The Chakras: Dimensional doors channeled by Andrea Labat

  • 2011

We said that the chakras fulfill the function of energy transformers and that this was one of their many functions.

The chakras as energy transformers, transform the energy of all dimensions to those of you, so it is currently necessary to increase your vibration so that you can work with the high vibration that comes to us from the cosmos, at this particular stage of humanity, because they are not accustomed to the daily flow of the new cosmic energy.

Dimensions 4 and 5 are from your expression plane and those above are cosmic. Cosmic because it is on our side of the veil or plane of existence.

But we also said that the chakras are dimensional doors that connect to routes that we call auric roads and fulfill the function of providing the person with access to the experiences they must live, to heal karmic energies, translating them into your plane of existence.

Each chakra is a dimensional door that connects to an organized network of dimensional paths. These paths are dimensional and interdimensional and are interdimensionally connected to other paths in a complex interdimensional system.

This implies that your entire system is linked dimensionally and interdimensionally to all your lives through doors and paths. Therefore, it can be said that Dimensional doors are doors that open to pains and traumas of another life.

There are several types of doors. All doors have a different vibration. There are high and low vibration. They differ in the type of energy. Some are of high vibration and others of low vibration, but in the sense of the type of energy.

It is necessary that you understand that for each intention a dimensional door to a path is opened and in turn this path activates another door and so on as a maze.

The doors are doors of intention and the routes authorized by those doors are the roads that activate those doors.

Dimensional path is a path to another dimension. The doors are the chakras and the roads are the meridians and circuits

These paths are reservoirs of energy that circulates through your incarnational system, seeking healing. In order to achieve this, these energies must make the whole process through your transnational incarnation system, and to circulate through it and translate into your world, use these doors and paths

These paths and doors are activated according to the soul's need to heal polar energies, for which it sends the system to depolarize the process.

During the life of a person the chakras enable the different experiences in this life, according to their karma, for their expression and healing.

When you pass an experience as agreed by your soul, those paths close, because we close the level of that experience since it fulfilled its mission and you must move on to the next experience, the chakra closes and another one that enables another experience is automatically opened. in its dimension (space-time yours).

This happens constantly in their lives and we are responsible for ensuring that these experiences reach their level. Each experience was agreed upon by their own souls and other souls intervene in the experiences through soul contracts.

This is very important for you to understand because we can give you permission to close with your conscious or unconscious intention, certain doors and others not, because the decision is at the level of the soul and not of your little ego.

Dimensional paths are activated according to intention. The intention is the key.

According to the superior or inferior will is the door that opens. According to the energy of the intention (high or low). We are talking or not, with each intention we open dimensional doors.

We only open dimensional paths and doors to manifest desires agreed with the soul.

The way in which this is activated from your plane, is through the intention, as well as in the case of the soul being the intention, we activate them for this to occur.

When the person wakes up to this reality, as is your case, the person begins to co-create with the spirit and make joint decisions. From there leave paths - dimensional doors that can affect you, close to open new ones that cannot affect you. All the doors we open affect the person. But the roads can bring good or bad emotions according to the emotional criteria of the person. Each person reacts differently to the same situation.

When someone reopens those chakras, they come to the stage of life of the person, situations of difficult understanding for them, because they are going health to areas that were already healed, that is, things already transcended and learned even in other lives.

a: I interpret that we can decide how we can pass the experiences and that this determines that they open certain doors or paths but always on the original design that the soul agreed for our incarnation and those are the doors and paths that we do not have The power to open or close.

In turn they function as karma doors that are found in DNA. All the experiences organized by the karmic board are processed by the chakras and we direct all the energies of all those paths as the person requests us from their different levels of consciousness.

We told you that each chakra opens a different sphere of experiences. For example, chakra 1 opens up to experiences that have to do with how deeply rooted the person is on earth.

Extremely important is that you understand that the chakras are organizers of experiences based on emotions.

We organize experiences based on emotions and, based on the designs of the soul based on those emotions.

Your light guides

Channeled by Andrea Labat of her Higher Self and Guides in Love

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