The Guides and the Beings of Light on Earth - Message from the Archangel Michael channeled by Nia Beyn

  • 2010

I greet you and bless you, my dear ones. I am the Arc Miguel Angel.

Today I am going to talk about the beings of Light on Earth. They are there, among you, to guide you and bring you the Divine Knowledge.
Many people still cannot recognize them as such and they know and understand them and give them the time they need to do so.

In the meantime you continue to do your work there on Earth, in human costumes, mixed among you and walking the same paths.

These are times of recognition for humanity. We have talked about recovering forgotten or lost knowledge and that is also related to what I bring you today. That re-knowing implies starting to see who each one of you really is.
The masks they have been using in the third dimension begin to fade because they no longer need them. Now many of you are vibrating at higher frequencies, therefore you have come off everything that has to do with the lower dimensions. They have already risen to the fourth or fifth dimension (because they know that the ascent is NOW), so those old masks and human suits they had chosen to wear when they crossed the veil They no longer serve you. Now you have discovered (or are about to do so) who you really are.

This means recognizing oneself. And in that re-knowledge the true Beings of Light that have been there until now, among you, will be manifested, helping you to get where you are today.
Open them up and thank them for everything they have done for the Star Seeds that are on Earth and are already bearing fruit.
We are very proud of the work they have done. And we are giving you the Divine Gift that those who have already finished their work deserve there.

But I will also speak to those who still have a section of road to travel to reach the end of the route.
My beloved, you are being very specially taken care of right now. And we know that more and more people are waking up and transcending the veils of illusion.

Know, my dear human beings, that we from here are accompanying and guiding your steps.
We have been in charge of sending you Guides on Earth which is something we have never done before. They are people who have chosen to fulfill that Mission by incarnating and who have kept that work latent until everything was synchronized from here to begin acting as such.

Before you, my beloved, manifest as Masters, as new friends, as people who are appearing in your lives right now (which also surely coincides with the needs that each one is manifesting, related to this stage of "awakening").

It doesn't really matter if they recognize them as Guides on Earth because they will act anyway. But it is so obvious how they arise in your reality that many can be sure that they have been identified.

Each Guide on Earth has assigned several "apprentices" - souls to drive to the other side of the veil.

The Guides on Earth are beings who have already awakened and who belong to the first generation of Indigos sent to Earth.
They have chosen this Mission and have promised to fulfill it when the times were fulfilled and the order was given to each one.
Many Earth Guides will make a fleeting flight through the lives of those who are waking up. Only what is necessary until they grow their own wings and learn to fly.

The Earth Guides have the orientation of the Beings of Light on Earth.

Among them there is an intimate connection and a perfect synchrony of movements in the concretion of the Divine Plan.
This message contains a wonderful revelation for all of you, my dear evolving and ascended humans.
Spread it as a beacon of light that can guide you in these times of transition in which many times your paths branch off and cannot recognize which is the one that takes you back to the Home of Father Mother God.
I hug you and bless you

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