Do we really aspire to PEACE? The Will for Lina Cristiano

  • 2010

Do we really aspire to PEACE? Is Peace what we want and encourage? by Lina Cristiano

In these days, in consultation with one of my Coaching patients, he told me that what he wanted most at this time was to have PEACE, and that he wanted to focus on restoring his Peace Inspired by the extraordinary and interactive development of that query I write these words .

We all say that we want Peace, that we are in favor of Peace, we say it easily as we say anything else, however, an interesting question is to what extent do I promote or hinder it? To what extent do I do nothing but sustain a perpetual pitched battle in my mind with my life, with what happens to me, with others, with whatever happens? There is something that is definitive and also decisive, Peace is found and begins within you, and once conquered there, you will be able to extend it to your life and everything around you ...

If we stop to observe ourselves, can we realize the confrontation we have with what we feel, with what others say or do, with the experience I am having, with anything? Can we get to the point of being aware of how much more than that supposedly longed for peace, we do nothing but sustain and promote war?

When we can internally observe and realize this, then we can begin to restore that Peace that we all, without exception, yearn for, even when some are unaware of it. The resistance we offer to what happens both inside and outside of us, the assumptions, the criticism, the judgments and the stories we make around them, the verdicts we dictate about ourselves, about others, about what It happens as relentless judges with the hammer in hand, is this Peace? Is this being in favor of harmony and peace? This is what we need to recognize and identify, and if we really aspire to Peace, then once this is done, we can consciously and deliberately intervene to redefine it, to draw the white flag, and go directly to restore Peace, both inside and outside. U.S…. Thus, we breathe deeply and slowly, we surrender, and we feel that space of humble acceptance of what it is, that illuminated, calm, peaceful space that does not know about struggles, debates, divisions, arguments, confrontations or reasons ... He only knows about unity and light ...

The Will … Lina Cristiano

That internal force that mobilizes us to order, decide to do and carry out what we set out, however, requires awareness and clarity of purpose. Will is a key ingredient for our growth and progress. Will allows us to persevere in achieving our goals over the circumstances, over our own human limitations and vulnerabilities, because it is an internal force that is above that. With Will we take charge, we stop postponing and justifying those postponements, and we achieve it when we know very well that what we want to do is important, it has meaning and meaning for us, it is good for us, and many times, also for others . However, when the temptations of apathy, postponement, laziness, fears, mood, clinging to the "status quo" break in, it is Will allows us to rise above them, preventing them from taking control of our actions, and give priority to what we plan to do, and go beyond what we could use as an excuse that retains and postpones our initiatives and projects.

Being self-responsible, everything we have done in our lives has been the result of the exercise of Will, and what we have not been able to do comes from the lack of it, without excuses. What you have not done, you have not done because you have not wanted, period. You have simply preferred or chosen to do something else, that simple, that is the truth, without ornaments, without excuses. How many times have we said: I want to do it, but I haven't decided yet? How many times do we say: I would like to start such a business, I would like to volunteer, I would like to do Therapy, I would like to study such a thing, and we don't do it?

Justifications, excuses, laziness, apathy, the "status quo" and postponement become a huge obstacle when pretending that what we have not done is due to any other reason than the lack of will.

The human being when he really decides to do something, can become tremendously creative and innovative, without excuses!

Who proposes certain initiatives and projects is oneself, and asks them because they motivate him, because it has meaning for us, because we have evaluated his coincidence with our interests and values, because he is aligned with what we are and want for our life, In the same way, that the impulse, loyalty and perseverance that we offer or not to its realization is our responsibility, and that impulse, that loyalty, that active decision, that perseverance comes from Will. Making a decision must contain the exercise of Will to concretize it and effectively carry it out, turning that decision into a tangible experience, otherwise, it is just an idea, a fantasy, no more than that, and there it remains.

We cannot even imagine the tremendous wear of energy that involves the lack of Will in our lives, that feeling of having something pending and not doing it once and for all, that feeling that often becomes a tremendous discomfort that we could very well deceive ourselves considering it as normal. The human being has the tendency to get used to anything, and in many cases, he does not even realize what he has become accustomed to, and much less the damage done.

The lack of Will works against your progress, keeps you stuck, enslaved, threatens your natural creativity and vital impulse, which require the support of your conscience.

Will is like a muscle, the more you exercise the more it will be strengthened, having the inner strength to exercise it day after day with perseverance requires discipline, temperament, confidence and self-confidence, decide and do it !!! Because turning this into a habit will always result in enormous benefits and multiple satisfactions both for you and for those around you.

Lina Cristiano

Therapist / Coach

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