The energies left to us by the door of lion 8-8 and the way to 11-11-11

  • 2011

The portals are really cosmic energies and frequencies that are continuously radiating us with Light and propelling us towards awakening. The numbers on the calendar represent those frequencies and are an opportunity to consciously align to them.

However, it is necessary to remember that We, as Human beings, are not the ones who open the portals. The Word Portal is only the reference to the energy of Opening, because it represents a beginning, a change, the entrance to something new. That is why they are energy doors through which we enter into alignment with their cosmic energies. Consciously tuning into these energies allows us to receive in our body of Light new energy calibrations that propel us towards reconnection with all that we are. And the dates of the calendar, are only the reminder to enter that alignment.

Together, we are remembering . Reactivating the galactic network of information in our DNA and body of Light. Therefore, the portals that are happening on each calendar date, are an opportunity for us to reconnect to that cosmic network of light that carries the memories of everything we are. Remember, our linear mind still needs alignment parameters and a certain order. Soon we will enter the non-time and the cyclic portals based on the calendar will cease to exist. Because we can all synchronize to cosmic energies whenever we believe it necessary.

For now, we continue with the evolutionary cycles. And the closest and most important this year will be 11:11:11. For which, we have already begun to prepare.

The Lion Gate 8-8

The Lion Gate 8-8 is a planetary cosmic event in which, our Sun aligns perfectly with the Syrian Sun. This allows us to receive information and Light from the Sirian solar consciousness, which represents and carries for us the connection with the ancestral Cosmic Wisdom. On August 8 of each year Sirius and our Sun rise on the horizon together displaying a majestic cosmic dance that allows us to align ourselves to receive their energies and propel us into the connection with the Light.

Every year the portal of Leon 8-8 brings us different frequency ranges aligned with the solar cosmic pulsations coming from the Central Sun of the Galaxy.

This year the planetary energies of 8-8 have been of purification and alignment . The weeks before 8-8 and throughout this week that followed, you may have experienced a very strong movement inside your being. What has happened in these last days? The initial fall of the veils of separation .

We all have veils within us that do not allow us to see clearly and align ourselves with our divine truth. Those veils correspond to our thousands of egos.

When we remain aligned to the ego, we are aligning ourselves to an illusory reality that does not correspond to our true light essence. Therefore, we align ourselves with old beliefs, wounds and attitudes that in these new energies in which we have entered planetaryly can no longer be sustained. The veils fall and everything comes to light, even the shadows of our ego. Everything that prevents us from reconnecting with the All has to be released and the only way to do it is to face it. Face those more "dark" aspects of our Being.

But everything is for good, everything drives us to grow.

If you have been living in the last days energetic imbalances, disappointments, depression or confrontations with other people or with yourself or even a small or large crisis of Faith. It is part of the process, you are letting go of what vibrated in inconsistency with Your Light.

We are living the adjustments of the Planetary Frequencies and with it, the entrance to new frequencies and vibrational states of Being. So that we can completely align ourselves and experience these new energies belonging to the new Earth, we must free ourselves from everything that represents The old energy. The Duality of the ego, the lie, the manipulation, the jealousy, etc etc ... do not belong to the new energy, do not belong to the Light and therefore, are veils that must fall.

The important thing right now is to go to the heart. For when the veils fall and the masks and the darkest parts of our Being are revealed, we tend to scare and defend ourselves.

Now more than ever we must surrender to the Divine will and accept the mistakes made. Allow Love to heal wounds and above all, remember that we are LIGHT, that we have always been and that by discovering those aspects that prevent us from moving forward, confronting them and releasing them, we are taking a gigantic step towards that Light. Let's walk without fear.

Let us ask our Higher Self to enlighten us and fill us with Light. Let's focus on our hearts, to be able to discern and separate the straw from the wheat inside.

It is a beautiful process, if we live it with our heart and without fear, to assume what we have been, what we have done, without guilt and with deep gratitude for what we have learned, will lead us to free ourselves quickly from the masks that They hide our ego. Confront it with Love and say: It is time for you to align with the heart, you have done your part in my learning.

The Road to 11-11-11

Well, 11:11:11 will mean for all of us and for the Planet a great leap of Consciousness and openness to those higher dimensions.

For this, we must prepare. That is why these previous months are of great movement. All the energy is driving us to release and free ourselves from the old bonds, fears and conditioning. Mother Earth is doing her part too!

We have to remember something very important: Mother Earth is making planetary alignments in the grids, those alignments involve physical movements, such as earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. Each of these movements is experienced within us. When the tides move, the planetary emotional body moves, therefore, our inner tides move, releasing our oldest feelings and emotions. Everything is connected, we are united to Mother Earth in every possible way. Our Waters are your Waters.

When the Earth moves through earthquakes, our internal lands move. This causes the movements of the old foundations of personality and that which does not correspond to our true essence is purified and released. And the changes in these times are really accelerated.

With 11-11-11 we will receive a great influx of cosmic energies, which will lead us to the awakening of our Galactic memories and therefore, Mother Earth is getting dressed Gala, releasing and purifying pain memories.

Many of you are being called to Planetary work for the liberation of those memories. Many are feeling the need to honor the Earth and the original Peoples, to return the Light that belongs to them and free them.

The Eruption of the Puyehue Volcano is part of the preparation for 11-11-11. Through fire and ash, Mother Earth has released all the pain accumulated over millennia. Pain that corresponds to the oldest towns. The Peoples of the South, who carried in their genetic memory the Lemurian Cosmic legacy.

Here I share a fragment of a channeling that I did to my dear Friend Doris, from Ushuaia. (Thank you for allowing me to disseminate the information)

The land of fire was part of the great lemuria.

This island (Tierra de Fuego) is a fragment of Lemuria, the cosmic seeds of the original peoples were sown. The Inca Peoples carried the Lemurian seed linked to the Sun.

The Maori and Hawaiian peoples carried the galactic seed linked to the Water.

The Tehuelche peoples carried the galactic seed linked to fire and wind.

The seed of the land belongs to the Rapa Nui people.

Each of these groups are Lemurian star seeds.

Lemurian Memory is that fractal of our galactic memory that is reactivating at this time, as we move forward in the ascension process and remember that our origin is eternal, cosmic, sacred. This Memory wakes up, it is reactivated in the now to remind us that Humanity was destined to live in Harmony with the galactic tribes. The original Peoples knew it and honored that truth. It is time that within us, our native memory resurfaces, which is also galactic memory.

This 11-11-11 the Planetary Crystals of the Mountains will be reactivated in the Andes Mountains. Gigantic crystals, which in joint resonance, will transmit the Solar Kundalini Energy to the entire Planet. Acting as a large network in connection with all the Crystals of the Planet, later in 2012, reactivate the planetary solar disks.

This will allow us to enter the resonance of the reactivation and awaken in our interior our galactic memory.

That is why Mother Earth considered it necessary to reactivate the Puyehue volcano and many other volcanoes of the Planet, in order to release the pain energies that were stuck in her gut. Dear Family of Light of Bariloche, have patience and Faith, your beloved city will rebuild it, uniting your hearts and wills. Many people on the Planet pray for you, stand firm in your heart and Unity. There is a great Cosmic Planetary force on your Earth working for the expansion of the Light. We regret everything that is happening, however the Will of the Human Being is always stronger than adversity and together they will succeed.

We are moving forward in the process, we are living in times of change and a lot of interior and exterior movement.

Let's stay United! Let us not allow the ego to further promote separation. In this time, more than ever, it is necessary that all the Servants of the Light unite, each one from its truth and frequency, begin to cooperate for the Earth and the process. And above all, Honor us, respect us and accept all truths, without judgment.

The work of each one of you is Sacred! Dare to break your fears and, above all, overcome the barriers of Judgment and separation. We really are ONE. And as such, we must cooperate in LOVE!

We are blessed in Love and Joy, always!

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