Learning problems or problems with the teaching style? How do we help the child learn naturally?

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Learning styles 2 The eight intelligences are the following: 3 Why is it important to know about learning styles? 4 Learning problems or problems with the teaching style? How do we help the child learn naturally?

Edward de Bono brings us the concept of lateral or creative thinking, which is the ability to observe, analyze and solve something with ideas that are outside the usual thinking pattern. To think laterally or creatively is to allow yourself to see and consider problems from different places, and therefore, to arrive at new and creative solutions. There is no expected answer, but an original one.

If you start the topic that brings us together here is education, then you will wonder what relationship this concept has to the task of being parents, teachers, therapists or educators of other branches.

Usually and repeatedly we hear, in dialogues between teachers or parents, say that they do not know more what to do with such a child or with the child himself; that with the best intentions, everything has been tried and nothing has given a result, what will be the reason?

Learning styles

We have already heard it many times, each child is unique, which means that each one has their own way of seeing, capturing and learning from the world around them. This personal style of learning will depend on your personality, what motivates and excites you, the way you were educated, the culture or environment.
Based on this idea, many authors proposed different theories about “Learning Styles”. Here I will cite here one of them, which I consider more relevant when teaching.

Howard Gardner tells us that not everyone has the same interests and abilities, and therefore, that not everyone learns in the same way. Thus arose his work on Multiple Intelligences. Synthetically, this approach states that there are at least eight forms of intelligences, and that each of us can have more developed or greater ease with one, two intelligences, or more.

If they teach us things from our intelligence style, it will be easier for us to learn. On the other hand, if we try to assimilate something from an unrelated place, it will be very difficult for us to incorporate it.

The eight intelligences are the following:

Int. Logic-Mathematics : They are those that have the ability to understand abstract models, calculate numerically, understand concepts, reasoning, generate ideas.

Int. Linguistic or verbal : Those who learn easily from the word: reading, writing, speaking and listening. For example, a writer.

Space Int: Those who have the ability to present ideas visually, create mental images, draw and make sketches.

Musical Int .: They are the ones that have the facility to listen, sing, play instruments as well as analyze sound in general.

Int. Corporal or cenesthetic : Those who have ability with their body; physical skill: strength, speed, flexibility, coordination, balance.

Intrapersonal Int : They have facility to know themselves. Ability to know personal skills and disadvantages, control thinking and impulses.

Int. Interpersonal : Easy to meet the other. Work with people, generate links, help people identify and overcome problems.

Int. Naturalist : Ability to learn about the natural world. Affinity for nature and its knowledge.

Gardner reminds us that academic brilliance is not everything. Linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, which are the most demanded in a school, do not determine whether or not we are intelligent. When it comes to life, it is not enough to have good grades in school. There are people of great intellectual capacity, but who are unable, for example, to maintain relationships with others. There are also those who have suffered bad grades throughout their schooling, and in adulthood, they succeed in personal endeavors or in their private lives. Einstein has told us this in the following sentence: “We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live all its life believing that it is stupid ”.

A dancer is no less intelligent than an engineer, nor vice versa. Each has a style of intelligence that characterizes it and makes it unique.

Why is it important to know about learning styles?

We have already said it, each student is unique, and therefore, his style of learning will be, as is his look, tone of voice, smile, gestures. There are children who do not stop moving, who need to move the pencil or foot to be present. There are others who need to feel emotions to learn; there are also those who like to draw, assemble schemes, others memorize abstractly, and thus many combinations.

It is useful to ask then, not only what kind of intelligence or learning style will the child with whom I have difficulty, but what inclination I have as a teacher, parent or therapist. And if this coincides or is opposite to that of said child.

There will always be children who do not generate problems, this is for a simple reason, their learning style adapts to the teacher's teaching style. But other times, problems arise and the child cannot be excited. Here, the child is usually cataloged with learning problems or with the teaching style. That is, the teacher's way of teaching does not match the student's style. They find a way to teach with a way of learning, and as a consequence the child becomes discouraged or distracted.

Both educators and students, try too hard, wear out and get frustrated by wanting to teach or learn something from a wrong place.

We will have to stop insisting on wanting the child to adapt to a unique way of teaching, subjective and chosen for the educator's ease, and try new ways to reach him. As Edward Bono proposes, try to have a new thought of things, see them differently and propose new ways of solution.

Author: Nancy Erica Ortiz
Integral Pedagogue

Facilitator of Distance Course The Children of Today and Distance Course: The Child as a Symptom of Conflicts in Family or School
Source: https://www.caminosalser.com/i1730-problemas-de-aprendizaje-o-problemas-con-el-estilo-de-ensenanza-como-ayudamos-al-nino-a-aprender-naturalmente/

Learning problems or problems with the teaching style? How do we help the child learn naturally?

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