Awakening Messages - Log of a trip to space-time (Part Two) by Laura

  • 2010

… I think I am in a place that I was mentioned as a mother's womb, it is warm and pleasant; I hear soothing sounds, they must be human voices, some convey a lot of love to me, I like the Earth!

It is warm and comfortable here ... I will stay while my physical body finishes forming. Meanwhile I share the vibrations with the Being that contains me, sometimes it is happy and we both vibrate very high, others ... when its energy or that of those around it is altered, I find it difficult to keep myself in harmony, since now the density of the matter limits me, so I begin to move to let you know that everything is very agitated here, immediately respond with joy to my manifestations, then we achieve a unified vibration full of light.

I sense that something is changing, the space around it shrinks and expands in turn, a force begins to push me as if I were to be expelled from where I am.

I perceive great commotion out there, there are Beings helping me to go outside, this must be the birth ... It is time to experience the world!

I can feel every part of my physical body, it is not bad and although this dense medium does not look anything like the state of fullness in which I was at home before embarking on the trip ... I think I can get used to this.

The environmental conditions feel different, the sensitive part that covers my body shudders, great rumblings invade my ears, I open my eyes and everything shines too much. I try to communicate my needs through vibrations, but they don't seem to understand. Although I am complaining, I can see that they are happy in the colors of light that their bodies give off; It's nice to celebrate my arrival, but I'm not at ease. Can anyone please pay attention ?!

Two Beings that I recognize, transmit to me through physical contact an energy full of comforting love, how good they understood! Anyway, I think it was because of the noises I made when water fell from my eyes. Now, I feel wrapped in harmony like when I was inside.

These Beings that transmit Light to me must be the ones I chose to guide me in adaptation and accompany me in learning ... my parents.

I am discovering so many things! While my physical body grows in this period of time that they call early childhood, I am developing many skills.

At the beginning I understood everything that others expressed in their energy, but they didn't; It was when I understood that for some reason they prefer to manifest themselves physically and verbally. I wonder why they will spend so much energy communicating in that limiting way but I accept the challenge, it is part of the three-dimensional game and seems to please everyone, so I am practicing my first sounds. I also try to move the body, my goal is to achieve the march upright as others do, but what I like most is to experiment with the senses, it is really gratifying as I had anticipated. They seem to be very happy with my progress here!

I already found several people that I met in a spiritual state before arriving on Earth. From what I perceived they don't remember me, but something special and different shines in their eyes when we look at each other; I think that like mine, their souls are secretly moved by the reunion.

Something that catches my attention is that people seem to have also forgotten that they should provide light to those who need it for simple empathy, here they constantly compete for energy; that brings serious problems to the physical bodies, that when they get out of balance and lower their vibration they get sick. Every time that happens, they go to the doctor and try to heal him with chemicals. Fortunately, there is a very rudimentary but effective form of light exchange that elevates the state of consciousness by freely flowing energy, and despite distracting a lot from true Universal love, for being quite mild and superfluous because of the conception of individuality of the Being that you handle ... also They call it love.

Here on Earth the measurement of time is very important, so I strive to learn it. What I enjoy is the birthday celebration, which is the amount of time from birth to the present.

My parents were making plans for my future, they mentioned that I will go to a place called school, they say that I will learn everything I need, it seems incredible that they have managed to recreate a material space to replace the Self! Is it not in the soul where the most important knowledge is found?

The more I adapt, the less I remember, I believe that what was established in my Life Contract about erasing the Universal Knowledge from my memory was launched ...

The end of early childhood with my total attachment to the three-dimensional and its rules, gave way to my childhood.

In the earth years that followed my departure from Universal Consciousness, I led a conventional existence, studied, worked, made trips, experienced earthly love, formed a family, I had sad and happy experiences.

Although I considered myself happy with my life, at some point I began to feel it incomplete; I did not conform to collective reality. Very intimately, I began to ask myself existential questions that led me to the search for something that would give a greater meaning to my presence in the world, a bigger truth. I researched various religions, consulted methods of divination, did therapies of past lives, attended any conference or course on spiritual issues, presented, consumed all kinds of books from theology Up to philosophy and self-help; Although none of these alternatives gave me the answers I wanted to find, all that fruitless exterior pilgrimage led me to connect with myself and with the knowledge of the soul.

Many times I felt alone on the Way, because having such a particular vision of things simply backed by my intuition, I dared not share it with others. The feeling of unreality and the fear of looking a little crazy became very strong when he began to remember, but very soon, as if the pieces of the puzzle were fitting, by different means came news of other people who were going through the same transformation.

The most beautiful and revealing thing was to discover that the true reality was the spiritual journey that took place inside me; that I should not judge myself for the choices I would have made in the past, because there is no good or bad, only parts of light and darkness within each one, that bring us closer or further away from the Life Contract according to what Let us prevail at every step, but ultimately everything is learning.

So was the Awakening of my Consciousness at higher levels, I stopped pursuing the accumulation of knowledge to yearn for wisdom. I reconnected with my youth dreams and through them with the development of my Gift, re-directing my life in pursuit of the fulfillment of what my Mission on Earth felt.

When it was time for my departure I was not afraid. Beyond the way my physical disappearance was seen, I also felt no pain or sadness, because what from space-time is perceived as the tragedy of death, is not m It is that a passage to another state of the Being in transition of Light, and just as all the farewells give us new possibilities of reunion, all the endings imply new beginnings.

I have returned home. My trip to spacetime was very enriching. I feel full and happy. I have endless possibilities of stocks in front of me, many dimensions to travel and continue to evolve, but maybe I will choose Earth as a destination at some time.

As leading actors of our own life period in the space-time scenario, we go on stage to improvise because rational memory erases from our record our true nature of multidimensional Beings. Sometimes it is comedy, sometimes drama and even has its suspenseful twists, but at all times we have the best pointer “the wisdom of our souls”, which discreetly puts us signs along the way, to help us remember that we are the authors and directors of this Work, and we have the freedom to make our own choices in each act.

The enduring legacy that we will leave on Earth when we leave will be the love we have infused our actions and everything around us.

The only thing we will take from this space-time is the Wisdom and the Light that we can treasure in our souls.

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