The fantastic therapeutic properties of water

Did you know that water is the medicine par excellence?

Well, although many people ignore it, its therapeutic possibilities are immense. And we are not referring to the current consumption of natural mineral waters, their use in balneotherapy or the properties of seawater, both ingested and in therapeutic baths. Its healing possibilities go much further. Because water can be activated, energized, energized, inducted, oxygenated, ozonized, mesmerized, chromatized, solarized, sonorized, ionized, magnetized, polarized, magnetized ... A world of incredible therapeutic possibilities that is barely known.

"Chronic dehydration is the root of most of the degenerative diseases of the human body and the greatest tragedy in the history of Medicine is that doctors have not understood - and still do not understand - the diversity of signals emitted by a body when, simply, it demands water ”. In this overwhelming way, the doctor of Iranian origin Feydoon Batmanghelidj expresses himself in his book His body demands water crying loudly.

For him, the most important medical discovery that man has made is to have realized that water is the best natural medicine for a large number of so-called diseases.

It is enough to understand it to verify that all the functions of the organism depend on the flow of water in the body. To the point that what for many doctors is a "sick body" for Batmanghelidj is not, on many occasions, but a "thirsty body" to which health can be returned by simply giving it the right amount of water.

Water of good biological quality - already described in our issue last month - is the cheapest form of preventive medicine known. This is demonstrated not only by the good results obtained when it is used as a therapeutic remedy but also by the finding that its shortage produces - over time - a good number of the diseases we know. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, more than 300, 000 people die every day due to water diseases and in developing countries 80% of the diseases that plague the population are due to lack or to water pollution.

Put bluntly and clearly: more and more experts say that it would be enough to drink a sufficient amount of water a day to avoid the appearance of many diseases, including degenerative diseases. Water keeps us healthy. Just don't confuse water with liquid. The human body needs a minimum of 2 liters of water a day and alcohol, tea, coffee or soft drinks are liquid ... but not water. Therefore, it is about drinking at least two liters of water, liquids apart.

Batmanghelidj explains that something in appearance as simple as ignoring the multiple chemical roles that water plays in the human body and ignoring that dehydration can cause the loss of some organic functions is the most essential mistake made by many colleagues. An error that has also diverted the focus of medical research attention and has prevented health professionals from advising their patients to prevent preventive measures and simple physiological cures even for serious illnesses. Hence - together with an increasingly large group of doctors, scientists and
researchers- postulate a new “scientific truth”, a simple but real and poorly understood paradigm: that water is essential to regulate all the functions of the body and, therefore, to function properly it is essential that it always arrives in sufficient quantity and in the necessary moment to the whole organism, especially to the vital organs (brain, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and kidneys).

Therefore, when this is not the case, the body sets up a series of sophisticated indicators to "let us know" that we need it. One of them is to provoke the sensation of thirst; What happens is that many times we do not recognize that request and sometimes we do not attend or satisfy it with a refreshing drink. In fact, the last indicator, the most obvious and the only one that we usually recognize is the dry mouth. This signal is the last external sign of extreme dehydration only that it is not always useful because it has been proven that the body can suffer dehydration even when the mouth is wet. Therefore, since sometimes it is difficult for us to understand the messages of our body when it asks us for water (not coffee, tea, or gaseous drinks), it is yours to pay conscious attention to the amount we eat. After all, prolonged dehydration for not attending to the signals emitted by the body can cause serious damage. And the bad thing is that this lack of water is treated by most of the doctors attending to the symptoms that it causes with what, depending on them, label the patient as sick from one pathology to another and they treat him with the drugs recommended in such cases.

That is, there is a basic medical ignorance that very often confuses a simple dehydration with several pathologies. Basic error that is the main cause of the current high cost of the health system as well as the chronicity of many ailments that could be cured easily and quickly with water. The doctors - Batmanghelidj denounces - have learned to silence the different signs of water scarcity in the body with chemicals, something very harmful to the body's cells.

For example, water is the best natural diuretic but my colleagues continue to prescribe diuretics. They are thus treating their patients negligently because medications can damage the kidneys and, ultimately, the heart. Recommending water in controlled and sufficient doses would achieve the same in a cheaper way and without side effects. In short, Batmanghelidj says that a good part of the diseases diagnosed today are not really such but symptoms of a dehydrated body that simply is thirsty and asks for water.

He also notes that the belief that tea, coffee, alcohol or soft drinks are valid substitutes for water constitutes an elementary error that can have serious consequences. Because it is true that such drinks contain water but it is also true that they usually carry dehydrating agents that not only eliminate it once ingested but also end up with water from the body's reserves due to its strong action. Diuretic.

Moreover, the constant use of these beverages - which in most cases contain exciting substances - deprives the body of its full capacity to form hydroelectric energy. For example, excessive coffee may decrease the ability to attend and contribute to the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome as well as additional fatigue of the muscle. of the heart because of the excessive stimulation it causes. Likewise, the natural stimulants of coffee - and the same happens with tea - overexcite the central nervous system. Therefore, it is important to pay as much attention to the quantity and quality of what is eaten as to the quantity and quality of what is drunk.

In this regard, Dr. Batmanghelidj states that just as we have "hunger pain" we also have "thirst pain"; and in this case water is the only effective substance to provide relief. In those situations what the body wants, what it needs, what it asks for is water and only water.

The importance of water for life is known by man from his first steps as a species. That is why he has always worried about having it within his reach. And also from time immemorial he understood that a multitude of ailments could be treated with water. Moreover, our ancestors even knew something that only recently science has verified: that water is capable of storing any information that permeates it, however subtle it may be. A surprising ability that has led scientists like Peter Gross to talk about the "memory of water" (see attached box). Well, it is precisely this ability of water to store information is what has allowed man to intervene in its molecular structure All types of energies (sound, light, electric, etc.) and obtain "treated water" to be used as an ocoadjuvant therapeutic remedy of proven efficacy in the treatment of various ailments.

The possible therapeutic possibilities with water are numerous. Felicísimo Ramos, professor and doctor of Chemical Sciences and Physical Sciences, collects some in his book Magnetized Water (Mandala, 1994). To them we add other possibilities that complete a really amazing panorama. Because today we know that water can be: -Activate. This is what the one obtained by Piccardi is called by putting ordinary water in contact with a glass vial containing mercury and neon gas under reduced pressure. The water thus treated serves to descale the calcareous deposits.

It is achieved by irradiating the water with light at different frequencies and colors.

It is obtained by exposing the water to a weak energy that manages to increase in its molecules the distance of the hydrogen atoms from those of hydrogen and decreases the angle of spatial placement of the mimes. That force is exerted by the small electrostatic fields that generate a group of crystals of sodium chloride and lithium chloride. Such crystals - properly treated - are introduced into glass ampoules that in turn are submerged for a few hours in the container where the water is - for example, a glass - thus giving rise to resonance to the dialytic water.

It is therefore a "water with dislocated atoms" capable of breaking up and "smoothing out" stones (kidney, bile, etc.) thanks to which the expulsion of the stones can be achieved without pain. Likewise, it increases the solubility of the mineral salts that circulate in the blood and urine - especially the calcium ones - preventing them from precipitating and constituting new calculations or increasing the thickness of the existing ones.

The dynamic water - which has therapeutic properties - is obtained according to the method created by Marcel Violet through a condenser whose tension is harmonized with the patient's energy. The process is also known by this name, which consists in vigorously stirring homeopathic preparations once diluted in order to enhance their healing properties.

Energize or pranize:
It is called energized or pranized water which results after pouring it 8 times in a row from one container to another from a height of half a meter.

It is a process created by Ludwig in 1984 by virtue of which water is subjected to the action of the plasmons of the essential trace elements contained in the iron and projected by the electric current of an electromagnet. -Red cosmic. It is the water that is obtained by its exposure to cosmic energies during the night. Simply place a glass of running water at night to the serene after having added a pinch of bicarbonate and let it load with natural cosmic radiation. With this method a therapeutic water is obtained with which notable improvements are achieved in numerous patients, especially those with renal and dermatological conditions.

It is the result of subjecting water to the action of a permanent magnet magnetic field that changes its physical properties. Depending on the magnetization conditions, magnetized water, ionized water, polarized water or magnetic water can be obtained. The latter is the one with the greatest healing capacity; In fact, excellent results have been obtained in the treatment of numerous pathologies.

It is called mesmerized water that is charged with vital energy by making an imposition of hands, attending to Messmer's postulates about animal magnetism.

Hydrogen peroxide contains two atoms of hydrogen and two others of oxygen (instead of one like running water) and is basically used as a general antiseptic. In medicine it is mainly applied for cleaning and disinfection of skin wounds. Also with this water objects are sterilized, stains are removed, starches, tails and proteins are modified and mold production and bacterial population in food are controlled.-Ozonize. Ozone is a gas that is generated from oxygen when a high voltage discharge is applied. Thanks to it, part of the oxygen (O2) is transformed into ozone (O3). Then that gas - ozone - dissolves in water, obtaining an ozonized water that acquires various therapeutic properties depending on the proportion of ozone.

Today, ozone is used in medicine to treat all types of viral, bacterial or fungal infections, both acute and chronic. Ozonized water is currently used already, for example, in dental infections. Also, ozone is used to purify water - eliminating the unpleasant color, smell and taste if it has them - and disinfect it from pathogenic bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms not sensitive to the action of chlorine.
All diseases that occur with hypoxia, that is, with lack of oxygen in the tissues: Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis and its complications, gangrene, ulcers and varicose veins.
Other diseases such as herniated discs, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, AIDS, Parkinson's, allergies, asthma, abscesses, acne, anal fistula, liver cirrhosis, herpes, thrombophlebitis, etc.-

Solarized water is simply water that is left for several hours exposed to solar radiation.-Sound. It is called to sound the exposure or stimulation of water with sounds (for example, with music).

Although we have already briefly talked about the possibility of magnetizing water, we must expand the information offered to clarify to the reader the differences between magnetized water, ionized water, polarized water and magnetic water itself. And we do it based on the work of the aforementioned Felicísimo Ramos, a Spanish specialist of recognized prestige.-It is called magnetized water that is subjected to the influence of the magnetic field of a magnet for a certain time. For example, simply placing a large magnet under a glass of water. The water thus magnetized has descaling properties and attenuates the chlorine taste of the water treated with it.

Likewise, it prevents and helps dissolve small kidney and gall stones in addition to strengthening the immune system.-Ionized water is referred to as water whose conductivity increases after being subjected to the action of a weak electric or magnetic field that acts on dissolved electrolyte salts. in the same. In addition to the properties of the magnetized water, the ionized one stabilizes the potential of the sodium-potassium pump, prevents high tension, reduces the viscosity of the blood, fluidizes it and helps to “unclog” the blood vessels.-The polarized water is that in which the magnetic field has enough power to cause a spin in the dipole molecules of water. In addition to the therapeutic properties of the other magnetized waters, the polarized one favors the growth of living cells, increases the number of red blood cells strengthening them and improves the appetite and dynamism of human metabolism; All this without causing negative reactions in the body.

Finally, it is the magnetic water that results from being subjected to the action of an intense magnetic field under certain conditions, acquiring different specific physical properties. In addition to having the therapeutic properties of the other three types of magnetized waters, the magnetic normalizes the levels of cholesterol and urea in the blood, is effective in the treatment of diabetes, permeabilizes cell membranes, is effective when suffering from nausea, Flatulence, belly swelling and constipation, improves cellulite and obesity problems, increases intestinal peritaltism, accelerates the digestive process, protects against stress ulcers, softens the skin and increases hair shine. It also protects the cells of the inner wall of the trunk arteries from deterioration - and therefore prevents arteriosclerosis - protects the skin from radiation and prevents dermatitis and acne. It also has a marked diuretic effect.

It should be added that before Batmanghelidj, Ramos or Gross there were many other people who talked about the importance of water for life. This is the case of the Frenchman René Quinton, who at the end of the 19th century based it on the fact that everything that is alive on the planet - from the sap of plants to the blood streams of all species - proceeds and is made up of she. And more specifically, seawater.

That's why studying it thoroughly became his obsession. And so he came to show that many diseases could be cured with seawater. Bathing in it, ingesting it in small doses and even replacing human blood plasma with properly treated marine water.

Today purified seawater extracted from great depths baptized as Quinton Plasma in his honor for the discovery- helps to cure or improve the symptoms of pathologies as disparate as skin conditions -included psoriasis-, malnutrition, asthma, prostate problems, arthritis, osteoporosis, bronchitis, gingivitis, gastrointestinal problems, imbalance of the central and immune nervous systems, obesity, chronic fatigue, sinusitis, anorexia and stress, among other ailments.

In Spain, its use as a dietary supplement is authorized today even though its therapeutic properties have been verified for decades. Even in cases of cancer and AIDS.

At this point it cannot surprise us that many consider water as `` blue gold '' or that 2, 500 years before Christ Thales of Miletus defined it as `` the beginning of all that It exists. Moreover, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1912, Dr. Alexis Carrol, relates water and immortality when he says: `` The cell is immortal. It is really the fluid in which it floats, basically water, that degenerates. Renewing this fluid at intervals would provide the cells with what they need for food and, as far as we know, the pulse of life will continue forever. After reading such a suggestive reflection, it would be no more beginning to consider replacing a cup of coffee, tea or the recurring cola soda that we drink daily for a simple but fantastic glass of water. Especially now that with the closeness of the summer rigor the organism will claim it more often. Pay attention to your body and drink quality water. I will notice.
Laura Jimeno Mu oz

When to drink water?
According to experts, the best times to drink water are three: nothing more than getting out of bed in the morning (one or two glasses of water of 200 ml.), Half an hour before the meal and dinner (one glass) and two and a half hours after them (another 200 ml glass). Likewise, it is recommended to drink between two and three glasses over the day. Such is the minimum amount that the organism needs each day. Remember that dehydration is the main stressor of all living matter.

How do you know if you are dehydrated?
This happens whenever the mouth dries. Also look at the color of your urine; normally, it must be colorless or slightly yellow. If it starts to get dark your body is getting dehydrated. The dark color means that the kidneys are working with very little water and the urine is saturated with waste.

Therapeutic efficacy of magnetic water
Dr. Felicà ©imo Ramos affirms in his work Magnetized Water (Ed. Mandala) that magnetic water is effective in the treatment of abscesses, acidity, acne, thrush, allergies, amenorrhea, anorexia, arthritis, asthma, goiter, bronchitis, cramps, gallstone, kidney stone, cancer, dandruff, cataracts, cold, sciatica, colic, colitis, conjunctivitis, seizures, muscle weakness, diabetes, diarrhea, urinary difficulties, heart difficulties, dysentery, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, dysuria, badness, pain (head, back, toothache, knees, etc.), eczema, gums, enuresis, scalds, spondylitis, spondylosis, constipation, fever, fistula, fissure, flatulence, fractures, bumps, gonorrhea, gout, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, wounds, hernia, herpes, hydrocele, hypertension, inflammations, insomnia, jaundice, leucoderma, leukorrhea, lumbago, malaria, migraine, nephritis, nervousness, pneumonia, neuralgia, neu ritis, obesity, palpitations, mumps, paralysis, memory loss, bites, pyorrhea, polio, polyps, high blood pressure, vision problems, prostatitis, psoriasis, burns, rickets, rheumatism, rubella, measles, syphilis, sinusitis, typhus, tinea, sprains, trachoma, biliary disorders, tuberculosis, breast tumors, uterine tumors, ulcer, urticaria, chicken pox, vegetations, vertigo, vomiting, etc. In addition, it improves circulation, lowers the cholesterol index and boosts the immune system. Almost nothing…

The "memory of water"
When we drink water from a spring or from a well, we drink pure, living water, which in that natural state has a stable and orderly structure composed of two molecules of hydrogen and one of oxygen. But in addition to that simple molecular structure, more and more scientists claim that pure water has a kind of data file, a memory that allows it to store information and energy - obtained in the form of molecular vibrations - that it has absorbed from substances with which he has been in contact. According to these experts, including Peter Gross, water has a kind of memory that allows it to store information, both harmful and therapeutic, and transmit it to other biological organisms - including humans - in the form of electromagnetic frequencies.

Water and chronic pain
Chronic body aches that are not due to an injury or infection should be interpreted as signs of a chronic reduction of water in the area where the disease is located. So says at least Dr. Batmanghelidj according to which these chronic pains include dyspeptic pain (gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer ...), rheumatoid arthritic, angina, lumbar, walking legs, migraine and Headaches, hangover and colitis. And he adds that these ailments can be treated with the simple daily intake of at least two and a half liters of water.

Magnetic water
As the reader probably already knows how water performs in the body - among other - two fundamental missions: it transports the nutritional elements and drains the organic waste; for which you need to dissolve the substances and then drag them. Well, one of these missions is improved - according to Dr. Felicísimo Ramos - if the water is magnetic since it is diuretic, light, assimilable, mineralized and does not have the disadvantage of forming harmful microcrystals for the organism; In addition, by their action the excretory ducts expand widely and allow the mobilized waste to pass through. That is, magnetic water drains the body and regulates all the body's systems: circulatory, nervous, locomotor, digestive, respiratory, excretory, reproductive and endocrine. It also favors vital functions in several important aspects.

It collaborates effectively in the digestive process avoiding the disorders caused by the insufficient solvent power of common water. By dissolving the magnetic water better, the salts of the foods better assimilate the nutrients and avoid constipation and diarrhea.-It helps to effectively expel the gases that cause the swelling of the abdomen.-Penetrates deeper into the skin and takes longer to dry with what the skin is moist and soft longer. And by cleaning the pores in depth, it makes any cream we use better absorbed, enhancing its protective action.-Increases the solubility of salts. That is why, by regularly supplying it to those who have kidney and gallbladder stones, it can, in a large percentage, eliminate kidney and gallstones and reduce the possibility of producing more.

Diabetics who consume magnetic water achieve a significant increase in pancreatic functions with the possibility of reducing medication.

Regulates blood circulation by decreasing the viscosity of the blood.-Eliminates fatigue and helps maintain good health.

It can be used for dryness and eye pain, eczema and for cleaning the mouth in cases of halitosis and ulcers in the mucous membranes.

It has bactericidal action that is evident in the healing of small wounds and skin scratches.

So far some of the properties described by Dr. Ramos. Only in addition to the statements, the French doctor Louis Donnet highlights other therapeutic effects. As claimed, the magnetic water: -

Progressively and lastingly regulates blood pressure, acts on the tone and elasticity of the lungs and stomach and has a beneficial effect on variations in the hormonal system.

Get the cholesterol and urea rates frequently return to their normal values. -

It helps to make cellulite disappear, fluidizes blood, improves circulation and preserves the elasticity of blood vessels. Thus, it prevents thrombosis and high blood pressure.

It increases the peristaltic movements of the intestine due to the effect that magnetic water produces on the bile.

The therapeutic effects are notable in digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, flatulence, constipation, etc.

The vesicular region becomes soft and painless. In the stool the evacuation of small gallstones is detected and in 2 or 3 months the uric stones disappear for the most part.-

It improves the skin making it softer.

It softens and eliminates hardness and improves dermatosis. Nails and hair improve appearance and shine.

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