Plenilunio de Aries: "The Resurrection of the primordial divine unity

  • 2014
Table of contents hide 1 The three major zodiac crosses 1.1 The Cardinal Cross 1.1.1 The Mutable Cross 1.1.2 The Fixed Cross 2 The blessing of Christ 3 Plenilunio de Aries: “The Resurrection of the primordial divine unity”

Published by Anabel.C.Huertas

The great Major Festival of Aries, which begins this radiant new path towards the revelation of the Truth of man and the universe, leads us between the vertiginous loop of the ascending spiral, blowing us the powerful energy of the Beginning, of the profound Manifestation that is called to externalize during this new cycle of divine self-awareness.

Aries great transmitter of the electric Fire from where the Primordial Divine Unit expressed from Sirius comes to us with a great transforming force, fertilizing the cosmic substance and its human reflection, producing the great activation of Mother-Matter, its restoration, its elevation and return to the true and sacred origin of its nature.

After the paths previously traveled by pilgrims and seekers of truth, all planes of matter illuminated by the great moment of Christ's exteriorization, (the great cosmic-divine fertilization that was initiated with the opening of the portals of awakening 11 -11), the chaos, the disorder, the incercia in which the creative substance had been rooted is repolarized by this great electric fire poured from the center of the galaxy, printing on it the model, the rhythm, the pre-existing archetypes at ages and spaces, reactivating its original matrix, its divine womb, where "matter" is consecrated to its vital and organized principle: "absolute consciousness."

Aries, arm of the cardinal cross, diffractor of the masculine principle of the powerful Will-Power ray penetrates the Mother and her infinite space projecting the principle of the absolute, the eternal and the unmanifested on her restored "chalice", on the grail of the life, which must contain and externalize in an objective way, the origin and causes, the fundamental impulses, the nature of the Being and all the entities that are building their “home” in this new golden age of Gaia.

Master Djwhal Khul tells us:

"Aries is the zodiac sign whereby the First Ray, Will and Power, comes to our planetary idea"

The three major zodiac crosses

There are three major zodiac crossings, the Cardinal Cross, the Mutable Cross and the Fixed Cross.

The Cardinal Cross

It expresses the Power and Will of the first aspect of the Cosmic Spiritual Triad, the divine masculine aspect, the Father, The Will to Incarnate . ”

The Mutable Cross

It expresses the Light of Active Intelligence, the third aspect of the Cosmic Spiritual Triad, the divine feminine aspect, the Mother, "The creator of the Substance of Matter." The Devas and Mahadevas at His service, densify this Substance in material forms and sensitize them to fulfill the great Cosmic Symphony, divine manifestation of the Father's Score inspired by His Will to Embody the theme of divine Love .

The Fixed Cross

It expresses the Second Aspect of the Spiritual Triad, "the Energy of Love, " the divine masculine-feminine power merging into the Son, called Monad or Christ . He is the embodiment of the intense and fused relationship of the Will of the Father and the Light of the Mother. It is majestically under the impulse of the Divine Energy of Love, endorsed abundantly from the Syrian binary star. The moment is sercano that the Love of the Son will express this divine Fusion with magnificence throughout the Race of Humans. Already, he did it for the first time individually, over 2, 000 years ago. He took possession of the Personality of Jesus of Galilee to reveal the "God of Love" immanent in him, as in every human being. This cosmic event was initiated by the Fire of Life itself, the Fire of Aries . Thus, for the first time as a human individual, the Christ in Jesus manifested with glory the "Will of the Father to incarnate His divine Love." He consciously sacrificed himself on the Fixed Cross, the Cross of Love, so that His resurrection would reveal and awaken in each human being the “ awareness of being a Man-God of Love”, radiating his Divinity immortality from the inside out. ”William Van Marsenille.

The plenilunio of Aries or Easter Festival, is accompanied by a total eclipse of Luna approaching the idea of ​​the great materializing time we live, the great Manifestation that will begin to be carried out with the force of the great cosmic cross of 21 April, which reaches its splendor, after marking the "beginning of events" during the "Sword of God" on 5/21/2011.

This great hierarchical meeting of the full moon prepares us to innagurate the true activity, assuming a great factor of influence in the mental plane from where “emerge and government” once the “death” that precedes the resurrection has been carried out.

The ancient texts tell us: "When Christ harmonized the divine will in him, he died and the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom."

The total eclipse of the moon tells us about the personality, that inertial and motor force, that shadow or belly of existence where life manifests itself, where the One when descending to one's own experience enters into the relative, dual activity of itself, in its active-receptive, masculine-feminine, spiritual-material level.

The belly, the primeval root given to the active principle that the fruitful one produces the boda in the heavens, Love-Wisdom, the self-consciousness of the Being, born as the third factor of the relationship n between both principles, revealing the potential divine level of man, his physical and temporal level and from whose relationship the spiritual or conscious-divine level is born, the Logos, the Incarnate Word, the Christ or the Light of the World .

During this period we surrender as the moon that is hidden in the eclipse at the death of all the negations of this time. The intuitive mind, the great evolutionary leap of man at this time, abandons his beliefs and false perceptions taking the impulse to be reborn, to begin, to create, new journeys and states of Being, which lead to the myriad of lives of the existence to its true substantial qualities, to the inner knowledge that walks from the deep cosmic night to the new Light of the World.

In this Easter festival the great liberation is highly represented by the history of the incarnate Christ.

Since the beginning of humanity, the Cross or the man with arms extended horizontally (the Fixed Cross typifying its cosmic origin) was linked to its psychic nature and the struggles that lead to initiation n The Secret Doctrine.

Thus, the fresh and novel activity, the new paths, the materialization of a new golden age of man, becomes an ancestral galactic initiation, a primordial reconstruction and reconstruction movement of the mind, in an act of intuition of the Soul, aimed directly at the personality that will die in chaos and be reborn in his virginity, that he will walk from his limited forms to order and the perfect laws of his true divine nature, unlimited, omnipresent and omniabarcante.

The will that conquers death is an emanation of the mental plane . AAB

Thus during the death and resurrection of Aries the divine thought is poured over the cosmic substance, death is unified and synthesized to the life that is inherent in it producing the resurrection, the repolarization n, the great unitary and synthesizing principle of this our system of Love-Wisdom, where the Divine Primordial Spirit-Matter Unity fulfills its supreme act of love giving birth to divine self-consciousness.

Father-Mother-Son (Light of the World). Divine mind (potential archetype), Matter (hypersensitive virginity), and Son (bridge of dynamic energy capable of making divine thought be imprinted on all cosmic substance) receive the great fire c Semic during this period, resuscitating the living and existential principle of the human being, to initiate his glorious co-creative activity, to summon him through his own experience of the cosmic beat in his triplicities and quarantine to walk, from the deep cosmic night to its potential role, of Luz del Mundo.

Alchemy, the living magic of life, must be summoned from the very center of each being and the conquest of death brought to the Service of this exceptional time that begins to be commanded by True Love, and the joint co-creation between hierarchies that union, meditation and service, externalize this radiant time of Aquarius.

The blessing of Christ

In 1945, on Easter day, when writing about the resurrection, Master Djwhal Khul explained:

“Standing, in a place in the central point of Asia, away from the crowd and the impact of human affairs, Christ will bless the world at the exact moment of the full moon of Aries. He will repeat the last words of Buddha and the Beatitudes He pronounced in Palestine. To these two messages will add a new one, imbued with power for the future ”

This new message, imbued with power for the future, was given to humanity in 1947. This is the GREAT INVOCATION, today practiced with fervor by millions of human beings.

Through the practice of the Great Invocation during the month of Aries, the meditator focused on his "Middle Point", the fiery focal center of his brain, opens his personal cosmic Portal. He can then grasp the electric Fire of Aries and light his heart, which will reflect the golden Light of Love and Life, the very radiation of the spiritual Hierarchy. William Van Marsenille.

Blessed is the dance of Visionaries and their Souls.

Happy full moon, Happy Easter!

Anabel.C. Huertas and William Van Marsenille.

Image: The cosmic man, the dance of light. Ludger Philips for Circle of Good Will.

Plenilunio de Aries: "The Resurrection of the primordial divine unity"

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