Leadership or collaboration: What is better?

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 transcend personal importance 2 be generous and of benefit to others 3 leadership is responsibility 4 interdependence exists

Today, if we answer this question, we will find that the majority think that being a leader is the best.

But let us take into account that the leader is understood: the one who directs, shows the direction or who takes charge, so we will find born leaders, who are easy to be the Attention center, they have charisma, convincing power and ability to create innovative concepts, these people like to direct, plan, organize and control, they do it in a simple and natural way. We also find the tax leaders, who basically develop, learn and practice the art of leadership.

Whether natural or imposed the role of a leader is paramount, so we have personalities like Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Steve Jobs and Mother Teresa of Calcutta to name a few.

transcend personal importance

But what do these people have in particular? ..analyzing and observing carefully we can notice that they were innovative, they carried out their ideas transcending the imagination, they thought they were doing something useful, they were convinced of the benefits of their cause… but above all… that what they did was useful to others, they transcended personal or ego importance, to give way to generosity and altruistic spirit ... qualities of great importance and quality.

be generous and of benefit to others

We can say then that leaders must be either born or learned ... generous and oriented to others, willing at all times to go beyond themselves.

Of course, we can observe that in the course of history we find leaders with not-so-constructive ideas, who have defended discrimination as happened to the Jews in World War II, however, although it is difficult to believe Hitler had at least charisma and power of conviction only that applied in the wrong way, it is important to be careful with the impact of what we undertake.

leadership is responsibility

Leadership is the responsibility, so if they are or think of acting as leaders, it is important that they see it as an act of deep commitment and that the negative or positive we do to ourselves and others will return in the same way ... they need to be aware and convinced of what they do and how it impacts others… ..to all those around them.

But what about the collaborator?, it is great news to tell you that there is no leader if there is not one or more collaborators ... the leader is never alone, necessarily requires others, so Steve Jobs had an intelligent team of computer geniuses and business administration, Walt Disney had an unparalleled group of creatives, designers and animators and Gandhi had a family and close friends who told him how things were going and the feeling of his people in general.

"There is interdependence"

What appears here? "Interdependence", which is in everything we do, we possibly feel and think that we do not need anyone to achieve a goal or finish a task, this is a wrong point of view, we always need someone to a greater or lesser extent.

It is also proven in what is known as the “high performance teams” that the leader is situational, that is, there are leaders for systems, for the humanities, for art, for religion and all kinds of specialties, usually the leader becomes a collaborator and returns to be a leader according to the task and the situation he faces.

So it is clear that we all want to appear as leaders, but let's not forget that being collaborators is of equal importance, the difference is how we perceive it. Without a collaborator there is no leader and vice versa. Possibly we will not be, as collaborators mentioned in the main credits, but if we are sure of what we did and what we contribute… what else matters… we are growing and learning to improve… in reality nobody loses… only the one who believes What to contribute is not useful.

So let's get ready to carry out all our activities with effort and dedication, the best possible, the label is the least important if we are moving forward on our way we enjoy the trip the end is not the goal `` The end is the path that we learn and enriches us along the way, so that, full of joyful effort, let us dispose in a positive way to build and progress with anyone and anywhere.

AUTHOR: Pilar V zquez, collaborator of the great family of the White Brotherhood

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