Pearls of light, Rainbow consciousness. Beloved Mary

  • 2014
Channeled by Elsa Farrus Dear girl I am Mary, This is the light, of the clarity of love There are thousands of pearls of light, which descend into the interior of the earth, coming from the universe, they will soften the changes. The pearls of pink light and crystalline light are deposited in their auras and open with thousands of geometries inside. All from the gardens of Maya, and Syrian mansions. Beloved brothers, it is a moment of consolidation, inside and inside Gaia. That is why we propose the following exercise, take a deep breath, several times and imagine that around you, there is a wide field of energy, breathe light love and peace, and release, easily the past when exhaling your air, breathe several times, feeling like at each conscious breath, magnificent golden light particles reach you, which enter your lungs and when you take out the air you expand throughout your aura. Feel the energy more and more intense, brighter and more expanded, until you are in a beautiful sphere of golden light. They breathe again three times, and with sweetness and serenity, they call me, with a protocol similar to: In the name of the beloved presence I am in me, I invoke the mother Mary and the teachers of Gaia .. Repeat this protocol 3 times again And they continue to breathe little by little, then an image, a color or a sound will arrive, it doesn't matter, depending on the opening of each one, even if you can't visualize me, the energy will be with you. They breathe again, and ask, are you Mary in the name of light and love ?, the image, the word in her head etc. It will increase in intensity. They take a deep breath several times and ask openly: Mary, I wish to receive the pearls of light, with the rainbow vibration, to complete the memories of my aura. And you breathe deeply, several times, feeling, like small drops of dew, of rain of crystalline water is deposited in you, through your crown chakra and in your aura, you fall directly from the universe and when you reach them you open releasing thousands of colors in its auric field, and making it brighter, more beautiful, more widespread. All this incoming energy is really what will help them expand and fortify their DNA, and also help them regain vitality, in these days of extreme intensity. Breathe several times, feel this expansion, and remain there, for as long as you wish, feeling and receiving all the goodness and joy of being back in your own connection with the rainbow ray. If you wish, you can take the opportunity to openly ask that these drops of glass be deposited in the corners of Gaia where it is most necessary, in those people who believe they need their love or blessing, to help focus this rain of solar codes that Help them grow in harmony. You know in greater detail the needs of each and every place. They take a deep breath, after staying there freely and whenever they want, they fire me, with a simply thank you, you can go. And we will go with love to attend other places again. The sacred mothers of Gaia, as some call us, is not a hierarchy, it is an energy, full of light and prosperity that is based on internal love and unconditional love, we work with several rays, magenta, turquoise and the coral, but mainly with the platinum and rainbow ray, for the sake of the elemental, of the nature in different planes, We are balance and crystal geneticists, we give the necessary life codes to each plane, therefore to almost all of us are given the energy of mother, because we are the workers of the great mother Gaia, here with you and the gardens of light on other planes. We are not distant from you, only that nobody ever considered making contact with us, but we are many teachers, those of us who work together, with all the crystalline and elemental realms, and remember that you are elementary, in your body f Physical and in its surroundings. Beloved, it is time to co-create to rebuild, to invent thoughts, because what they really invent is the intuition of the heart, it is the beauty of their soul that they remember, a big hug, beloved ones, is and at the time of remembering and sharing, even of dreaming. Because of all this, the possibility of being free is born. And to grow with his brothers in flat bulls of conscience, a big hug from the sun of Alcyon and from the gardens of Maya. Ask, ask, expand, expand, these wonderful pearls of light, the drops of the codes of your regeneration, because what is born of the heart always remains, a great hug from the love Mar a. Thanks to all, for sharing the channels, a big hug Elsa, for other channels and more information: http: // you can find more information about energ a in:

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