Message from Serapis: The Force of Love

  • 2010

My brothers,

I am very pleased to address you, after my last message at the end of 2010, as you have lived, witnessed and even participated in the great planetary changes that are happening, I come to tell them to remain calm, that all those who are working for the Great Planetary Change are being assisted, even for those who the burden of their own and others' responsibilities has become too heavy to carry on the shoulders of their bodies

I want each of these bundles to be delivered to us, to be visualized arriving at the Center of the Universe, to feel surrounded by all the stars and surrounded by all the beings you love, in addition to us, your brothers, who before us We present ourselves as teachers, but you know that we are not more than you, that we are equal to you, the only difference is that our path has been in another time, we have lived in the same frequency for which it is Do not go through now, so do not lose faith or calm, even if everything seems much darker, even if you do not see the light, go to the center of the Universe as if it were the last sigh and give us those bundles, imagine that they take a backpack from their backs and give it to me or give it to the teacher, friend, brother that they like so that it is responsible for transmuting, purifying and reviving true love. Just hand it over, get rid of it, this act of visualization is vital for them to detach, they don't even need to see more, just deliver that backpack.

Today they are learning what Love is, many confuse love with feelings, with passion, charity, mercy, affection, but what they have not assimilated is that love IS a Creative Energy and Creative, love is the master key to transformation ... when you begin to understand love stripped of adjectives, you will realize the Powerful Force of Love ...

To confuse it with passion or even with selfishness, the action of love is limited in you ... and love is such a powerful force that when we undermine it in ourselves, it is like denying ourselves, and this denial is the death of being.

When we close the doors to love we get carried away by the mirages of our lower mind that makes us believe that love is anything but Power to build our world ... and in many cases - by their fruits you will know them -, there are brothers who do not They even suspect what love is.

That is why I call you to love everything around you, everything that is a reflection of Divine Love, and so that you know how to use the seed of love that I sent you, look at yourself, as you already did to lighten the inner luggage, and feel how that seed from the crown of the head is going down and passing through your whole body, lighting it with a pink ray and how this light nourishes them from the creative loving energy in each cell of their body ... use that energy to build your world .

That we are already cleaning it from destructive beliefs, from ignorance, from falsehood, they have seen from the sofa of their homes how lies are being unmasked one by one and without any float that saves them from transmutation and purification, because it is not about simply to destroy or expose the negativity, but to transmute it; it is about building from learning ... of taking responsibility in conscience of what we are creating in the Here and Now so that they can ascend.

We will repeat this until each one internalizes it as breathing.

Love is and will be the great master key and to know, know and live in and out of Love, stay with yourself 5 minutes daily and feel that you are one with our Creator Fathers our Mother and Father Love. You are the fruits of that perfect love, also be part of that perfect love in consciousness, in full connection with your Higher Self ... be one with all mankind, with the entire Universe. And these are not words of mere force of expression, these are words to awaken them from the false belief about the love that materiality establishes, which illusion, or put another way, that each one's lower mind wants to make them believe that it is love.

And if they work with conscience, they will build the House of the beloved Gaia every day and live full in it, that is their great mission.

Depart for yourselves, free yourself from what stagnates you in thoughts of unhappiness, bitterness, anger, frustration and put in your place thoughts of harmony, abundance, fulfillment, LOVE ... you are the alchemists of the soul that CAN transform the negative into positive, lead into gold ... lead is the lower mind and gold is the strength and light of Love, which dwells in the heart of your Higher Self, in your Divine Consciousness.

With the force of love I say goodbye, thanking you once again for letting me enter your abode,

Serapis Bey


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