The Mapuche Indians - Indigenous Wisdom

  • 2016

Indigenous Wisdom Mapuche Indians represent one of the largest indigenous groups currently known in South America. These aboriginal Mapuches have their origin in several ancestral tribes such as the Araucanians, from Chile that were extended taking part of the Argentine Patagonia.

The name puelches, which means eastern tribes, are absorbed by the Mapuches, but there is an exchange of customs taking several of these, among them are the houses made of leather and the nomadic life.

In the indigenous wisdom of the Mapuches they practiced polygamy and could have the amount of wives they wanted according to their wealth.

The Mapuche Indians - Indigenous Wisdom

Spiritual Belief of the Mapuches.

In the spiritual part, the Mapuche Indians have the belief that the world is divided into two parts that are united, one spiritual that cannot be seen and another earthly where we live, giving special importance to the cult of the spirits and the Pillanes spirits of their ancestors. Indigenous Wisdom

The Mapuche people practice the cult of the spirits of the Ngen nature and their relationship with the mother earth Ñuque Mapu.

In both parts of the world the Indians and the spirits walk together. The spiritual cosmos or invisible world divide it into three planes. The upper plane where the sacred spirits, the good spirits and the Mapuche ancestors meet.

Indigenous peoples are part of mother earth.

The central plane or world where men live in contact with nature. Visible space

Lower plane or ground below where the forces of evil and the spirits of evil meet.

The central plane, visible space is divided into zones. The area of ​​beneficial spirits, a site that is used for prayer and for help. This sacred space is a public place.

Bad luck zone, bad zone and good luck zone.

The indigenous Mapuche wisdom.

Indigenous Wisdom - The Mapuche people teach their children that before the earth was populated the spirits from the upper plane saw the desert land until they were commissioned to create various life forms and then the men of heaven came down bringing the language of the nature that is the Mapuche, the spirits promised men that they would return to earth in the future.

When listening to the ancient ancestral stories, these are preserved in the collective memory.

Mapuche magic ceremonial culture.

The Mapuches for their coexistence with nature, give much importance to the ceremonies they dedicate for the abundance of crops. They ask the divinities through dances and songs that these are good for the inhabitants. The god Nguillatún is responsible for regulating the rains.

In the Mapuche indigenous wisdom, the shaman or piache is present, who is responsible for driving away evil spirits and curing diseases. In the Mapuches, most of these characters are women called Machis.

For spiritual ceremonies, the Mapuches use musical instruments characteristic of their culture . The Pifalca is a small flute made of bone or wood, it is common to wear it sourced to the neck .

The cultrún ceremonial drum made with horse leather and wood is played with a stick which weave a part. Cultrun is used to teach children the spirituality of their race.

Other instruments such as the Huala a maraca with seeds are used in most of their music. This is sad and sad due to the strong winters of Patagonia.

Mapuche town

Mapuche town

Where is the Mapuche people now?

The Mapuche people with the arrival of the white man, the Spanish conquerors resisted being subjected and migrated to southern Chile and others to the Argentine Patagonia. Its number is currently estimated at 1, 700, 000 inhabitants. Being in Argentina around the 114, 000 inhabitants.

Currently, young people have gone to the city and are part of the poorest groups of the urban population.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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