Preparing for change ", by Jeshua

  • 2011

My dear ones:

You are among those who volunteered a long time ago to incarnate in these times, to come in advance to pave the way and to be here now for what has been predicted and prophesied to be the greatest change in collective consciousness. It is a change for which they have prayed, that they have tried to imagine, and about which they have spoken with their friends, who listen.

You have often been the Masters, those who have been recognized as the wise woman of the village, the wise monk who knew how to access other dimensions, not only bringing physical beings to light but a new consciousness. So they are here again to lead their brothers and sisters in preparation for the change of consciousness.

As it has been prophesied, in the next twelve to fifteen months of your time there will be a lot of changes, there will be much that will be different for you. They are going to take a look back at these times and they will marvel: "How could these changes happen?" Just as they now look at a decade ago, two decades or even four or five decades, they can see the change in the thinking of collective consciousness

In its time of the next twelve to fifteen months there will be many changes happening just as they have happened in the last five decades. So, hold on, hold on !, as you would say, because there will be great leaps in understanding from one day to the next. There will be those who are ready to shed their heaviness. Those who are ready for peace. Those who are ready to love, to know that relationships can be uplifting, stimulating. They have been asking for healing. They have been asking for answers to understand that life does not have to be as arduous as the world has suggested it should be, nor as arduous as their peers, parents and even their friends say: "Well, that's life."

Now, when it comes to preparing for change: in reality, you have already been preparing for it! You have been waking up in the morning and have been asking for miracles in the day. They have been asking to know the positive aspects of life and have been grateful for what they find in their lives - all nature, all their friends, all books, all the meetings they are called to go to. You are finding that you are grateful for everything that happens, even if it might seem strange at first.

But now they find that they know that everything works together - as I have been telling you for a long, long time - everything works together for the realization of redemption, the "One." For there really is only One. All you perceive is you because you are manifesting it. Where does it exist?

Ask yourself: where does everything really exist? In their perception, in their mind, what they see. You are projecting what you thought was impossible. You are projecting it outward, and then you see it as if it were reflected in a mirror returning to you and saying, "Well, that must be real because I can see it." But in reality you have the idea first, and then the They project abroad.

So you have been changing - all of you have been changing; in the morning when you wake up, during the course of your days while recognizing that maybe you can see things differently - you are changing perceptions. You are changing the world because you are projecting a different image to what it can be.

Try this for yourself. Say, when you wake up, say: “I will see miracles on this day. I will see happiness, lightness. I am going to see friends who want to be in the same space of light. ”You will notice that as you hold a certain idea things miraculously fall into place, things just happen at the perfect time on your own, and you say: "Wow, what a wonder!" Be aware that often what you have asked comes to you.

Be aware of the little nuances of each day because they are miracles that happen daily. They have to happen because you have set your mind on seeing miracles and they come because you wait for them. That is the number 1 ingredient in preparing for this change: expectation: “I hope to see miracles on this day. I hope to see the Light on this day. I hope to hear laughter and feel joyful. ”

Keep expectations that are positive, and that is what you will find in the day. Expectations, wait. What you expect is what you will see. It will come to you. Now, I know that for a long time you have been trapped in the quagmire of the world situation. Expect to see miracles happen there too. Expect to see each other finding that they are truly capable of changing their lives.

I know that the world has spoken that many are suffering. You have projected that abroad because that has been the old generational thought that you have been taught to have to be the world. When your turn comes - and it will come - say: “No, that's not what I expect now. That is an old generational thought that I have subconsciously absorbed and expected to see, because parents expected that. ”

The brothers and sisters with whom they grew up, their partners, this is what they have expected to see as well. So that's what they see. But you are moving to a new space, and the brothers and sisters with whom you interact are also moving to this new space. Expect them to advance to that new space because they are really doing it. They are holding only for that snap of the fingers to make the change.

You can talk to them about the power of expecting good. You have a saying from a few decades ago, one that even came out on a sticker: "Wait for a miracle." Well, take that as your motto every day. Wait for a miracle. “I expect a miracle regarding the balance of gold coins and the amount of work I do. I expect a balance in my life. ”And they will find that it will come because they will be asking to see it, and it will happen because they expect it.

There is truly only One. You see outward, and because you have been taught to see many, you see brothers and sisters. You project this belief. But truly you are the One expressing the many, and that in itself is a miracle that you can have such an expectation, that you will see hundreds, thousands or more individuals, apparently individuals, on the face of our holy Mother Earth.

But stop for a moment and ask yourself: where does this idea come from? Well, it comes from my belief that there are many people living in the world. Maybe I can see this differently. Maybe there is only one of us. Perhaps there is only the I, the We. Us. Start working with the word nos because you are united to all those you still see because of the belief in the many.

So start with nos : we feel peace, we are happy, we are enlightened. And then there will come a place where you will begin to understand that the mind is showing you many because you have been taught that there are many. But maybe everything is a projection of the One. Play with that idea for a while and see how powerful you are.

I have spoken to you over the years of how powerful you are, how creative you are, how you create everything that is in your world, in your experience. You create everything. And if you believe it, where does it start first? Start with an idea in your mind. So start waiting for things to be different. That things are going to be easy. I'm going to have everything I need.

You, as the only Creative Mind that you are, will always take care of yourselves. You can trust it, even if you have to call me thinking I'm going to work miracles for you. I will, but in truth it is their belief that does it. But if you want to call me to do some miracles for you, that's fine too. I will gladly do it. It is easy.

Begin to understand its power. Begin to understand how Light you are, how Light everything is in the world, in your world, and how Light can be as you project Light, as you feel physically Light . Physical lightness, yes; emotional lightness, even more, and understanding that: I hope to feel the Light. I hope that my brothers and sisters still see the One expressing himself as the many I hope to see them advance to the Light.

As they work expectantly, just as they work by changing their beliefs, that is powerful. That is why I tell you that in the next twelve to fifteen months you will be in a very different place. You are going to see your world in a very different dimension because you are projecting what the world is.

Well, don't take what I just told you, and feel guilty and say: There are people in other countries who are suffering. I am guilty. No, they are not. And neither do they. In truth, they are not suffering. “My mother, but how can that be true? My media tell me that there is chaos, that there are revolts, that the military is doing terrible things. How can that be true?

In truth, they are not suffering, except as you think they are suffering. What if you thought they were going to come to peace? It could happen; Not only could it happen, it will happen. It has to happen because you are the extension - as we have told you many times - of the only Creative Principle. You create everything in your life. That's how powerful you are.

The mind cannot absorb that, it can play with it, it can shuffle it and find all kinds of objections to it. But when you work with your heart, with the feeling of expectation, then you come to the truth. Work loving everything that comes to your experience daily. Love it, thank it, and know that you have truly put it there as a gift.

I know that many times the separated ego has said: “ha, great gift, ” and has asked, “what are you going to do with this gift?” But everything is a gift that has led you to this place where you are now, ready to hear that there really is only One expressing oneself as the many, for there is still this belief. And the way you are changing that with preparation for change is with expectation and love; waiting for things to change; hoping that you are going to love everything in your life.

Geez, how difficult is that! It seems to be, but you have already made great progress, you have advanced to the space where you say: “I want to see the good in this. I am willing to see the good in this. ”You have already made great progress. So when the separated ego wants to talk to you about that - "that's too difficult, I can't do that, I can't love everything and take everything as if it were a blessing" - just say to your separate ego: "Look, I've been doing this. Where have you been? You did not notice. I have been advancing to a space of gradual gratitude for all that I know I am surpassing. ”

Work loving everything you see, everyone you see. Work with it, play with it, experience loving yourself because you are the One who is creating. You are the Master, as we have talked about it many times, and you have heard those words and said: "Well, that sounds good but, why do I have this manure in my life?" Well, that's because you want grow, and they do.

Work with gratitude for what you see in your life, and then bring that back home with you, come back to love yourself and say: Hey, you know what? I have truly done a good job this life. I have gone through a great number of challenges, global challenges, and I have been able to see good in them; maybe not right away, but later I was able to see good in them. ”Well, in truth you have allowed healing in many areas in which at that time when you were in the middle of them you did not think there could have been a healing - in the area of ​​relationships especially.

So now they live in a place of gratitude. They live in a place where they say: “Geez, there must have been a Divine plan. Mmmm. ”And then you go one step closer and say:“ I should have had an idea, a future I was going to be able to take a look back and see the healing of it. ”Because in each moment you have what They understand as a concept, their future self.

Play with this for a while. Is powerfull. Play with the idea of ​​a future you. “What will be the future self - and could it be the next day or the next year or in ten years - what will the future me of me be doing? Where am I going to be? What would i like to be doing? What can i create? ”

That is powerful, and it is part of the preparation for the change that you are bringing. Loving themselves, being grateful for everything in their life, seeing everything as a miracle, being able to look forward to the future self and say, "My Self, how do you see the situation I am going through now?"

Put it in the future, maybe in twelve months. Where will they be in twelve months? Your separate ego says, "Well, I don't know." Well, separate ego doesn't know. But the future self does and does exist even now at this time, and you can access it hoping to access it.

Understanding expectation transforms your life. She accelerates what has been prophesied. You believe in prophecy and know that something great is going to happen because it has been prophesied by many, many people; Therefore, it has to be true. Of course, many, many people are projections of your belief, but it comes from your only Divine Source, which says: “It is time. It is time now to meet the only I, the only Creative Source, the One who is still expressing himself as the many, the We of us.

“We are doing very well. We are bringing miracles into existence. Amazing! Hey, you know, that's really wonderful. I can talk about it with friends. You know, we are truly bringing the changes. ”- and it's true. So talk to your friends about this. Some will understand and be happy about it. Others will say, "Mmmm, that's very strange." It doesn't matter, it's fine. You have created them in order to get some critical response back. And over time, you will bring only those that are in resonance with you because your belief and your projection will show you only harmony.

You can feel that in your heart. The mind sometimes has some problems with this, but the heart knows it. The heart feels Love, Unity. And then the heart instructs the mind to see things in a different way.

Those of you reading this have asked to be the pivotal teachers, the ones who know that they are projecting what they see in their life. It is what they expect to see. You are among those who have agreed to take that power and will spread it as seeds among the many, and you will love them because you have created them in your life.

You are going to say, "Geez." Maybe not out loud. "I created you. I see them as an extension of life. I see them with a body. I see them going through life experiences. I am creating them from moment to moment. In truth, there is no separation, and you don't really exist except as I see you and I hope you exist. ”

And that does not cancel its value. It only brings the belief system back to its origin, back to the only Mind that projects out. In truth, you as individuals do not exist, except because there is a belief in your mind that others exist. So if you are creating them - and I am telling you that you are really doing it - then do them the way you want them to be. Make them friends - happy, joyful, wanting to do things with you in a harmonious way to bring peace, to bring enlightenment to the world.

If, in Truth, others do not exist except for the way you bring them into your reality - with a tiny "r" - then make them beautiful beings that are truly as the extension of the only Creator Principle would dictate that they are. Listen to this well. Go back and read that again. It went over your head, but it's true. You are creating all your experience; You have heard that before.

You are creating all your friends and not-so-friends in your life. In truth, they only exist as you believe they exist; Therefore, you can see them differently. You can expect to see them differently. Now, that requires playing a little with it until they practice, practice, and practice. But it doesn't take so much practice before the penny falls into the slot of the machine, and then say: “Ah, I understand; I get a glimpse of that. Okay, that means then I can expect to see harmony in my world, and even love. ”And they will see it.

Love is all around you all the time. It is what you are truly - incarnate love, expressing yourself. And as you understand that about yourself, you begin to feel differently about yourself. They begin to know that it is truly the power of Love that dictates to the mind what they will expect to see, and things will change rapidly.

That is why I can make the prediction that within the next twelve to fifteen months you will see great changes. You will see great changes because you will expect to see them. It has been prophesied. A teacher has told them what is going to happen, many teachers have actually done it. And you are going to project the belief that these changes are going to happen. And what will they see? Changes The changes for which you have prayed many lives.

Now you have advanced to a place where you are willing to see changes. In other lives you expected to live human life with all its challenges because you wanted to play in the arena; They wanted to know what it felt like in that particular sandy area. What color was the sand? Was it a heavy, light, gray, pink or green sand? What happened when they threw it in the air? Did it fall back on you, or did it fly somewhere else? You wanted to know the different arena.

But deeply in your knowledge, even in the understanding that you have about what your past lives are, there was a knowledge, a hope that you would arrive at a place of understanding that the sand was only a sand, just a place to play. There is no judgment, it is only a place to be creative. And you have been very creative. Now you can see back and bless each creation.

Expect a miracle. Expect to change your mind. Expect to feel different about yourself. Expect to take the power to change your beliefs, and then see the miracles because you will be there small and big. And what you have thought is difficult, you will find it easy to manifest the answer. She will flow.

Change your thoughts and change your reality. It's that easy. Change your expectation and change your reality with a r min scula. And the power to change your reality with a r min scula comes from the Reality of the R uppercase because you are the extension n of the only Creative Principle. You are energy. They are intelligence. They are the Divine Flow of Being from before the beginning of time.

You are the creators of time. And after the purpose of time has been fulfilled, and that may happen in the next twelve to fifteen months, you will be what you are right now - the only one Divine I, the extension of the only Divine Source. So if you are that and I guarantee you that you are why not be happy? Expect to be happy, and they will be.

Understand the power of your creativity. Start capturing it. Begin to understand the only Mind that you are.

Do not assume guilt because nothing is being judged; Nothing is judged. Everything serves for the realization of redemption. It all brings you to the place where you are right now, where you have grasped a new idea, an understanding of how powerful you are.

Wait to see me. Play with that for a while. Expect to see me in the luminous body, like a resplendent physical body. Sit me down. I will take your hands. Feel my hand taking yours. Extend your hand right now and feel my hand take yours. Feel the energy. Know that always what I am, you are.

So be it.

Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus)


In expression through Judith Coates. Sept. 2011. Copyright 2011 Oakbridge University.

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