Thoughts for March 2014 by Maestro Beinsá Dunó

  • 2014

1. For us to understand the inner side of our life, we must study our body. The only real thing we can deal with is our body. We must start with our body. Do you know how many efforts and eagerness Nature has used to create your bodies? Scientists have not yet verified this.

2. The disciple's most important job, to be an idealist, is his constant connection with God. He must be absolutely free, who has risen above his karma. In prayer the spiritual body of man is organized. There is a sign by which it is known when man has an organized spiritual body - he does not lose balance in suffering and contradictions, and receives them with an inner strength. It's nice that every day you spend half an hour in reflection and prayer - that's how the spiritual body is organized.

3. I say: in this great science the human body must be studied. Every man must study his true body. I do not speak of your ordinary body, but of the true one, the one who does not die. What dies in man is his flesh. You say: "The body of man does not die?" He does not die, only the flesh dies. There is something constant in man - this is his true body that always remains one and himself. Some scientists say that the true body of man, that is his soul, weighs 33 grams.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: That at night you walk as well as and during the day. Have you tried walking like this? That you go at night, that you walk, that little by little you walk in the forest without bumping into a tree. This means that you walk among bad people without bumping into someone. That you walk at night between the trees, this is the same as if you walked among the people without crashing. Or do you ever do a test in the garden of Boris, that you walk among many people and that you pass without touching someone. That you can make some curved line without touching someone. Maybe in three or four places you will apologize, or someone else will apologize to you, it is unknown who with whom he has collided.

4. The Lord who created the world knew what people we are, knew what we were going to do. He took precautionary measures to prevent theft. There may be robbery here on Earth, but whoever passes from Earth to the Promised Land, nothing here can take away. From Earth to that World we will carry our luminous thoughts, our luminous desires - thoughts that do not die and desires that do not die; we will be dressed with them, so we will go to the other world. I say: the thoughts of Christ must be born in us.

5. And now that social issues should be solved, money is needed - these are secondary things. You can take money wherever you want, but the money does not raise the people. A people can multiply and diminish, but if an expansion does not reach the consciousness of the people, if this culture does not arrive superior to this one, nothing will become of this people; but if this expansion reaches consciousness, this higher culture, this is a powerful force that creates, that introduces elements of a conscious, reasonable life.

6. A dawn can come only in these of you in which consciousness has awakened, in which the idea of ​​its predestination penetrates. They say: “Behold, we have been praying for so many years - what have we acquired? For so many years since we live for our people - what have we acquired? ”No, in your life there is a higher level, you must live for all humanity, you must live for the Universe, then there is a higher ideal in your life than this one with which you live now.

7. I say: in marriage some marry to become weavers, some marry to become gardeners, some marry to become teachers, teachers. In marriage there is something else - in this man must reach the position of becoming a servant of God. May he and his beloved go and both serve. Under the word woman in eternal life it is understood that he has good insides. For God they say that it is good, pious. Everyone who cultivates within himself must take this principle into account. I say: in the family, man and woman are symbols of some virtues; If the woman does not represent these virtues and if the man does not represent them, this symbol is meaningless.

8. Someone says: "I am a Son of God." Well, and the gypsy can say that he is a son of the King, but that he says that he is a son of the king is one thing, and that in reality he is a son of the king, that a Real blood flows in him, it is something else. So, say that you are Sons of God, and that in reality you are such, these are two absolutely different things. If the life of God flows in you, you will have thoughts, feelings and actions similar to those of God, you will be the image and likeness of God.

9. Every man is obligated to live in a Divine way. If he does not live such a life, he will suffer. So, and I am obligated, and you are obligated to live according to God's laws. But we have weaknesses Nothing happens, you will make the effort to live a pure and good life.

10. I say: whatever position man occupies, before everything else he must serve God. As humans you say: Let us fix our lives, then we will serve God. You don't have to fix your life. Your present life is fixed. Now you must serve God - nothing else.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: The first thing: of all of you it is required that you introduce into you, in your soul, a soft element. First of all you must start with the wheat, that you have a clear image about it. Start with the morale of wheat. I will give you the following task: you will take 10 beautiful wheat grains and you will observe them carefully, in detail, with a magnifying glass one day, two, three, until in you a certain idea about the wheat, from which you will draw at least a small moral conclusion. After this, you will briefly describe your observations and the results you have reached.

11. The soul of man is not yet in the body, she is out of it and sometimes sends some superior idea, luminous to the ordinary consciousness of man. When man becomes clever, the soul will manifest through the body, it will be expressed in the physical world - exactly this time is approaching. Brothers and sisters, in order to prepare for these events, to resist, to endure the trials, must take into account the following: the main thing is the connection with God. Liquidity with all negative behavior towards people, forgive everyone and forgive everyone. Let each one forgive his brother and have full repentance for his deeds done, God expects this. And then man will be surrounded and guarded.

12. In the soul hides the alchemical law for rejuvenation; there is the strength for healing. When a man decides within himself to live a pure and holy life, he will first be put to a series of trials and temptations, so that his strength can be tested and he is ready to endure all the trials in life. Here it will be known how to act, if he will criticize or happen things with a pure heart, as such that have been allowed by God. The disciple has no right to criticize his Master! And the Master has no right to criticize his disciple, but he has the right to verify that this what the disciple does is not right, does not bring good and profit for himself. The Master can tell his disciple that the path by which he goes is not good and that it will bring bad results.

13. Man has two souls. One is carnal; She has everything wrong within herself: hate, malice, selfishness, is black as a coal. The other soul is luminous like the Sun. These two souls have connection with each other and are always in struggle; as they say - a fight between the Spirit and the flesh. This one that surpasses, manifests its qualities. When we speak badly, the black soul manifests; When we speak well, White gives way. There must be an internal connection between all the souls that are awake.

14. "The Word became flesh" - About this verse and so far there is contention in the Christian world. It is said in Scripture: "Flesh and blood will not inherit the Kingdom of God." Then the Spirit and the flesh in man are in struggle. The word meat has a few meanings, but for not having other words, it is used. If the Spirit is constantly struggling with the flesh, I ask: Why did the reasonable Word become flesh, why did he choose exactly the form of the flesh? Under the word meat we understand living beings that constantly grow and develop, because there is and a flesh that constantly decomposes. Therefore, when it is said that the Spirit is in struggle with the flesh, it is understood that flesh that decomposes.

15. Someone says he has lost his love. No, don't lie to yourself - the one who says he has lost his love, no Love has had. And he who says he has acquired his love, no Love has had. Love cannot be acquired and it is a sacrilege to say that we acquire and lose our Love - this means that you acquire and lose God, Who is not a property.

16. While man has an ideal, while having a superior aspiration, he can achieve everything. If he says that everything is on Earth, that there is no ideal and should not be sought, this man is dead. Someone says: "Everything in the world is matter." Under matter we understand the results of the human spirit - matter is a fruit of the spirit. This represents the visible, the tangible that the Spirit has worked during the innumerable centuries of the past, and when it is said that the Spirit is in struggle with matter, this implies the Spirit's aspiration to put all forces in balance.

17. Now, wherever you are, you must reasonably serve God. God must live in all people, as an inner light, as an inner good. Only in this way can man overcome all his difficulties. Out of this there will be fall and uprising, without any goods. The connection with God has meaning and for Earth and for Heaven. This connection refers simultaneously and towards the material life of man and towards the spiritual, and towards his Divine life. This represents an infusion, an influx of Divine light and in the three worlds. When man transgresses the law of God, this influx of energy from the Divine world ceases. The doors for the angelic world and for the Divine are closed, and man is left alone with a naked conscience, in the position of an animal. If he reaches this state, he already believes in nothing. That is exactly why man must be guarded, so that the doors from which Divine light flows do not close for him.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: When someone is indisposed, disturbed, impatient, imagine that they are in a forest with pine and oak trees. It will not be long and your state will change, you will receive the layout of the plants. When someone falls into a state of laziness, they think of animals. They are usually agile, movable. The need for food has forced them to move all day, to satisfy their hunger. When you think of animals, you connect with them and they stimulate you with their energy. After feeding, the animals become lazy, but when they are hungry, they go again to look for food. When you acquire the patience of plants and the mobility of animals, you will pass to man, to acquire the reflexive capacity, the thought. After this you will enter the Divine world, where you will expose all your thoughts to the eye. The advanced Beings of this world will make their notes on the thoughts expressed by you. Prudent men make an exhibition every day; Ordinary men make one exposure a week, and fools - one exposure a year.

18. When the soul signs something, it acquires meaning, acquires value. Those acts that are not signed by her have no value, so we must always give our soul the possibility to manifest in us, to manifest in the mind, in the heart and in the body - this is the law of education. That in all the things that occur on Earth the soul takes part, that is in us - in our heart, in our body; then everything that he does is done and we become happy.

19. Now comes a specific period of changes that will organize the world. And a new type of man enters the world, a new man is being created, a whole race. As Adam and Eve were created long ago in the Garden of Paradise, so and now the Lord forms the Garden of Paradise and will put the new man there. You must all pass through the door of Adam and Eve to pass through this race. You will say: "How will we pass?" This is how water passes through the pipes.

20. First of all, you will convince yourself that the Universe is reasonable. Then you will see that there is correspondence between your head and all the Suns; the set of all Suns represents the human head. In us, when we look at the stars, we see the Cosmic man; we don't see his body, but all the suns on represent his thinking head. Through these organs he sends light to the world. Imagine now how it will be He, who has created the Cosmic man ... Men are similarity to the Cosmic man; in his head there are luminous cells, like the stars.

21. When the Spirit acquires knowledge, light manifests as a result. Therefore, the light that now exists in the world is the result of a surplus energy that has not been used for mental activity, and that is why we take advantage of this light. Then, the Cosmic man has acquired so much knowledge that he has an excess that manifests in the form of physical light.

22. Sometimes they want to know why the heart is on the left and they give different biological, physiological causes. The heart has been removed during involution. Since the currents originally came from the right, consequently the heart organ has been removed to the left; These forces that have acted have removed the heart. Now by the law of evolution, the heart will pass to the right side, or it will come to the middle - neither to the left, nor to the right or a little to the right. Since there are currents that go from left to right, they will remove the heart. Those whose heart is on the left, go down. You still have not stopped going down; when the heart begins to stir to the right, then you will say that you have undertaken upward, towards Heaven.

23. Man is a particulite of the Whole, in consequence of this the conscience of all the people of the Earth, from the first man to all now existing, are gathered together. The consciousness of all people makes up the Cosmic man. Together they make up a society and a people. And all the humans that have existed in the past, that exist now and those that will exist in the future, make up the organs of a single people that will ever manifest.

24. How has man started his life thousands of years ago? He has first lived in a high sphere in the ether and then his body was another; after years he has lived in the air; After many years he has lived in the water - the most auspicious conditions - until we finally find him on the hard ground. In different environments man acquires different qualities: in the ether he acquires a quality, in the air - another, in the water - third, and in the hard - fourth terrain; In this way he travels a circle. After this he will live in the water again. Where will this water already be? This will not be here, on the hard ground. Man will transform into a fish and live in the Astral world. He will live there thousands of years, until the Astral world - this water - is formed and transformed into hard ground. Then man will again begin to live on the hard ground, but already in the Astral world and not on the hard ground of the Earth.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: You say that man should not deal with small things. According to me, the reasonable deals with small things. If he sees two ants fighting for a little bread, he will stop in front of them and reconcile them. He will take a few small pieces out of his pocket and give them to satisfy himself. You see that two branches of the tree have interwoven. You go by and say, "I don't deal with small things." At this time something inside tells you: “The tree belongs to God. Help this tree, untangle its branches! ”The tree is part of the All, and in Nature acts the law of Everything. If you help the All, you are a free man; If you don't help, you are not free. If it is good for the All, and for you it will be fine ... People do not think of the All, but they want the All to think of them. Often humans think only of themselves and with this alone they stumble.

25. The human soul is fruitless when it is not filled with the Love of God. This what happens with Elizabeth and with Mary, happens with every human soul. Until Love comes and until the Spirit comes to join, there can be no achievements. These visits must occur for the world to be transfigured. A visit from the Spirit - this is an accomplishment of what Love brings. Isn't it true that love comes before and then comes the child? The word becoming pregnant means that the human soul is filled with the Love of God and that the Spirit of God enters into man so that human life makes sense. Until the Love of God and the Spirit of God do not fill man, he is a stranger, he is like a foreigner on Earth; He looks like the hungry one who hasn't eaten and now expects a nice meal.

26. And so, faith is strengthened through doing good. As disciples, I want you to be examples in every aspect. Do not think for yourself more or less than this what you are. The disciple must know at all times what exactly he represents. When man becomes aware of his weakness, he can correct himself, and with this he transmits a little light to his conscience. This will make you better than it was before.

27. When you love, don't be interested if they love you. Leave this question unresolved, because loving - this depends on you, and that you love - this does not depend on you. Humans sometimes want to force us to love someone - this does not happen with order. You will love someone who needs you. He's hungry - give him some bread; He is thirsty - give him some water; He's naked - dress him. You can do thousands of favors, but you want to say: "I love you, I love you, I love you ..." - This is a theater.

27. Often you cut the connections with the Invisible World, with those Luminous Beings who love you, and in this way you falter in your life. In my observations I have seen strong natures with firm, constant convictions, which when they arrive at large trials falter. When man begins to slide, to fall, let him fall to the bottom, and not only halfway; lower than the bottom cannot fall. If the path to a high peak is through some deep plain, go down to the bottom of this plain to then go to the top, if you do a test, do it until the end. You will say: "This is strange." No, when man's consciousness is awake, in such a test he will learn much more and this is no longer a fall, but a descent. That's why I say: if you go down, go down to the bottom. The first thought that you must constantly hold in your mind is that the Divine hand, the Divine force supports each soul. It is connected by a thread with the Invisible World, so it can never escape Divine providence.

28. In the Old Testament it is written that angels have come to help, but they have become entangled. Now other angels come to free them, and along with them they will free some people. You are in a small ship, the sea is stormy and you think if your ship is going to turn around, and in no way does it come to mind that the storm will cease. Isn't it true that Christ ordered the storm and it stopped? A Luminous Being works on each man and awaits the moment to manifest. In Nature there are no sudden things, all things happen slowly, as well as dawn.

29. Some say: “Do angels have music? They have The angels who came down to greet Christ were men who had finished their development on Earth. What will you say about this? And when they arrived, they sang. In Heaven there are quite a few angels of the children of men who have already completed their development on Earth and they are not named men, but angels, they are perfect. I ask: how should your ideal be?

31. Man must feel the beauty of his soul. We remain with underestimated feelings. You remain indisposed and say: "Nobody loves me." This is a lie, all Nature loves you! You eat, babies, this is honey. You drink water - water loves you. You breathe, the air loves you. First we have to get rid of lies and uncertain things. The light comes and caresses you, the air caresses you, the water caresses you and you say: "Nobody loves me." These are uncertain things that we assume. Such a life is not noble. You have old concepts.

EXERCISE OF THE WEEK: God has thousands of methods through which he can help each man. You must be brave, do not worry about anything. Even if you find a bear in your path, do not worry. You will climb a tree and save yourself from it. "Well, if there is no tree?" You will climb a large stone. "And if there is no stone nearby?" Then, if you are cowards, you will lie on Earth and simulate a dead man. However, all these are methods for cowards. If a hidden disciple meets a bear, he will kneel on the ground, lift his eyes up and eagerly begin to pray to God. When he sees this, the bear will turn sideways, since he has found a man who knows how to pray. There are cases when all animals pray. You have not seen a bear pray. If you look at him at this time, in his face you will observe a specific expression, something similar to a smile. This is no longer a religion, it is not an ordinary prayer as religious do. This is an experience. Therefore, man should not be religious but spiritual - to lead a life filled with internal experiences.

Translated by Dimitar

Thoughts for March 2014 by Maestro Beinsá Dunó

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