The Pink Glasses: New Age Trap

  • 2015
Table of contents hide 1 Shyness is Fear 2 Inert Response to Fight or Flee 3 Learning to Be Blind 4 The Big Lie # 1 If I Don't Feel It, It's Not There. 5 The Pink Glasses Trap 6 7 What's wrong with this exhibition? 7.1 The Big Lie # 5 Life Stinks and Everyone is Suffering. 8 The pink glasses: new era trap

“They think of themselves as human beings in search of a spiritual awakening, when in reality they are spiritual beings trying to cope with a human awakening. Seeing themselves from the perspective of the inner spirit will help you remember why you came here and what you came here to do. ”
- The group

Spiritual people have been hard pressed, be it their families, their culture, their friends and, often, their partner or spouse. You are used to being insulted, belittled and underestimated by people who look at you with disdain. You have learned to "forgive and forget", and to swallow your anger for being insulted. Often, you have decided to keep those people close to you even though they have disrespected you in the most important thing in your life: your Faith.

You have been told that you are a freak. You have unconsciously accepted that this is true, and it makes you feel shy about revealing what you have learned while waking up. Does this make sense? It would make more sense to be shy than to be ignorant and asleep. The Masters are instructors. Many of you have forgotten your innate power and why you are here.

Now we are on the verge of a revolution on Planet Earth: a transition so deep and far-reaching that we are just going to recognize ourselves or our way of life. It is a time when many of us will have to choose a new bright path, full of new people who will become our business partners, friends, co-workers and spouses.

We have been entrusted with financial blessings which will require creating important new networks to achieve the great changes we imagine . How will they create their vision if they are afraid to talk about it? Will money really change your willingness to be transparent about your beliefs and who you are in the depths of your heart?

How can we learn to have good judgment about the people we bring into our lives? You are a vanguard person.

Would you enter the business with a person who is traditional and conservative just because he is good at business? And what will happen if they praise you with praise and favors? And if they seem to be affectionate, kind and generous. How are you going to know if they are authentic, trustworthy, or are you good suitors?

Shyness is Fear

We will call it as it is. Shyness is the result of having been convinced that being oneself will bring the disapproval of others. This creates a dilemma. Do you want that approval or want to be yourself? Of course, if you don't love yourself, what do you want to be yourself for?

Why is it difficult to leave behind people who don't see you for who you really are, and who sometimes mistreat you or drive you crazy or leave you frustrated and angry?

Let's paraphrase an old saying: What irritates you most about others is what you need to work the most, because it is what you are doing to yourself. You are rejecting and disapproving yourself, and you have surrounded yourself with people who will agree with you.

How have we fallen ourselves in a Black Hole for lack of merit, where are we willing to exchange for approval on ourselves? And how is it that we don't see this obvious dilemma? Where did we learn to close ourselves so completely that we are blind to the cruelties we inflict on ourselves, by allowing others to mistreat us? And even if we have seen it, will we leave it like this to save ourselves?

The Inert Fight or Flee Response

The natural response with which we are born, our response to fight or flee, is designed to protect and guide us. When you are operating at full capacity from the center of your brain, a surge in tension is created throughout the body to alert you to the danger in your environment, including psychological abuse, so you can enter Immediate action and defend yourself.

The self-destructive condition that we have described in the previous sections is the result of having diverted your fight or flight response, of protecting yourself, to a state in which you feel constantly anxious, distracted, overwhelmed and unable to identify the true cause of your unhappiness.

The neurological effects are deep and penetrating.

Your whole body feels "stressed" and your thinking becomes confusing. You feel helpless, frozen, unable to act on your own behalf. Blindness and "stagnation" become a way of life.

Being in a constant response to generate fight or flight adrenaline leaves grooves in your neurological system, including your visual system, which disconnects you from the reality process, and instead allows you to disconnect. Next, you must have something to feel connected to, so you go to your brain to provide ideas and concepts, replacing judgment and objectivity with the escapist fantasy of "thinking." This then becomes the story of who you are, forged in your nervous system since childhood.

Learning to be Blind

Our reasons for denying the truth begin in the first days of life. Children do not want to see the ugliness, lack of kindness or cruelty of their parents and others around them. We want to love our parents and we want to believe that they love us. Our commitments are based on the difficulties we experience in our particular childhoods. Choose your own mind-blowing mind poison version:

1. If my parents are cruel, I have problems. I would never stop crying if I admit to myself how difficult life is with them; therefore, I will close my eyes to what I see.

2. My parents have to be good, because I am like them, and I want to be good; Therefore, they are good.

3. It's not nice to be angry. I don't get angry (and even if I get angry, I wouldn't feel it), therefore, I'm not a bad person.

4. My parents were terrible, but I am not like them. My childhood did not affect me. I do not remember. I have put everything behind me. It was in the past. I already forgiven everyone. (Read “The Black Hole of Forgiveness” on the FaceBook Healing for Ascension Tour page and other publications)

5. My parents didn't love me. I can not love myself. I don't deserve to be loved, I'm unworthy. My life is miserable because nobody loves me. I cannot conceive that God loves me, even if he loves everyone else; He has forgotten me.

Since the truth of childhood is so terrible for many of us, we prefer to get into the imagination. We develop an allergic reaction to the truth, because seeing and knowing it feels very bad. This leads us to a life of commitment based on the lies we tell ourselves. Here are some of the worst:

The Big Lie # 1 If I Don't Feel It, It's Not There.

This posture is what is sometimes known as denial.

Here are some symptoms:

You do not feel the intuitive response of your body.

You have had a lifelong learning to not feel, see or think clearly.

You have become accustomed to "suspend the trial", which leaves you in a state of suspended animation, frozen in your place, with fear of moving, or fear of not moving.

What happens when you feel, see and think clearly? You reach conclusions, make decisions and act on them. (! Oh, no, not that!)

The old anxiety goes into action and you use your "head" instead, and in this way you can argue about anything, and even learn and try to argue with others about their feelings.

When you are really awake and in alignment with your body, mind, soul, and your self, you will feel the response to an external event in every cell of your body. You will taste it, smell it, you will see it and you will know it. This is what has been called full-attention (awareness), or being in the Zone. That is why we teach the technique of Visual Concentration. This leads you to alignment with all your sensations, emotions, intuition and your Higher Self.

Who wants to be in touch with ALL their feelings and emotions? This is the hard part of being human. This process is not for cowards.

You must learn to accept and recognize ALL feelings, no matter what they are (without acting on them if possible ) and you must be prepared to feel mercy, tenderness and compassion for yourself. You must also learn to tolerate the fact that you are feeling these things and that you are not a bad person for it.

It is not fair to hit yourself. It takes courage and determination to learn control over your thoughts, feelings and actions. It is an honorable exercise to learn everything you need to know to be free.

Once you accept all the feelings and thoughts, and realize that at some point in your childhood there was a good reason to feel these things, a mysterious process takes hold, and you discover that the thoughts and feelings that were so problematic begin to disappear.

You can see yourself more clearly - in the particular way you were raised - and understand that you , and your parents before, are not to blame, even though you are responsible for what you do now, just as they were responsible of his actions towards you. When you see yourself in this great chain of responses transmitted from the past, you can extract yourself gently, with compassion and humor, and finally, forgive yourself (first) and then them (second).

The Big Lie # 2 I need them. They need me. I need my family or I will be completely alone.

Being “spiritual” (believing in God) means that you know that you are never alone, therefore, you cannot pretend to be a truly spiritual person if you are afraid of loneliness.

Also, being an adult, your family of origin is not necessary. You can choose your own family. You choose your partner, your friends, and your associates.

In this second opportunity, are you going to choose to repeat “My Miserable Childhood” or are you going to be an adventurer and find new experiences? Are you going to stay in that state of feeling like a child, choosing your relationships accordingly, or are you going to create a better life by truly choosing good and caring people on this occasion?

But of course, you cannot choose to change your life if you are still asleep, covered in insensitivity, denying the pain you would feel intensely if you were processing reality.

Instead, you can stay where you are, tolerating low-grade suffering, with no end in sight. But this is not the end of the story. No one can really suffer in silence. You express your misery, complaining to yourself and others, about the people who cause you suffering. You remain in the victim's thinking patterns.

Your complaints are the exact reflection of what needs to be changed. But is it worth leaving? Is it worth staying? What are you going to choose?

Have you decided that unhappiness is your destiny in this life? Are you so afraid of being alone that you are going to commit to someone you don't deserve? Are you so convinced of your importance in the life of the other person that you put it ahead of yourself?

Are you betting so much on your fantasy that you hold on to it, even if it ruins your life? Are you really convinced that a bad relationship is the best thing you can do?

This is where we need the sound effects of Batman: Thwaak !!! * BAM * Kapow! Booom! Zonk !!!

WAKE UP ! Stop being your worst enemy! End the abuses in your own life. Dare to see clearly the people around you and what they really offer you. Change what you think is acceptable. If you find yourself saying, "I would never do that to someone." Then why do you allow yourself to do it yourself?

Now that you're awake and ready to choose new people, how are you going to know who to trust?

The Big Lie # 3 Everyone is Excellent.

This fantasy idea of ​​the New Age sounds lovely, but is it true in everyday life? Of course not.

Until we have all ascended to the higher dimensions, we must distinguish between the Soul and the accumulated personality traits of the embodied people around us. Not everyone has achieved unity with their Higher Self in such a way as to take command and responsibility for their feelings, thoughts and actions.

Some are involved in denial, pretension, and even criminality, all hidden behind what they believe will please others. These are the Puppet Masters who will try to convince themselves and you that they are kind, caring, genuine and very worthy of your love. This is what it means to be trapped in dark thought forms.

How can you tell the difference between authentic people and puppets? Here we cannot give you a list. You must trust your own sensibility and intuition. You can feel them . You will know in the first moments of your encounter if the person is everything he says, or if he is pretending. There is always a revealing void: an echo that reveals the lack of connection between the Head and the Heart.

You don't have to know all the details. Your radar, which we have previously described as thinking / seeing / feeling / tasting / smelling, will give you the alarm touch. Now it is up to you to measure, evaluate and decide if you want to get involved (again) with someone hiding behind a mask, and probably already revealed their inclinations towards dishonesty and abusive attitudes.

But, you could say, there is something good in everyone. All souls are the expression of the Creator and deserve an opportunity. Yes, but the opportunity of what?

Do you really want to take God's place and try to love them despite their bad behavior, or do you prefer to send them love from a safe distance, and leave the rest to God?

If a person has to change to be decent, why would you want to take on the risky job of approaching them? What is in this for you? Is your goal holiness, or an opportunity to be truly happy?

The Pink Glasses Trap

Here is a familiar example of the problem that arises when you refuse to get carried away by your own intuition.

Let's say you had a problem with someone you care about, and you feel hurt by something you have done. With love in your heart, you gently try to tell him how you feel about what he has done, and ask him to review it with you.

The other person gets angry, accuses you or appeals to sarcasm or contempt, blaming you for bringing it up. You wrinkle and close, for fear of the explosion of dark energy you just felt. You blame yourself for bringing up the issue . What happened?

That you have accepted the idea that you are responsible for the reaction of the other person. The thought is as follows: If I tell the truth and it bothers the other person, then I have created a conflict, and I am to blame for the feelings of the other person (therefore, I must not speak). You are upset about the emotional reaction, but it is not your emotion. You are afraid of dark energy, but it is not your dark energy. You just turned the tortilla over yourself.

What's wrong with this exhibition?

It is a good option to see the other person's behavior as it really is. At the first sign of trouble, move back to your brain, take a deep breath, and Don't Listen to His Words. Listen to the tone of voice, observe the facial expression, see the look in the person's eyes, pay attention to their breathing and the quality of their energy.

This will allow you to decide if it would be productive to try to reason with this person, or if you want to leave him kindly and send love to his path .

Much of the confusion stems from the following misinterpretation.

The Great Lie # 4 You Are the Cause of Everything that Happens to You, Because You Have Attracted It

Taking into account the Law of Attraction, this is very true, but to think that we are the only cause of everything that happens in the world around us is egolatrics. Of course, we have had contracts that involve relationships with other people, but to think that all the answers, that all the feelings that the other person has in relation to you, are caused by you, is to be seeing yourself as the center of the Universe . This does not give credit to the fact that others also have their free will, and that they are responsible for their own behavior.

Until we have access to the Akashic Records and the entire cosmic map, we have a more effective way of addressing the events that are presented to us in our lives. We are responsible for our response to what happens, always. We may or may not agree with the unpleasant situation we are experiencing, but that does not matter. What matters is that we behave with compassion, grace and inner strength, remembering to embrace ourselves with as much love as we offer to others.

It is our responsibility to protect ourselves, and remain as representatives of the Light, and not to please or make special exceptions to anyone who brings darkness into our lives. That would be playing on the Dark Side.

Look carefully every time you have committed to your Self in order to obtain the recognition or approval of another person. This means that someone else's opinion about you is more valuable than yours, but You are the only one who can really know you. Your soul is beautiful, your connection with God is beautiful and you are learning. The most important thing is how honorable and sincere you work to be in charge of your life.

If you don't look deeply into yourself, the only one you really need to know, how can you see others? If you don't recognize your mistakes and accept them, how can you see the mistakes of others and know their importance?

How are you going to calibrate other people's mistakes if you can't measure your own? If you prefer to go back to sleep and avoid the whole thing, that means going back to: Everyone is Excellent. Now get ready to receive the Puppets That Do Nothing Bad. And keep going with the show.

Yes, coming back to life can be difficult, but there is a full and meaningful life for you on the other side of this self-investigation. It is our brilliant path to self-mastery .

The Big Lie # 5 Life Stinks and Everyone is Suffering.

We are going to move that 3D thought towards the 5th dimension: We chose this difficult life because we were strong and full of hope and we wanted to make a difference. We came here under the loving gaze of our Guides and Teachers and our Creator, and that has not changed.

Life is difficult, yes, but with love in your heart, for yourself and your struggles, you will be the brilliant Being that you have come to be and thus you can find peace in your mind. It doesn't depend on your surroundings, or your luck, or how many people love you. It depends on how faithfully you love yourself, and how fully you accept the inner knowledge that God was not wrong when He created you, and you did not make a mistake coming here.

The Great Truth: We are All Together in This.

We are One, and we are loved unconditionally equally and constantly. There can be no loneliness when you have yourself for company and God by your side encouraging you .

You are in charge of your wealth, your happiness and your own fulfillment. In the Light of your own consciousness you will be able to manifest the Vision of really helping others without repeating the conflicts and anxieties that we have all experienced in our 3D lives.

By opening yourself to the wisdom of your own heart you will be able to see others clearly, you will choose your relationships based on what is real in the present instead of denial and fantasy, and you will manifest the life you say you want. . But to achieve this, you will have to agree to feel absolutely everything, live in the present, stay balanced and in the center of your being.

Enjoy and delight in it, let your feelings soar. Measure, evaluate, choose, decide, visualize, plan and make it happen. This is being truly You, truly human.

By : Kathryn E.

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The pink glasses: new era trap

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