THE LIGHTHOUSES OF LIGHT - Magnetosphere - Message from the Group through Steve Rother

  • 2010

The Lighthouses of Light ~ Re-cordatories from Home

May 15, 2010

~ Magnetosphere ~

"The shields are at 30%, captain!"

Re-cordatories from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and sent in English on the 15th of each month. The next channel will be July 31.

~ Re-cordatories from Home ~

From Steve:

This message tells us about the sun and what to expect in the days ahead. The Group told us that there were another series of solar flares that were about to begin. I am aware that we are having them right now, but they still do not have the intensity and regularity of those we will have in the next three years. The year 2012 will be especially interesting. The Group recommended that we avoid direct exposure to sunlight during that year. It is not so much about how much is received but how much they are accustomed to absorbing. This is the second or third recent channeling in which gravity and magnetism are equated, but I want to tell you that our science does not agree with that at the moment.

The Group told us about the recent earthquakes and how they caused the earth to have a new axis of rotation, changing our experience of time and the force of gravity. The Group told us that our scientists believe that there are several topics that are interesting, although there are others that are not even known. It will take us years to discover everything that happened with that series of adjustments.

What the Group told us is that the sun is aligning once more to pour out a real rain of solar flares on us. The events that were included in the original script regarding the termination of the land are about to happen, in its reduced version and with redirected energy. In fact, that approaching event looks like a perfect storm for 2012. Only this time Scotty yells at Captain Kirk that the protective shield we know as the magnetosphere will not act as such for the earth since it has large holes and is still filled with the plasma coming from the last attack. This means that the effects of these flares will be felt much more in our bodies and in our personal world. The Group told us that our emotional bodies are based on magnetism and will vary the most with this fluctuation of magnetic fields. Hey guys, don't you think it's fun? Can anyone remember why we aim at that matter of being human?

Big hugs

Steve Rother


Home Greetings

Many things are changing on your planet. Its evolution has reached levels such that it is even difficult to predict what will happen in the coming weeks. We wish to inform you about a situation that is taking place on planet Earth and that it would be very useful for them to take into account. About three months ago, we shared with you a message called "Magnetism in action", in which some key points were mentioned that we would like to explain in more detail now.

A three-year magnetic flux

One of those key points relates to the ever-changing flow of planet Earth and how it represents a change in humans since you have become accustomed to having a stable magnetic base. When Earth's magnetic fields, including gravity, begin to fluctuate in the coming years, they will directly influence each of you. Honestly, humans don't accept changes very well. They often panic when they press the change button. Instead of embracing change they freeze and say to themselves, “My God, change is coming! Wait… ”Maybe if we talk about the coming changes so they know what awaits them, they can anticipate them with joy, passion and emotion instead of experiencing fear. So, today we want to talk to you about some of the changes that each of you will have to see in the next three years. The next three to four years bring huge changes for each of the people on this planet, including the year everyone is waiting for so much, 2012 and after l. Integrating all these new energies later, will require a tremendous amount of change and adaptation. Much of what we are going to say today has to do with magnetic energy as it has a direct influence on your emotional state. Many times, when the planet's magnetism remains stable, its emotions remain stable. You have an emotional energy base, or foundations on which you can build. When that field begins to change and fluctuate daily, their emotional stability seems to destabilize a bit and they will find it hard to focus and take root. That will be more evident especially in 2012. Let us explain why.

The situation

Between 2001 and 2006, during the normal solar cycle, a large number of solar flares occurred. These flares are basically light energy in the form of magnetic plasma launched into the universe. None of those explosions went directly to Earth. However, if so, it would have demolished huge sections of the networks that distribute the electrical energy of your planet. Although many major electrical power networks have safety measures, some may be saturated with the photographic energy that comes with solar flares. It is a form of photomagnetic plasma that can accumulate in the Earth's outer magnetic layer, known as the magnetosphere. Basically, what happens is that Earth's protective shields weaken and fail to recover quickly enough after the last attack. Although numerous extreme-grade solar flares occurred during those years, they had no direct impact. That will change soon, as solar flares are about to return as part of the current normal cycle and will be re-activated approximately every 11 to 12 years. This specific cycle was originally designed to put an end to planet Earth. Although the energy has been redirecting, it will continue to have an important effect, since after it reaches Earth it will remain inside the planet's tectonic plates.

Essential issues

Even today they can see how sunspots are forming, as well as all the activity that occurs around the preparation of the next injection. Do you not find it interesting that your scientists have just placed a new satellite to observe those extraordinary events that will occur in the coming years? They are very excited about the subject and we are also excited because this shows some of the important changes that are taking place. Let us explain what will happen on a larger scale.

What happens when there is a solar eruption? We tell you that the sun is not what you think it is. There is a conviction that it contains a solid interior, while its outer area is of a gaseous nature that moves in circles and belts as if they were spinning storms. We tell you that the sun works rather as an energy portal that redirects energy from a multidimensional point. At that point we call it the central sun, since it is the point that has given rise to the universe. In other words, when you arrive from infinity, the first place you arrive is called the central sun. When you travel through it, the prism divides you into those 11 precious and different rays of light that are experienced as your 11 different souls pretending to be human on the planet. That is the part that acts inside. Between 2001 and 2006, there were so many solar flares and such an amount of plasma debris scattered throughout the space, that a simple calculation would provide us with enough information to know that there is not enough energy inside the sun to cause such deployment. That is about to happen again.

A weakened magnetosphere

That specific solar storm doesn't have to be as complicated as the last one. Currently, it is working on it to soften it, since the Earth does not need such a large magnetic impulse to reach the next level. There is a magnetic impulse that comes from the sun with each of these solar explosions. The Earth has a magnetic field and you already know the "law lines" or telluric lines and how it works. They have not yet discovered the connection between magnetism and gravity but we tell you that we trust that you humans will find it when the right time comes. What we want to explain to you is that while that energy arrives from the central sun through the sun and impacts the Earth's magnetic field, the interaction allows the Earth to charge effectively while the plasma continues to deflect. That protective field known as the magnetosphere is basically a magnetic field that surrounds the Earth and has diverted many of the particles from the sun. In fact, it looks like a network and has already captured many of them. Currently, the network supports a large number of these particles.

The fast pace

Its scientists are beginning to discover that there are holes and openings in that magnetic field that would allow, soon, the entry of many more solar flares directly into the Earth. We want them to know that their connections with the sun are changing. Please be clear that although it seems wonderful to be in the sun, the sun's rays on your body can cause a different effect from what they have caused so far. Especially during 2012 when those solar flares begin.

We tell you, those flares are likely to begin before that time and could even begin this year. Those specific ones that will be necessary to correct the course of the Earth and take it to the next necessary level, will take place in 2012. We recommend that you be cautious when exposing yourself to the sun, especially during that time. An overexposure effect could decrease the control they exert over their emotions, but there is much more. The pace accelerates. Everything starts to increase rapidly.

Last call to life lessons

We tell you all this because all these events are happening and now is the time for each of you to connect with your interior, tidy up and release all those issues that have been repeated throughout your life one and again. So far, continuing to save those issues has worked well. Even feed them and continue loving them as some of you do since they are part of what you are. However, when those magnetic waves begin to reach Earth and shake the foundations of your emotions, those issues will quickly catch up. Now is the time to start working with the release of the old patterns. Now, it's time to let go of your limiting thoughts about what a human being is. Now, it's time to start assuming your power in the best possible way. They can even start with something simple in which to focus their energy on what they really are and transport much more of their own light into their physical body. They can do it simply with their eyes. It can also be achieved through the sexual energy they have in their physical body, since it is the expression of their soul looking outside their wonderful bodies. So, part of what they are beginning to do is understand that their place on planet Earth is changing.

During the opening of the magnetosphere in 2012, solar flares will reload the core of planet Earth. The previous round of solar eruptions warmed the center of their planet; however, this next one will load and activate it to a higher state that will permeate all living cells of each being. The planet itself is based on an iron core around which there is a fluid that is an energy similar to cast iron or liquid metal. It is exactly the same as what arises from inside the Earth's volcanoes. The energy of the solar flares has traveled all the way to the Earth's core to help it warm up, thus turning faster than before. The center of the Earth has always turned at a different speed from its outer part, which is completely independent. Although the exterior of the Earth has a different rotation, because its speed has increased, it is beginning to expand further. What you will see is that this liquid area will begin to expand outward and when it impacts certain parts, it will surface in the form of volcanoes. More phenomena of this type will be presented as the Earth makes its transition. They will also learn how to fly through them so that they do not cause as many difficulties as they did in the past. You will even see a rearrangement of some of the tectonic plates, particularly in the Pacific Ocean, where an underwater eruption will open a cosmic gate and many portals to help the planet Earth. You will see how these things happen in the coming years.

Each of you has an emotional structure that you love to keep stable, but it can start to fluctuate. Another thing we want to remind you is that a few years ago we told you that there would be a huge wave of sexual energy on this planet that would make even the 60s seem boring if we compare them. This one will return with greater force. What happens is that it has been used properly in those places where it is possible to perceive it. However, in those places where people do not feel comfortable with the sexual energy that runs through their being, it will block and cause problems. That is why, in part, you are informed through the news and almost daily, that people have had an extramarital relationship, have been unfaithful or have had a sexual experience regardless of their convictions. Much of that is happening on planet Earth because those who remain unconscious are perceiving that surge. Currently, those same energies will be felt and their sensitivity to sexual energy in general will increase.

The light they bring from Home

The first thing we tell you is that you are aware of the energy so that what you perceive does not surprise you. If they are prepared, they will be in a position that will allow them to be light and can keep the door open so that others can pass through it. Fear is the only problem you are going to have on planet Earth and you have a tendency to fear everything that is new. That is the nature of the human being and it will be normal, especially when the multidimensional doors begin to open. When you open, if you are watching a wall and suddenly someone goes through it because for that person the wall does not exist, you will think “Wow, this is really fascinating! I'm going to call my friends to see it. ” But if other people see it, they may feel fear and that cause problems may occur on planet Earth. Therefore, keep those doors open and talk about it. Allow your own energy and the light of the Home to manifest as many times as possible.

Re-rope ...

You have been the ones who wanted to be here at this time and at all costs. No matter how many lives they had to live to achieve it, they are here because they have the great opportunity to generate change on planet Earth. They have a huge amount of help that you hope to assist in all possible ways and at any time possible. During this time, when the magnetic hole is opened and all that magnetic energy enters the planet Earth, the foundations of many human beings could wobble since the emotional structure is magnetically linked to that of the Earth. It is time for you to stand firm in your light and keep a smile on your face, because you know what awaits you. They know what is happening and that is why they can be part of those people who hold the energy or, on other occasions, they just have to be there to smile in the midst of agitation. They can help to firmly root knowledge about energy and take their place in their own right on planet Earth as the teachers and healers they really are. That is what they came to do in this life and they are doing it perfectly because, otherwise, they would not be accessing these words. You have been placed in the perfect position to serve in the way you wanted to do it and that is what is happening now.

Fear is a five letter word

Most of the drastic changes you will experience will occur during these three years, but the changes will happen at all levels, not just during the period. mentioned. Understand that the different levels of vibration will experience that type of waves that go through your reality at different times. Consequently, there will be many adjustments in business, corporations, organizations and collective vibrations after that period. Many of these groups will have to face difficult times when trying to find an energy base that helps them consolidate, since all our emotional energies will be experiencing extreme levels, both high as low. Now is the time for introspection, to look for those pieces that have been saving, because they will grow when the wave passes through them. Now is the time to seriously observe what they have been denying themselves or what they know in the back of their hearts but have never mentioned. Now is the time to seek the truth of what they really are on planet Earth before many of these changes begin to happen and fear manifests; This is the reason why they asked to be here right now. It is his grace, it is his greatest gift; Being here and being able to carry out the work they expected.

Dear, we count on you

There will be a lot of fear at the moment the change occurs. Although they are entering all that experience of 2012 with great enthusiasm and expectations instead of fear, the changes will continue to happen. As they occur, remember that fear can stop the collective vibration of humanity. It's time to hold that smile. It's time to hold that light. When those emotions fluctuate from one extreme to the other and feel the movement of energy, stay aware of them and what is happening. Hold on to what you know and so you can serve the planet Earth during that great transition.

Delete and new account

Dear ones, there are many things that are happening and we would like to talk about all of them. We wish we could tell you exactly how it will be when you enter the years 2013, 2014 and 2015, but the truth is that you have not decided your destiny yet. We are not the creators who created their world and then we talked about it. We only reflect what you have created, since you are the greatest teachers, healers and angels who have ever toured this planet. There is a group of teachers present in your physical bodies and most of you have no idea about it. It is about to become apparent quickly and when it happens, hold your expertise. There is a reason why these gifts were granted. Possibly they developed them over many lives and worked hard. When you discover them, you will tend to deny them and believe that it is someone else and not yours. When you find what you really are very good at, appreciate it and accept it as a gift that belongs to you. Recognize your expertise, as it is necessary at this time as never before.

Feeling very honest, we leave leaving three small reminders:

We ask that you treat each other with great respect.

Take care of each other whenever you can and

Re-string it is a beautiful game.

Play it well in company.


The group


Beauty beyond garbage

Barbara Rother

Steve and I have just returned from Holland. We really enjoyed our event in Elspeet. It was wonderful to meet with our spiritual family. We meet people we have known for years and new people who attended for the first time to experience that loving energy. It was a gathering of human spirits from many parts of the world.

It has become a tradition for us to begin our travels in Holland or Belgium staying in Amsterdam to enjoy that incredible city. It is a very nice way to overcome our “hourly decompensation”. As always, we stayed a couple of days and to our surprise, we discovered that it was Queen's Day. The birthday of the Dutch Queen Mother is celebrated. Everyone was cheerful and wore the real color: orange. I proudly put on an orange sequin cowboy hat. Steve wore a long feather boa around his hat. We didn't sleep much since we didn't want to miss a moment of celebrations.

We spend some time planning our program to do everything we decided to do. The weather was excellent for most of the time. The couple of times it rained, I allowed myself to enjoy a walk in the rain, holding Steve's arm while we were getting wet. It was a joyfully refreshing experience.

I think I'll always remember when Steve and I decided to enjoy the much appreciated sunbeam at the door of a cafe. We were able to observe people and value the moments we share. I looked up and expressed to Steve the beauty I was seeing. Before me was the old city of Amsterdam with the canals and the continuous flow of different people who walked with a backdrop of golden hues as the day prepared to make its transition to the night. Then, I looked down and also returned to my reality.

For the first time I saw a huge amount of garbage that was in front of us all the time. It was then that I realized that there was garbage piled up everywhere in the city. I learned that there was a strike by garbage collection service personnel. For a moment that unusual vision distracted me from the magnificence of the area. I turned to Steve and told him what I was thinking. I told him that I had decided to look beyond the garbage to contemplate the beauty of each situation. He told me at that moment "it seems that you know what your next" Connecting with the heart "will be about. He was right! (As usual, but don't think to tell them!)

I feel that my superior being was connecting with me in a very peaceful way that day. It was about reminding myself and I hope that all of you who are reading this, that

Life is as we see it.

Extend your gaze beyond it and you will see beauty.

With love and light,


Thanks to the Voluntary Translator Team of / !!!

Hello everyone:

With joy I invite you to visit our Light Workers website:

that with much love and dedication has been renewed to synchronize us with these times of accelerated progress. There they can tour the 8 Sacred Enclosures and work each of them, writing their purposes. You can also subscribe to the list to receive the messages of the group in that way and give us your comments, get to know Steve Rother and Barbara more deeply, who are the Group, the translators and much more.

In love and in the light of the new consciousness I send you a big hug,


Lightworker (Lightworker) is a conscious, nonprofit corporation dedicated to expanding the Light through Empowerment.

Copyright Notice:

Copyright 2000-2010 Lightworker. This information is to be circulated and can be disseminated freely, in whole or in part, in accordance with the following conditions: 1. The words “Copyright 2000 - 2010 Lightworker. ”must be included in all material published. 2. The user agrees that all rights, including "copyright" of the translated material, remain the property of Lightworker. If you translate this material, we reserve the right to share that translation by acknowledging your credit as a translator on the Lightworker website so that it is available to the public. You can get more information about Steve and the Group at: and in English at Thank you for helping us expand the Light!

Translation and Edition: Voluntary Translator Team of

July 2010

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