Cosmic Divine Mother: The Human Soul

  • 2014

My children, their souls are part of Creation and in turn are unique . All personalities that you have had in each of your lives are united by the soul; they form facets of their soul, facets that are not lost - they are stored in the soul's memory. The soul is the essential in you; it goes through all the layers of its aura and all its bodies, taking away the etheric memory by permanently leaving the physical body. Now they are traveling along the path of the soul, trust that they are being guided and even in the most difficult situations, their soul is driving them towards the spiritual work of something beautiful in their lives. Trust yourself.

It is your higher self that determines when you are going to leave Earth and it is your divine being that determines what is the activation of your body of light.


Meditation is letting go - it helps them to hear the voice of God, to renew vital energy and stimulates their divine attributes such as telepathy and clairvoyance. It allows them to face the difficulties that arise with courage and courage. By spending half an hour every day, to relax your mind of worries and problems, you are expanding the energy of health in your physical body. The most important thing is that with meditation; the soul is regaining consciousness of its divine nature. You are divine beings.

-The soul is feminine and its conscience is eternal.
-In its soul DNA is the soul's desire to become spirit - the soul has divine attributes and its essence is love.
-Each soul has a soul family, it can have a twin flame or several, but it can also be an indivisible soul although they are the least frequent cases.
-The door of the soul is the emotional body, being feelings, emotions and attachments, the most difficult for the soul to control. When there is a cut in one of your feelings of love; They feel frustrated because their soul suffers. Many souls come to this planet to learn to control the emotional body.
-The soul has a memory that is in the etheric body and has the book of the soul that is connected to the plane of the Akashic Records, which is in the core of Mother Earth where there are a number of conductive crystals of the Akashic records - the Guardian of these registers and Sanat Kumara, can give you the book of your soul.
-The soul is protected by a multilayered field that is its aura from which different rays of divine light come out - the soul receives the light and radiates it spherically.
-Talents, attributes and qualities of the ray to which your soul belongs, are never lost, so the self-mastery cultivated in each life is preserved - the aptitudes manifest according to the ray of the soul and its plan of life.

Except in cases of unexpected accidents, where more spiritual help is required, since the soul is confused and disoriented for a while, the death process is usually gradual. Your soul floats with your etheric body, the silver cord is broken and you cannot return to your physical body. They feel the help and presence of the guardian angel and the ascension angel. They feel my Presence, I the Divine Mother, I am the one who heals souls and my collaborating angels, they help them to change planes, and to rise to reach the City of light they have closest.
When changing planes, those who decide to return, do not reincarnate immediately. The subconscious in the physical plane comes to consciousness in the new eighth dimensional; where the soul recapitulates its life and chooses, among the lessons it must learn, those it feels capable of assuming, in order to follow its evolution. Wait for the best time to be reborn on Earth. He usually chooses a family environment, according to the purpose of his incarnation. Choose; parents, family, place, race and gender that will allow you to evolve and fulfill your divine purpose. So, some experiences will depend on the way you use your free will on Earth and others on the circumstances you have chosen.

Karma is in its etheric memory; with positive and other negative elements. It is the subconscious throws the data of karma.

Reincarnation continues until they manage to personify divine love, express their higher selves and live their soul's desires in all aspects of their lives.

With reincarnation, they are given the possibility of solving their own problems within the world of duality, through their relationships with others. They are attracted to similar people. Therefore, our relationships with others allow us to face ourselves and live events that teach us and help us move forward on the spiritual path. You never meet someone who is going to stay in your lives accidentally, unless, you have created that encounter for yourself - you are co-creators. Matches do not exist. There is always a plan.
You are immortal spiritual souls, currently incarnated on Earth. You are a soul that is in a physical body to take advantage of your experiences and graduate from Earth school, and return to the Source and the Infinite.


Living with the vibration of happiness, love, security, balance and well-being is what the soul seeks, and it is important for the soul to complete its learning. Avoid having your soul suffer traumatic experiences.
Living with honesty, joy and love is of vital importance. Life must focus on love for oneself and other souls, and such lives are for living with soulmates, loving each other and being who we really are. The soul needs the physical exercise outdoors to be able to maintain contact with the vibration of Mother Earth, with which it resonates and in which it finds peace. The soul needs to express its creative potential and not repress it.
The crystalline grid of the planet is magnificent all of you and your twin flames have left their mark there. In the beginning; the man and the woman were one, later and for a long time they were a soul in two bodies united by the heart, in order to awaken memories, lift the veil of oblivion and work together for the realization of the desire to be two twin rays, each with the Creator to become a Divine Presence.


Being born on the physical plane is more traumatic than returning home. I want my children to return home safely, so their rise has to do with their relationship with me. You are ascending from the third to the fifth dimension, with extraordinary expansions of consciousness in a relatively short time, which are necessary for your new, more fluid lives in 5D, a much longer horizon It is broad, which offers them a much greater sensitivity and understanding and the use of their spiritual attributes.

The moment you change your plane, your soul leaves the physical body and enters the ethereal body, with which you float on your physical body and see everything, but only your pets can to see you; Dogs and cats are species that have already evolved and are on Earth on mission. You have already experienced this in your life and have felt the change so strong in your vibration, but when you die, you can no longer return because the silver cord has broken, although you are still united to your divine presence already your higher self through him. You must release the physical body and rise, renouncing the attachments you have left on Earth. The soul needs training and readjustment, every time it undertakes a new life.

His soul is a combination of material and spiritual energies. In its original state, the soul was pure spirit, by coming into contact with matter, the soul is embodied in a physical form, so it is a mixture of spirit and matter. Everything that exists in the material world is therefore a product of matter and spirit, spirit and vital force (prana) is fundamental to the soul, in the expansion of consciousness and in your life. With baby steps, you grow physically and spiritually, because the soul is present in the body, in the same way that the spirit is present in the soul. Similarly, every cosmic manifestation develops due to the presence of the Supreme Soul of God.

They notice their soul, through their pure desires, their feelings, their creativity, their intuition, their instincts and their qualities, spiritual abilities and personal virtues. The color of the lightning of his soul; It is the same for your divine twin flame, since both have the same divine matrix or divine presence. They also share the divine matrix with other ascended beings or not that are their soul extensions. For example, when I say that Mother Mary is an extension of me, I feel a healer when Mother Mary heals. When I say that one of the functions of the Divine Mother is to preserve matter; Mother Lakshmi is the preserver. Twin souls are sister souls; They feel very close and help each other.

Lives are chosen for specific reasons of the soul. Certain lives are dedicated to learning, to service, to creativity, to professional development, to the family, to learn to improve the qualities of God, to evolution, and others to love and to reunite with the soulmate.

When you each approach your ascension, it is necessary to update the archives of the akasha grid, removing what no longer serves your greatest good. I always insist that you learn to let go; They are stronger letting go than holding.

The lives that you have with opposite beliefs can become polarized. This can be referred to as soul fragmentation and must be harmonized. You will perceive reality according to your beliefs. In a life you may have created a false paradigm until your soul changes it with your divine authority and spiritual power. Traumatic experiences fragment the soul. If you have had a traumatic experience recently; I want you to talk to me, so that together we draw that energy, softening with the divine light and letting go. Use the command; "to break".

In certain lives a spiritual stagnation may occur. There is no impenetrable division between their lives. This has been demonstrated through regression to past lives. Now you have the ability to improve all the lives they have had. The separations only seem to be real in the physical duality.

The body of the soul speaks to you through the source of the heart. I ask you to free yourself from what is unhealthy for you and forgive - forgiveness is very therapeutic.
The soul is connected to the heart, so the desires of your soul receive them in your heart. The soul for those of you who seek your ascension; It is a bridge to reach his divine being, a bridge that can only be passed once and then burned after having fulfilled the common goal with the higher self or causal body, in the plane of causality.

When you have freed yourself from all the energy packages of the third density and have learned the lessons of duality, you will be spirits, you will have a more fluid and happy life; They will have returned home. In order for the soul to grow, you must learn to let go and forgive.

Infinite Love is what sustains your soul. I emphasize infinite love, because it is the love without conditions, the love that the Divine Mother and the Holy Spirit, we send them if they are spiritually awake so that they can receive it consciously and can give it. So, I am asking you to remain in Infinite Love, and pour it out on this Earth. Many angels decided to incarnate on Earth for infinite love for humanity and it has not been easy for them because their souls long for the kingdoms of light from which they come, so we have to pray for these angels to find their way back home.

Keep your heart away from provocations, traumas and manipulations and superficial desires - attachments are a cause of suffering. You do not need to carry the soul with fear, guilt, lack of merit, helplessness, frustration, regret, doubt - you are enlightened beings, you are loving, you are kind, you are magnificent.
All my paths lead them to the heart. The heart always tells you the truth, it will never betray you. His heart is my house - the house of the Cosmic Divine Mother.

The soul has a baggage of information, experiences, feelings and emotions. In each new life, you will take it with you. Activate your light tube with my intense white ray; from their Divine Presence to the core of Mother Earth and thus they will be protected. Now you are receiving the emanations of twelve cosmic rays that reach you spherically.

All vibration changes must have a sincere expression of self-love. If you love each other sincerely, your vibratory fields will become a stronghold of Light in which you live and move. Love oneself; It is the only thing they can do to change everything in their lives. I want you to love yourself, no matter what your minds tell you, no matter what the ego informs you. It doesn't matter if others don't love you, if you love yourself - that's where true joy resides.
You can know what your soul feels; It is a certain collection of frequencies in your feelings, which is going through your emotional body. For example; if there is fear or detriment in the love that you feel for another or have to cut this feeling because of the intolerable behavior of the other person; It causes sadness, disappointment and crying that is a physical response to a vibrational fluctuation. Tears in sadness are caused by a vibrational fluctuation in their bodies. Breathing increases and tears are produced by a trembling physical movement. Shame is a very heavy vibration. The shame and the feeling of lack of attention are very close, but their fluctuations are different. When you notice these things, you can find them. You will first notice them as emotion. But I want them to go beyond emotion, because emotion is very unstable and shifts very quickly. I want it to go to the flow of energy that is causing that negative emotion. Focus your energy there and begin to soften, carrying out the focus, you soften through it, so this frequency can shift, in your vibratory flow. We could say that this is a way for heavy vibration to dissolve, but it will really shift. You will change your wave pattern.

I am talking with you about this because you are becoming aware of the importance of love for yourself - this love is a shield. I want you to start using this perception. However you already have it now.

This is how creation works - by a series of frequencies, and I want you to begin to feel comfortable to perceive them; experiencing them I want you to start looking at emotions as vibratory flows, the vibratory frequencies that can be shifted or dissolved by focusing the light on the energy that originates them.

Trust yourself. You have treasures to offer the world, do not grab them for yourself. Your purpose in life will support you when you give. When he enters the purpose of his soul and aligns him with the human being they are. They will always receive emotional support from their higher self in terms of understanding, courage, encouragement and love. You will also receive my support from me, since I will open my door for you when you need a friend. Stay with me

Miracles occur when you attend your relationship with the Divine Mother. Wait for them. By miracles I mean events that they did not expect to happen and that will support them. Go far beyond time and space. Go beyond planetary influences. Go beyond what you have known so far in your life. Trust me. You cannot see me, but I am present in you all the time. Trust me. We have a relationship.


I, the Divine Mother, share with you your essence; We are united by love and truth. The truth is in the heart and makes them free. The truth is in the energy. Learn to drive and move the energies. As the leaves connect with the tree through the sap, their hearts connect with me through the energy that has the powers of attraction and expansion.

We are working to expand the antennas of their hearts to suit the universe. You are expanding; by releasing everything that your being is trying to eliminate. You are expanding and healing by letting go of the pain. Lean on me to have more willingness to let go. Put all your difficulties into the light.

Everything you perceive from the outside world with your five physical senses; They are appearances of forms. What they perceive from the inner world they do with the sense of consciousness. By projecting your consciences you can travel to me - you are sparks of light and light is energy and vibration, with different frequencies and different magnification. Feel the love of Mother Earth, feel it. Align yourself with the chakras of Mother Earth, you will ascend with her through a dimensional door. Mother Earth is her book of creation - she is her teacher in this life's lesson ..

Energy is spent and renewed within its same cycle. The secret is to put it into action consciously, and thus generate new sources of energy through the conduit of the realms of light that will serve you in the continuity of now.

You are in the awakening of the spirit, the spiritual realizations, the dominion of the lower bodies, the constant choice of the just, of the joy, of the truth, of the useful, of divine love and everything that feeds the soul.

The new rays of light that are coming to you; you order the DNA packages to evolve as multi-dimensional beings - the twelve chakras are connected to the twelve strands of the DNA that are rotating, and activating all the parts of you so that they are more aware of who they are. The transformation of Mother Earth is happening through the activation of the 12 strands of DNA, since there are now more awake beings. Your DNA stores physical, mental, emotional and spiritual information about each one of you, your intuitive and healing abilities. The energies of the first seven rays, after eons, have combined and multiplied creating the world of forms and new rays.

In the service you are valued for your gifts skills and abilities. The position that you take in the service must be of unconditional love are alert, silent and recollection. I am wrapping you now in the sixth ray of service with my rays; red carmes and gold copper.

Its atoms and its molecules are energy dimethyltryptamine, it is called the Spiritual Molecule and is found in the pineal gland. The hypothalamus is the gland that regulates your metabolism - when it's not right, you don't feel like doing anything.

From his love for the divine is born what I call faith and devotion. Feel the joy of your permanent union with me. I carry you in my arms and you carry me in your hearts.

You are not his activities. Your activities come and go over time. These include family, career or work, business, social activities, spiritual activities, leisure activities, and fall under the title of all relationships in which you interact and how you experience life. They can change in an instant.

Yes, they live in this relative world, the only constant is change. The amount of pain you suffer is directly related to the attached way you go to the facts and circumstances without letting go, and what happens to you and those around you.

What is happening externally is partly reflecting its inner state. Get up in the morning, waiting for something wonderful to happen to you. Say: TODAY IS GOING TO BE A PERFECT DAY AND I DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING ELSE . Many good changes are occurring to improve their lives on this planet.

What does not change is the truth of who you really are; You are my children and the expression of God in human form. They are more powerful than you can imagine. As they enter their divinity; you will recognize this state of expanded consciousness more and more.

In the universe, light and good predominate. The totality of your being is good for you and has always been that way, it is now and always will be.

I love them very much.

Divine Mother via Susannah

Meditation consists in quieting the body and the mind, and in ceasing to concentrate our attention on the outside world, in order to join God in the silence of our inner sanctuary. Meditation acts favorably on the physical plane, relaxing the body; on the mental plane, calming thoughts and anxieties; and on the spiritual level, renewing the vital energy and stimulating our divine attributes. This allows us to lead a more useful existence, improve our relationships with the people around us and face the difficulties that arise. By dedicating a little time each day to free the mind of the many worries that assail it, we are regaining the full awareness of our divine essence. We can say that to pray is to turn to God and speak to him, while meditating means listening to God, letting us be instructed and guided by the part of our being that is in constant communion with the Infinite.
Do not settle for anything less than walking and talking to God.

Thank you Susana Blanco Murillo for transmitting the messages of the divine mother.

Cosmic Divine Mother: The Human Soul

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