the Universe, WE ARE COCREATORS WITH THEM .

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